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Just back from Shark Island (casual game) #33097
04/28/07 08:15 PM
04/28/07 08:15 PM
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kateri Offline OP
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Hey guys -

That was fun! Looks like the story line is pretty neat in addition to picking shells up off the beach....very nice! happydance


Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) #33098
04/28/07 08:46 PM
04/28/07 08:46 PM
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kateri, do you mean THIS game? Glad you enjoyed it!

Ana wave

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) #33099
04/28/07 11:32 PM
04/28/07 11:32 PM
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That would be it, Ana laugh could not hold myself back! happydance

REALLY enjoyed this one - the plot looks like it will be awesome.

Go play it if you have not had a chance yet.

Kateri - who is exhausted and bleary eyed after day 2 of excessive gaming help

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) #33100
04/29/07 10:07 AM
04/29/07 10:07 AM
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There's another one there call "Little Shop of Treasures" it's a seek and find and very nice graphics. The hints don't show you where the item is but it shows you what it looks like which does help. Also, it saves automatically if you want to leave.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) #33101
04/29/07 02:51 PM
04/29/07 02:51 PM
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Hey, Flo ~

I am aashamed to say that I have already hit everything except one or 2 - Little Shop being one of them. It was a lot of fun as well and I truly enjoyed it. I think the 3 that stick in my mind as "must-haves" would be Shark Island, Ravenhurst and Huntsville....though Mysteryville sort of piqued my interest.

Actually - the brutal truth is that I would like to have ALL of them, except Paris 360 which gave me travel sickness! lol


Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: kateri] #140169
05/07/07 02:31 PM
05/07/07 02:31 PM
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I would buy it if it (Little Shop of Treasures) comes to Big fish, but no way will I pay $20. for it. I tried the free download and did like it though... just not enough to fork out the big bucks. Was hoping Big Fish would have it.

Last edited by NYLady; 05/09/07 06:36 PM.

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: NYLady] #140214
05/07/07 03:58 PM
05/07/07 03:58 PM
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I played the Shark Island demo, but didn't enjoy it all that much. The graphics are exactly the same for every level (at least as far as I played before my demo time ran out!). The wave washes in and leaves some shells that you have to find, and... that's pretty much it. Nothing interesting to look at. frown

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: Rushes] #140603
05/08/07 11:29 AM
05/08/07 11:29 AM
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It's now at Big Fish. I'm downloading it now. They've changed their format a bit, but I still think they are best for casual games.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: Rushes] #140662
05/08/07 01:18 PM
05/08/07 01:18 PM
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NYLady, eventually every game makes it to BigFishGames I think. You can contact them to see if they know when.

Like you I'd rather pay $7 than $20 per game, especially since you don't get a CD, just the download.

Linda wave

edit: oops karmyn, I didn't wait long enough to post I guess. I had this window open for over 2 hours while I was away and just answered now, lol. Thanks for the update! wave

Last edited by raylinstephens; 05/08/07 01:20 PM.

So many games, so little time.
Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: raylinstephens] #140668
05/08/07 01:32 PM
05/08/07 01:32 PM
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They have upgraded their site as they have been promising to do for quite some time. It took me a bit to find it and you now have to download the big fish installer before you can download the game. It's like at Real Arcade or GameFools. No real problem unless you have very slow dial up like I do. Still, it did't take as long as I thought it would.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: karmyn] #140741
05/08/07 04:28 PM
05/08/07 04:28 PM
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Just downloaded the free trial. Available today for BFG game club members. Haven't tried it yet, need to cook dinner first. So is it any good?

Last edited by thracia; 05/08/07 04:29 PM.

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: thracia] #140981
05/09/07 06:47 AM
05/09/07 06:47 AM
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Big Fish announced that do have this game now:
Mystery of of Shark Island


Missed your post, Thracia. Thanks.

Last edited by MaG; 05/09/07 06:48 AM.
Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: MaG] #140983
05/09/07 06:51 AM
05/09/07 06:51 AM
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THanks thracia and MaG. I know what I'll be checking out after work. laugh

Ana wave

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #141393
05/09/07 06:34 PM
05/09/07 06:34 PM
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I didn't like this one. You try to match the shapes which are shells and other beach debris... you have to match them in a time frame.

It's very easy and just didn't hold my interest. I passed.

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: NYLady] #141478
05/09/07 10:21 PM
05/09/07 10:21 PM
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It so good that we now have this sub forum. I would hate to waste a credit on a game that would not hold my attention.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: ramona] #141496
05/09/07 11:18 PM
05/09/07 11:18 PM
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I'm having problems with using my credits
The upgrade used two credits for Shark Island (I'm not happy)
but The support email I sent to them was answered quickly -- I was promptly given a trouble ticket. And was promised an answer within 24hours --- so hopefully all will be sorted. smile


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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: infernoj13usa] #141531
05/10/07 05:37 AM
05/10/07 05:37 AM
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Downloaded this yesterday but have not had time to have a go yet. Do you not have to find objects as well as match shapes ?

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: JennyP] #141623
05/10/07 09:53 AM
05/10/07 09:53 AM
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I bought this one. Some on Beach five were difficult, but I managed to finally pass. Have made it to Beach Six, but haven't played that level yet. It's an interesting take on the hidden object genre and I like the mystery element.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: Rushes] #141741
05/10/07 01:49 PM
05/10/07 01:49 PM
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I have to agree with Rushes here & also NyLady, there didn't seem to be much to do except collecting shells & it was very easy - it brightened up with a puzzle at the end of a level but then went back to collecting yet more shells. I found it too tedious to even finish the demo! I don't think I'll be buying the full version! smile Glad though that others are enjoying it!

Last edited by chrissie; 05/10/07 01:52 PM.
Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: chrissie] #141794
05/10/07 03:15 PM
05/10/07 03:15 PM
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
I tried it,It didn't hold my interest either but that's just me grin

I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I need to be.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: cailyn] #141888
05/10/07 06:03 PM
05/10/07 06:03 PM
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Yep... that's the name of the game: Different strokes for different folks. I can't imagine what the mystery was in this game.

Anyway, each to his own. A lot of people love arcade games and I just can't do them.

A lot of people here said they didn't like the Travelog 360 Paris game and I liked it a lot. I loved all the different places and old historic rooms. I loved the things we were to find and they weren't so hidden as to be impossible. At first I didn't like the 360 at all but actually got used to it.

I also liked the in-between games.

I wish they'd come out with another Mystery for us.

Ramona... don't take our word for it, try the demo. You might like Shark Island. That's the best part of Big Fish, you can try them on first. laugh

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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: NYLady] #142664
05/12/07 12:47 PM
05/12/07 12:47 PM
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I finished the game yesterday and am now going back to redo the levels I didn't get expert on. I've got about 15 more to go. Some are really hard to do, but I really want to get all the medals.
Arcade mode is hard, but I managed to last almost 10 and a half minutes to get that medal.

Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: NYLady] #142782
05/12/07 06:35 PM
05/12/07 06:35 PM
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Yep, I agree with the majority, it wasn't much of an attention grabber - or holder. I loved the thought of it tho, go to the beach and collect shells...

And I too love Paris 360! grin

Banana phone!
Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: looney] #142791
05/12/07 06:57 PM
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I downloaded the demo but I can't play it. every time I try it doesn't respond and I just get a blank screen. Anyone else have this problem?


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Re: Just back from Shark Island (casual game) [Re: wysewomon] #142793
05/12/07 07:02 PM
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Hi WW! smile

I didn't have that problem, but I saw A Help Topic

Maybe it will help?

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