There are some simple things that can be done to make this site run more smoothly for everyone. Please follow these guidelines for posting, and we'll be able to give all of you even better service:
  • Be sure to put the name of the game that you are playing in the title bar of your post.
  • Be as specific as possible--if you just say "I'm having trouble with ------" that doesn't give us much to work with. Outline what you've already done ...
  • PLEASE only use one thread per game for your questions. If you post a question about a game (let's say Echo), then please, put any other questions you have about Echo on that same thread!!! Any more than that and you are pushing other people's threads off the page. Don't worry that your message will be overlooked if it's at the end of a long thread--all the moderators get notification every time someone posts.
  • If you are e-mailing one of the moderators or administrators privately, PLEASE put the word "GameBoomers" in the subject line. We get such a huge volume of e-mail that otherwise your message might be deleted unread.
  • If your e-mail address isn’t accessible through the forum, there is no way we can send you a saved game; that form for creating messages when you don’t want to post your address won’t allow us to send attachments. So if you want a save, you’ll have to give your e-mail address to the moderator—but please, send it privately, don’t post it on the forum and/or the e-mail address will be shown on the member's profile regardless of the member's preference.
  • Please extend common courtesy to other members and help given. It is best to know if the help worked, acknowledgement that it was understood and not put down a help that was given.

  • Find the save in your game folder
  • Right-click on the save
  • On the menu that comes up, put your cursor on “send to”
  • On the next menu, left-click on “mail recipient”
  • You should now have an e-mail with the save as an attachment – just put in the address and send…

  • If you already have a save with the same number as the one you are downloading, move it to the desktop until you have finished
  • In the e-mail, double-click on the little icon in the attachment bar
  • In the box that comes up, be sure "save it to disk" is checked, and click "ok"
  • Now you have the "Save attachment as" box--just put the URL of the place where your game saves are located in the white bar at the top and click "save".
  • For some games an additional file (for example, a .jpg file) will be needed, in addition to the save file…

Or check How to Install Saved Games by Malcolm Schmidt!

Sent Saved Games Corrupted Through Email Transfer From Chris Brendel and Barry:

Open Microsoft Wordpad (NOT Word), and then the saved game in it. Then, without altering ANYTHING, save that game. If you don't know about Wordpad, in XP you click Start, All Programs, Accessories and you'll find it at the bottom of the list.

It's seems totally miraculous as you don't change anything to the file in Worpad. Just open the save into it and save and like magic your saved game works.

It seemed as though the files were somehow receiving additional data as they were sent as attachments. Where there should have been line breaks, there were added ascii characters. Wordpad was able to read those ascii characters as line breaks, and so displayed the files properly when opened.
Re-saving the files in Wordpad removed the ascii characters and put the line breaks back in.


There are several possible ways of finding the saved games:

1. Click Start, All Programs, Games, Games Explorer
Right-click on the corresponding game icon, and choose Saved Games

2. You may need to turn off Vista's "User Account Control" in order to see or make changes to it.
Then open: USERS\the user name \AppData\Local\Virtual Store\Program Files\Name of the Game.

3. The SaveGames folder might be found in the game directory by clicking on the 'Compatibility Folders' tag near the top of your screen.


This is a volunteer forum - help is given freely by our wonderful Moderators and knowledgeable members.

Thank you all.

Last edited by MaG; 01/01/09 10:12 AM. Reason: added Vista info