That's a great question. We wanted to start a new series. Let the player discover brand new worlds/universes. We thought that it was time for our hero to start a new adventure.
Don't forget to pick up your copy of Atlantis Evolution.
Re: Why a New Atlantis Saga?#138432 10/19/0411:13 AM10/19/0411:13 AM
Atlantis seems like such a rich background for thoughts and can be what we dream it should be which makes it fun. Yet, with the Legends surrounding it, do you feel stifled by all the input?
playing DS2, Oblivion and WoW
Re: Why a New Atlantis Saga?#138433 10/20/0407:45 AM10/20/0407:45 AM
Just for fun - we do this one in French and English!
Le mythe de l'Atlantide, a de particulier que c'est justement un Mythe et que hormis les écrits de Platon, chacun peut avoir sa vision des choses.
Nous avons essayé de garder quelques fondamentaux et de construire une intrigue mêlant tout les ressorts et les sentiments que les humains peuvent ressentir.
J'ai surtout voulu qu'Atlantis Evolution remette un peu plus en avant l'aspect marin du Mythe. Il y a donc plusieurs décors où des éléments rappelent le passé marin de la cité de l'Atlantide.
The Atlantis myth, is exactly that... a myth, save Plato's writings, therefore each person can use their own imagination to determine what they think Atlantis really was.
We tried to keep some essentials roots and to build an intrigue mixing all the intrigues and the feelings that the human can feel.
I wanted to make sure that Atlantis Evolution highlights the aquatic aspect of the Myth. In the game there are different environments which remind the aquatic aspect of the Atlantis city.
Don't forget to pick up your copy of Atlantis Evolution.