DOS Game Dark Seed
11/18/04 10:24 PM
11/18/04 10:24 PM
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I'm currently attempting to play an old DOS game Dark Seed by Cyberdreams. I'm stuck in day 1. You are to pick up a package delivered to the front door. No matter when I attempt to pick up the package within day 1, the game crashes and starts over. I hope someone remembers this game and can give me an idea what to do; a work around, patch or saved game. I've tried everything I can think of including reistalling the game. The game I'm playing is on CD. I downloaded a fresh copy of the game from the net hoping the problem was my CD. However, the downloaded version had the same problem. If anyone played this game did they encounter the same problem?
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/19/04 04:59 PM
11/19/04 04:59 PM
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Hi InlandAZ! When it comes to the OS I about tried them all. We keep our old computers (if they are functional) when we upgrade. So I've tried Windows 98SE, Windows 98, Windows 95, all in various modes, (MSDOS window, restarting in DOS, changing program to ignore Windows). The game basically runs fine in them all, except for that goofy problem in Day 1 with the package. I thought maybe I wasn't supposed to pick it up, but all walkthroughs indicate you must in order to get to Day 2. I didn't try the game in our XP SP1 or XP SP2 computers, I figured that would be a lost cause. I guess if someone doesn't come up with an answer, I'll have to put the game back on the shelf. It's probably something stupid I'm doing but I can't for the life of me figure out what it could be. All and any help would be greatly appreciated!!
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/20/04 05:57 PM
11/20/04 05:57 PM
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Hello Fellow Boomers! Thanks to all who were kind enough to respond to my post. Hi InlandAZ! Games states it is Version 1.51 at one place and Version 1.5P at another place (indentity crisis I think). Did I understand your post correctly, that you managed to get to Day 2? If you did, do you have a saved game of that magic moment? I would be thrilled if you could share it with me. In the mean time. Hi Jenny100! I read Glynn's advice about the Attrib -r. Maybe I have the syntax wrong cause it didn't work. I looked at the sites you suggested, but I still can't figure it out. If you could please supply the syntax line as you think it should read would be a great help. I don't know guys, that little ANAL part of my brain just won't let me put this game back on the shelf.
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/21/04 11:58 AM
11/21/04 11:58 AM
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I've torn up my computer room by moving 3 desks. All the computers except this one  are stand-alone boxes with unattached piles of tangled cables on the floor. In a few days when I get an old computer up & running, I will try out Glynn's solution. I too can't bear to put a non-functional game aside. Sometimes I've fussed with one for years. (like this one) Here's hoping.....promise to report back.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/21/04 08:21 PM
11/21/04 08:21 PM
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Greetings All!
Update on Dark Seed.
Tried the Attrib -r idea on my Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 98SE machines. It definitely removed the read only settings; however, the game still crashes when the package is picked up.
I'm open to another idea, suggestion, etc. If someone has a saved game of the beginning of Day 2, that would be most excellent.
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/22/04 07:09 AM
11/22/04 07:09 AM
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Hi InlandAZ!
Wow!! That is too Cool! Someone actually made it to Day 2!!
Is it possible for you to email me that saved game? It would give my ANAL little mind a rest if I could progress in the game.
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/22/04 03:09 PM
11/22/04 03:09 PM
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Hi InlandAZ!
Yes, I quess it would help if you could see my email address. (I woke up with a miserable cold and I'm not hitting on all my cylinders). I think I adjusted my profile correctly. I look forward to receiving the saved game.
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/22/04 03:30 PM
11/22/04 03:30 PM
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Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/22/04 05:10 PM
11/22/04 05:10 PM
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Hi InlandAz!
I received and installed your saved game, and I thank you. However, there seems to be a small problem. I think the save you sent me was for Day 1 before the package was picked up not Day 2. The reason I say this is the game crashed when I picked up the package. I then looked at your inventory items you had at that point in time versus what I had for Day 1. You showed 5 items whereas I has 11. Some of those 6 items were necessary to procede to Day 2. I looked in the locations where I had found them, and they were not retrieved from those locations in your save. Is it possible you sent me the wrong save?
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/22/04 08:07 PM
11/22/04 08:07 PM
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Thank you InlandAZ for the save game, it enabled me to play Day 2!!! But I'd say Dark Seed has some major transition issues. At the end of Day 2 Mike Dawson says that he's ready to go to bed and lays down on his bed. Logically you would think Day 3 would start. Instead Dark Seed elects to crash and start at Day 1 again. All and all not a very fun little game. I think it's Shelf City for this little gem. Maybe in another 1 1/2 years I'll get it down and give it a third try.
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.
Re: DOS Game Dark Seed
11/23/04 07:46 AM
11/23/04 07:46 AM
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Hi Glynn! Well I can't be sure of anything at this point. But the game said it was the First Day in his new house, and everything was gone from inventory except his money. Is that how your Day 3 started?
You do not get Harmony, if you all sing the same note.