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Delaware St. John 3 #187031
08/09/07 11:34 PM
08/09/07 11:34 PM
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I am fixing to start playing Seacliff Tragedy, please make my day & tell me the whole game will not be played in the dark!
It is very hard to tell where anything is.

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Jtiffin] #187034
08/09/07 11:59 PM
08/09/07 11:59 PM
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I'm not too far into the game yet, but it's still dark--and it's very hard to find your way around, at least for someone with practically no sense of direction in the daylight! blush

Maybe we can get the lights turned on before the game is over...

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Jenny] #187050
08/10/07 01:50 AM
08/10/07 01:50 AM
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Sorry, jtiffin, it is all in the dark, your only location is the fairground, I only had a problem in one place, just had to hunt around for a hotspot. Have you tried turning up your monitor?

Currently re-playing Anacapri waiting for Limbo of the Lost

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Upsydaisy] #187158
08/10/07 09:33 AM
08/10/07 09:33 AM
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This game was more like work than fun.The retrieve "this" quests combined with the never ending darkness making finding your way frustrating ruined it for me.

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Geo] #187167
08/10/07 09:57 AM
08/10/07 09:57 AM
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Sorry...But it is in the dark...

But you do have a flaslight grin

I think the EyE in the interface is so SPOOKY !!!! scared

Last edited by Darleen2003; 08/10/07 09:57 AM. Reason: spell

Luv Dar

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Darleen03] #187170
08/10/07 10:07 AM
08/10/07 10:07 AM
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I found that the darkness was not my problem in getting around, and it is not an option to use the flashlight whenever you want, it is an automatic usage only and the flashlight never did appear in my inventory, it must be in my hand or in my pocket grin My problem is that I am very directionally challenged and in looking at a park-map I cannot seem to orient myself correctly to get from here to there. Keep going around in circles. Except for one puzzle where one needs to get from one map to a specific-other in a specific order - it would have been nice to just click on a location (on a map in my inventory, which I never have had) and end up there like in some other Adventure games I have played. Would have eased the frustration of this "maze" idea in these D.S.J. games. I DO love the games, just don't like getting lost over and over again. think
Love, Betty Lou

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Betty Lou] #187180
08/10/07 10:24 AM
08/10/07 10:24 AM
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Darkness, darkness, practically everywhere, in this game. I found myself praying for lightbulbs! I found that moving to an outside scenario for most of the game somehow diluted the overall spookiness, as this game didn't unnerve me half as much as the previous two Delawares, which were set largely inside large, crumbling buildings and scared the bejeebers out of me.

Plus, that hunt for a particular object at the beginning of the game drove me bananas; I was wandering around for hours in growing frustration.. finally had to peek at the walkthrough to find out where on earth it could be. Never quite got over the grump factor after that. lol

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Jtiffin] #188347
08/12/07 11:06 PM
08/12/07 11:06 PM
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Thanks Upsydaisy for your answer.
I solved most of my problems with the dark by turning up the brightness on the monitor!
I now have a problem finding the Gravity Drop ride.
I go to the Tunnel of Terror like Mag's Walkthrough says, but can't find a way to pass it to go on to the Gravity Drop . I have tried to find a hot spot, can't find one. I have tried the left side, right side, going through, nothing, nothing. I got the X in the locker & it said go to the Gravity Drop. What now?
Please help,

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Jtiffin] #188395
08/13/07 06:30 AM
08/13/07 06:30 AM
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jtiffin, please post that question in Hints where someone will be along to help you.

I'm glad you can see the game better now.

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Jtiffin] #188777
08/13/07 06:50 PM
08/13/07 06:50 PM
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I downloaded the demo the other night and can't even make it through that because I keep getting turned around in the dark. But I think I'll still buy the first one to play soon. I like the atmosphere.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Celtic Lark] #190210
08/16/07 11:38 PM
08/16/07 11:38 PM
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I'm in the same boat with the Gravity Drop part. But besides that, I think this is the weakest of the series. They got better with the graphics, etc., but I got completely mixed up directionally finding things and the pixel-hunting was terrible too. I don't know how many times I passed up a "certain object" that helped me power up. Ugghhh. I have to put it into the "I really don't care one way or another if I finish it" . . . and that's rare for me.

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Lao Tzu
Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: tinagoss] #190618
08/17/07 07:11 PM
08/17/07 07:11 PM
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BWiegele Offline
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I'm sorry to hear so many people are having issues navigating the park. It's a real challenge to map point and click controls to such an open space. I thought we got it down but from the thread we need to retool that in the future.

Luckily Delaware 4 takes place indoors where there will also be light. Always appreciate hearing the feedback to see how we can improve. Thanks!


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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: BWiegele] #190687
08/17/07 10:14 PM
08/17/07 10:14 PM
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Now I feel terrible.

Bryan, I had absolutely no problem with the darkness of the game. In fact, I think it adds to the essence of it. I enjoyed your other 2 games a great deal and I think for 1) I'm just "directionally challenged." and 2) I have thought about it and I think maybe I'm having a hard time with the storyline
Click to reveal..
because I had a child die and it hits a little too close to home.
So I apologize if my post was a little harsh. Please keep producing games as us Boomers would shrivel up and blow away if it weren't for people like yourself.

Last edited by BrownEyedTigre; 08/17/07 10:19 PM. Reason: added spoiler

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Lao Tzu
Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: tinagoss] #190738
08/18/07 06:36 AM
08/18/07 06:36 AM
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Tinagoss -- I'm sorry! Sending an internet hug your way. catrub

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Becky] #190765
08/18/07 08:13 AM
08/18/07 08:13 AM
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I had absolutely no trouble with the darkness but I did get lost a lot as I have little sense of direction. I wished the game was designed to click on the locations on the maps. Other than that I really enjoyed the game .

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: GBC] #190873
08/18/07 01:09 PM
08/18/07 01:09 PM
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So sorry to hear that Tinagoss frown

In the Delaware games, there are always characters that something unfortunate has happened to. The beauty of fiction though is you can always find ways to set those wrongs right. I'm sorry to hear about your real loss but hope you get some kind of comfort in games being a more justice driven version of real life, wrongs can be righted and bad people don't win wink

And don't apologize for honest feedback. It's important to hear things like this so we DO improve and make future games better. smile


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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: BWiegele] #190883
08/18/07 01:35 PM
08/18/07 01:35 PM
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Thanks Bryan. It's nice to have the developers listen and are understanding.

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Rushes] #191058
08/19/07 03:16 AM
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I experienced the same frustration at the beginning of the game! I wandered aimlessly for quite a while and finally had to consult MaG's walkthrough (God bless you MaG).

The darkness of the game was easier to deal with when I played with the lights out. After a while I was able to get the lay of the land but I still went the wrong way from time to time.

I must say that the end certainly made up for the problems I had with navigating the game. I cannot wait for volume 4!! happydance

Currently playing: Syberia
Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: irishgirl1228] #191277
08/19/07 03:27 PM
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Thank you Bryan for your response.

Now, on to better things . . . . . hearts

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Lao Tzu
Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: tinagoss] #191317
08/19/07 05:38 PM
08/19/07 05:38 PM
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Has anyone found this game on store shelves yet? I keep looking for it!

Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Becky] #191334
08/19/07 07:09 PM
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I was at CompUSA & walmart looking at computers...I always check the PC game section....Haven't seen it duh

Also It took me awhile to get used to the park map...
But I got the knack...Its a neat game thumbsup

Last edited by Darleen2003; 08/19/07 07:12 PM.

Luv Dar

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Darleen03] #191867
08/21/07 09:32 AM
08/21/07 09:32 AM
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I've been told the game will be showing up in Circuit City, Best Buy and Target "any day now." It's currently on with shots of the new box as well smile

Myself and the team are all checking stores regularly too and are excited to see it on a retail shelf! If anyone does find the game, make sure to snap a picture of it on a store shelf and email it to me!


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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: BWiegele] #191871
08/21/07 09:43 AM
08/21/07 09:43 AM
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I am at the first maze (the sewers) and so far there were at least two situations which required severe pixel hunting in the dark. The first for
Click to reveal..
finding the oil can and the second locating the magnet

On the other hand, the game looks bigger than the previous ones...


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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: Elven King] #191873
08/21/07 09:47 AM
08/21/07 09:47 AM
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Elven King....I had no difficulties with things being dark. You need to adjust your monitor so that you can see better, no need to struggle.

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Re: Delaware St. John 3 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #191887
08/21/07 10:38 AM
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I didn't mean that I couldn't find these items because of the darkness. I meant that I had to scan thoughtfully the whole screen in order for the eye cursor to appear and the hard part was that in that area there was nothing indicating the existence of an item smile


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