For the game, did you work with maps of the current NYC, and then decide on certain changes? Did somebody from House of Tales visit New York and take thousands of photographs?
I'd have loved to do a research tour (I've never been to NY), but the budget just didn't allow it.
I used satellite pictures (thanks, mapquest

) and maps to plan the structure of the game's locations. The intersection where Peter lives is a real Brooklyn intersection. Also, the two subway stations exist in reality, and so does JFK, of course.
I wrote scene descriptions for these "real" scenes, and described the mood and "future" vision I had planned for them. I compiled hundreds of photographs and articles to get across to the artists how I thought Peter's NY looked like.
Then the job was completely up to the artists. They took my ideas and material, and created
their vision of that NY. It was really exciting for me to see the results.