Hi! Because I posted once in this thread, I receive all the update notices. I love MS Spyware as I shared earlier!
It's Beta, as I understand. And so often, if one does recognize the program, yes, it warns you and you can allow it! It offers a quick or deep scan. It's quick and doesn't take a lot of room.
Norton Professional....ewwww! Huge, hoggy, program! Too complicated to use and slows computer down more and more.
I also added the MS Malicious Software removal tool.
http://www.microsoft.com/security/malwareremove/default.mspx Now, what fun and easy. (What I don't get about this little, neat feature is I open the file and it scans. I just wonder have I installed it? It functions so easily that it's a mystery! As each time I ask for a scan, it doesn't install, it scans. Some of the experts here, may have it. Am I using it correctly? I do get results too! All is clean!) Is it a weak program? Or strong?
Pop-ups! We all know these can be virus carriers. On some NVidia cards, under Desktop Manager/
Applications/Enhancements, there is a pop-up blocker. I constantly forget as there is also one with the SP2 from MS under Tools on the Toolbar, too.
To see a desired pop-up, and if one disables the Tools pop-up blocker and doesn't want to go to the hassle of turning off the Nvidia blocker, quickly have your mouse on the desired pop-up and hit Control button. A bunch of circles pop-up but you've grabbed the desired pop-up. Otherwise, let a dubious pop-up die.
At Gateway, when I ask the site to scan for my computer's serial number, this is in the form of a pop-up but done so fast, it can't be grabbed. I go there to look at my computer's updates.
(Lately GW's update hasn't been reliable though.)
Now, non of these will catch all pop-ups! This is what is always explained when one installs a pop-up blocker tool.
Also, there is something like "frame stealing" where I've received two viruses. My phrasing isn't exact. So security settings can help, but it's so difficult to avoid those kind of "set ups!" Anyone have any ideas here? I need help for this problem.
I describe it as a site that's overrided by another page so fast, you see the original site and suddenly another page is over it! When that happens, it can be an indication that you've just been virused!
AVG catches it, puts it in jail. I found them researching contra-indications for drugs.
So read the address carefully of where you want to go.
If it's a blog, that can be iffy, boring and send one in circles. Blogs were mentioned earlier.
One must just and look at the address when doing searches and judge if it's one that's known, sounds familiar, or judge if it could be just some doofus with some private site that might not be well protected.
Sometimes viruses are set to attack on sites that are frequently visited but not maintained. I figure it's some guy paying back the site as somehow the site made them angry! Maybe the mean person was cheated by that site! Who knows? It just punishes all of us!
Add-ons! Has this been discussed? There are two places to find these and the lists may differ!
These, if unrecognized, are still rather mysterious for me, but can be invasive, as I understand it.
You can update the Add-ons or Remove them if you it's not MS verified or dubious. Some are not dubious and not MS verified but okay, like the Gateway Update manager. That's about all I know about Add-ons, but I think this is something to be looked at for spyware. I just don't know enough about them!
(Offtopic, GW update manager is unreliable. It's best to update drivers at each hardware/software site. GW Update manager gave me drivers for a laptop and I have a desktop.
Installing cabs isn't the topic here, but each should be checked for being appropriate for your computer. So much work!)
If I repeat anything in this thread, sorry!
There are more fun downloads and I am now using Microsoft Update rather than Windows Update.
I also have it set so that they can email me when there's something new. It shows many more downloads to choose from as desired.
** Also, Inferno, do any of your tools help with that "Frame stealing" problem? I scanned the list and frankly don't know which tool might help. Comment if you have a momment. Or anyone's comments would be appreciated.
**Blsbet44, I can't find my darned third party cookies handler. Is it a third party browser?
I've looked and looked under Tools in Win XP.
Is there a site, or list somewhere for the best settings for Tools/Adanced? Are there other parts of Win XP that these can be adjusted?
I am missing this and know to do this but "Cookies" isn't on my Advanced list and that was a recommendation from one site but I can't find it! Or I'm impatient to read each detail but know I've scoured this area.
I know I've had links to sites with lists of what to check off for Tools/Advanced but have since lost them doing reinstalls.
Hope I've helped and not confused. Hope that discussing viruses wasn't too off topic!
Many of these tools offer an option of recording up to 1,000 results! Hmm....I just found out that last night on one of the tools, I forget which one. I think 50 is more reasonable. Does that make sense? What would you choose/do?
Otherwise, it's something else that might take up a lot of room? Or am I being too cautious about record keeping taking up room on a computer?