Re: Outcast Options Help
05/05/03 05:46 PM
05/05/03 05:46 PM
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I just loaded in Outcast to see what was what and naturally my Options work just fine. I clicked on one of the icons on the right (I think it was the one on top) and got the screen that let me click for subtitles. Are you clicking on the up and down arrows to the left to change the screens? If that's a dumb question - sorry - not exactly sure why it's not working for you.
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Re: Outcast Options Help
05/05/03 08:01 PM
05/05/03 08:01 PM
Joined: Jun 2000
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Jen in Chgo
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Ok, back. Didn't fix it. Did notice one more thing, however.... The menu that pops up when I select Options from the starting main menu contains Mouse Sensitivity, Volume, & Music vs. Sound-effects. None of the things work except OK. If I try to use any of the slider bars the whole menu picks up & moves (like moving a window with the blue bar at the top). Even cancel doesn't work. sigh. I guess I just have to become a VERY good listener. When IN the game I can adjust the volume & whatnot I just cant program joystick keys or get subtitles. Well, at least I can play, right? Love, Jen
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Re: Outcast Options Help
05/06/03 06:08 AM
05/06/03 06:08 AM
Joined: Jun 2000
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Jen in Chgo
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AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!! I spoke too soon. Sure I can play but only for the current session I'm in. My saves wont load. Same deal as the options screen. No active stuff, clicking on the game to load does nothing except pick up the entire menu & move it. HELP!!! This game is WAY too long & involved to play straight thru. Plus I'm sure there's death. I just haven't found it yet. It seems like a yummy game, too. <img border="0" alt=" " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> Why wont my menus work??? <img border="0" alt=" " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> I've reinstalled & rebooted, and closed all TSR's so that ain't it. Any other ideas? Love, Jen
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Re: Outcast Options Help
05/06/03 11:27 AM
05/06/03 11:27 AM
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Re: Outcast Options Help
05/06/03 11:49 AM
05/06/03 11:49 AM
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Jen, this is a strange glitch I hadn't heard of before. Have you checked the support page for the game? I don't see anything that might help, but you can email their support. By the way, I recently found that when I tried to play Outcast on my faster 1 gig machine, the Twon-ha won't move. Below 800 mhz, you are probably okay.
Re: Outcast Options Help
05/12/03 08:52 PM
05/12/03 08:52 PM
Joined: Jun 2000
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Jen in Chgo
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Ok, I've NEARLY got the game working! Atari tech support(formerly Infogrames) has been talking me through various "fixes": ditched the joystick, updating drivers, updating DirectX, disabling TSR's, lowering graphics acceleration, blah blah blah. Nothing worked. Not their fault, they've been very helpful & I've learned a lot! I still can't get subtitles, nor really use any of the menus, except the "Start New Game" on the main menu, but I discovered that I can save & load from WITHIN the game. I never had a problem saving, it was the loading from the main load menu that wouldn't work. So I just Start New Game every time & my old saves are there for loading from within the game! Yippee!!!! Now if I can just get the playing screen back to full sized. It's only about 3 x 5 notecard sized at the moment. Just wanted to post incase anyone else had this odd problem. Love, Jen
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Re: Outcast Options Help
05/13/03 08:05 AM
05/13/03 08:05 AM
Joined: Jun 2000
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Jen in Chgo
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Jenny, per the Techie at Atari, I downloaded & installed DX-9.1a about a week ago. I still had a big screen. Last night I did the final 2 things he asked. Changed screen size to 640x480 & lowered graphics acceleration to basic. That's when the screen decided to shrink. I'm going to try to undo those things & see if it doesn't fix it. I just wish I would have thought of loading the darn game from within the game loooong ago. Well, at least it's running & I can save...I just need to use a microscope to play at the moment! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="tongue.gif" /> I'll get you my pretty & your little Twon-Ha too! Love, Jen Later....ok, I undid the graphics acceleration & the screen size & it brought it up to a nice 5x8 larger notecard size but still not full screen. I'll keep trying & if anyone has any ideas, please post 'em here!!!
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