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The Ultimate Glitch #136911
09/03/03 09:58 PM
09/03/03 09:58 PM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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This morning when I was logged on to get my email, I heard a sound from my CPU tower. As I glanced over toward the glass wall on the side, I saw a tiny lizard drop to the bottom of the case. WTF? I quickly shut down the PC, not wanting to lose anything if a certain little lizard decided to walk across the motherboard on my new PC. I do have to explain - I live in Florida, and these things are everywhere! There are probably ten for every square yard of lawn. They get into your house, no matter what you do. And they run so fast, you can't catch them. I know they eat insects, but I'd rather not have one debug my PC, thank you very much.

I thought up all kinds of ways to drive him out - like putting a small amt of bleach or ammonia on the bottom of the case, but I was afraid if I spilled it, what might it do to my PC? I finally just took the side off, and let him escape, and he must have done that, because I don't see him tonight at all. But just to be sure, I'll leave the side off till tomorrow morning.

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

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It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136912
09/03/03 10:03 PM
09/03/03 10:03 PM
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Just don't be surprised when you find three lizards living in your CPU tomorrow. lol

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Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136913
09/03/03 11:32 PM
09/03/03 11:32 PM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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"He" is still in there, but trying to hide from me. I still have the side off, just leaning on the tower. He isn't getting the message to leave. Harrumph!

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136914
09/03/03 11:34 PM
09/03/03 11:34 PM
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I left you a couple of messages over at TAC. Look in the "Misc." forum. wink

Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136915
09/03/03 11:55 PM
09/03/03 11:55 PM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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TY for the messages, nice welcome. BTW, do you know if lizards are egg-layers or live bearers? You got me worried. I doubt if it is a problem, since they try to find a food source for their young, but...ya never know!

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136916
09/04/03 12:08 AM
09/04/03 12:08 AM
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TheDerman Offline
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Are you sure he wasn't included in the price? Check with the computer place to see if they were giving away lizards that day.


No seriously - a lizard in your computer - I had never ever thought about that happening - but I do live in England - we get a few mice every now and then - I hope one of them doesn't get in my PC.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136917
09/04/03 12:25 AM
09/04/03 12:25 AM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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No actually, I had even seen the little bugger the night before, darting around my PC, but it never occurred to me that he might be able to get in, or that he'd even want to.

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136918
09/04/03 01:04 AM
09/04/03 01:04 AM
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I'd see if I could dump him out. But that's just me.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136919
09/04/03 01:11 AM
09/04/03 01:11 AM
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Please keep us posted. I'm dying to know who/what finally wins this encounter.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136920
09/04/03 08:01 AM
09/04/03 08:01 AM
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Maybe you can get him a pair of very small "static free" slippers so he won't short anything himself and then he can keep the "bugs" out of your computer. Might develope into the ultimate in keeping computers "bug free". You'll make a fortune. laugh

I didn't do it......and if I did I'm not guilty!
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136921
09/04/03 08:24 AM
09/04/03 08:24 AM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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LOL, well this morning when I turned on the PC,and didn't see him, I thought he was gone, but NO, he was still there! So I took the advice of a friend, got a 1" paintbrush, and shooed him out. He startled me by jumping toward me instead of away, causing me to drop the paintbrush, but, what the heck, I got him out. I quickly closed up the PC tower, which is on a small table ( I keep it up so bugs don't get in, right?), and he jumped to the floor. Now, either my cat will get him, or if I can catch him, I'll toss him outside.

Jenny, I couldn't dump him out, this tower weighs a ton, and I can't pick it up.

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136922
09/04/03 05:22 PM
09/04/03 05:22 PM
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Hooray!!! bravo

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136923
09/05/03 06:51 AM
09/05/03 06:51 AM
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Well, I suppose a lizard is a lot more interesting than an earwig or a spider!
//^oo^\\ ugh!

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Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136924
09/05/03 07:26 AM
09/05/03 07:26 AM
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I've never seen that spider construction before. I like it. Here's my rendition of the lizard that took over Fairygodmother's tower.


I have named him Spock.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136925
09/05/03 09:54 AM
09/05/03 09:54 AM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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lol, he wasn't much bigger than that, either -

< : o ,','>>>>>--------------

more like that in length

Spock, huh? he didn't have pointy ears, sorry.

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136926
09/05/03 10:54 AM
09/05/03 10:54 AM
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Becky Offline
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lol No, but he was going Where No Lizard Had Gone Before.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136927
09/05/03 04:23 PM
09/05/03 04:23 PM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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How right you are! LOL Very funny!

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136928
09/05/03 05:01 PM
09/05/03 05:01 PM
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"Spock" should be able to outrun anyone. Looks like a four wheeler to me! laugh

I didn't do it......and if I did I'm not guilty!
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136929
09/05/03 05:45 PM
09/05/03 05:45 PM
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This post had me howling.
I know you were worried, but take a step back and read this whole thresd through one time.
It is hysterical.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136930
09/06/03 12:17 PM
09/06/03 12:17 PM
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Fairygdmther Offline OP
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Well fortunately the little bugger was too scared to move very much, or I wouldn't have dared to run the PC until I was sure he was out of it. Even after leaving the side off for 24 hours, with lights out, and door closed so the cat couldn't pester him, he still didn't leave till I went after him with the paintbrush. When I got this PC, I didn't really care that the side was glass, and you could see into it. Imagine what strange things I would have heard, and not known what was inside, if I couldn't see into the tower.

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136931
09/06/03 01:05 PM
09/06/03 01:05 PM
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I don't understand how he could get in a computer case. Where did he get in?

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136932
09/06/03 03:10 PM
09/06/03 03:10 PM
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That, jenny, is the story for the next Nancy Drew.....

...."Nancy Drew and The Mischevious Lizard"

or something like that.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136933
09/07/03 09:20 AM
09/07/03 09:20 AM
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Well I don't really know for sure, but he would fit through the spaces in the grill over the fan. He was really very tiny, maybe 4" overall length, but only a 1/4- 1/3" wide, less than the width of a pencil. If he worked one arm in at a time, he could fit easily through that. I just don't know why. Even when the PC is off, there are a couple of tiny lights that blink off and on, and maybe he thought they were bugs?! Maybe I need to get some screens for the fans.

Come visit us at Mystery Manor

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But, ah, my foes, and, oh, my friends -
it gives a lovely light.

Edna Saint Vincent Millay
Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136934
09/07/03 09:49 AM
09/07/03 09:49 AM
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I once opened up the case on an older computer and was surprised to find a spider's web. The spider wasn't in residence, however.

Re: The Ultimate Glitch #136935
09/07/03 01:43 PM
09/07/03 01:43 PM
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Screens for the fans might be a good idea.
If you hadn't let him out, he'd probably have died in there.

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