Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
09/26/07 10:12 AM
09/26/07 10:12 AM
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First let me say I love reading about brand new games in development. No other site is as informative as this one NOR do they have the awesome employees with sparkling personalities!
BUT!!!! It drives me crazy because I know after getting excited it's going to be 12+ months before I get to enjoy the game! ( and that is being generous )
Lately a ton of fun games have been posted about but I never seem to see the end of the tunnel. i.e. the game in my computer!
I keep thinking one day I'll get on these forums and see a post about an awesome new adventure game that noone knew about that is available for purchase NOW!
A girl can dream...
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Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: MaG]
09/26/07 01:47 PM
09/26/07 01:47 PM
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Hi  Well I thought there seemed to have been LOTS of new games being released - easily a dozen in the last couple of months alone Cheers. Mad 
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Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: Mad]
09/26/07 03:35 PM
09/26/07 03:35 PM
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I don't know about crazy..But I do get overly excited when I hear about a new game..That the developers are working on. I am happy as far as release dates...I already have at least 3 on pre-order 
Last edited by Darleen2003; 09/26/07 03:36 PM. Reason: spell
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Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: BubbaJake]
09/27/07 01:46 PM
09/27/07 01:46 PM
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I have so many adventure games still to play that I rarely worry about it the cool possibilities down the road. The only ones that I am even remotely anxious to play right now are fresh installments from favorite companies/series. To be honest, I used to get more worked up about neat Indy games that seemed to take forever to finish. (I remember drooling over Keepsake's artwork, for example, and thinking it was taking forever!) Long productions times & repeated delays are common enough in Indy productions. I'd say I thought I was understanding about that even before - but there's nothing like trying to make one yourself to teach you all about patience. Actually this is why I haven't put a page up myself about the projects (yes, that's now multiple) we're doing. We have some screenshots, but I'd rather not ask anyone to take these plans seriously until we at least have a demo for one of them, or put up that 'quick' freebie that was supposed to have been completed in June.  My husband's continuing adventures with his health issues have made concentrating on outside projects difficult, to say the least. At least I have gotten confident enough that we WILL finish one to make internal target dates for our goals. Like the wit of yore, I love deadlines... I love the whooshing noise the make as they go by.  Susan 
Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: Ivinia]
09/28/07 04:26 PM
09/28/07 04:26 PM
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And what about the reverse? Mikael & Eleen (MDNA Games, Sweden) on their Indy ownsomes, have produced and marketed 4 games, one each year.  Each game has advanced technically over the previos one and their latest, East Side Story, is much longer and complex than any previous. They do not remain static, but have improved their techniques with each game and used more sophisticated game engines (this latest even being VISTA-compatible). Each game has come out on the dot when promised (generally in October of each year)........... ........ and this latest was actually released and distributed nearly a month BEFORE the promised release date. A record not easily beaten for reliability IMO !
Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: BrownEyedTigre]
09/28/07 05:48 PM
09/28/07 05:48 PM
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Sorry & many apologies... I thought that the thread was about the likes & dislikes of games 'In Development' some keeping to time, others never !  My bad aparently ! ~~ Action9026 ~~... Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy? BUT!!!! It drives me crazy because I know after getting excited it's going to be 12+ months before I get to enjoy the game! ( and that is being generous )
Lately a ton of fun games have been posted about but I never seem to see the end of the tunnel. i.e. the game in my computer!
I keep thinking one day I'll get on these forums and see a post about an awesome new adventure game that noone knew about that is available for purchase NOW!
Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: LenG]
09/28/07 06:01 PM
09/28/07 06:01 PM
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And what about the reverse? The discussion is as the topic suggests, "Does "in Development" Drive you crazy?" Ana
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Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: LenG]
09/28/07 06:34 PM
09/28/07 06:34 PM
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~~ BrownEyedTigre ~~
Originally Posted By: LenG ..... "And what about the reverse?". The discussion is as the topic suggests, "Does "in Development" Drive you crazy?" Ana I'm confused! Does that mean that Mad's previous post is also off the topic?? Just for information & maybe logic ! But I wonder if it's really worth the time & energy to analyze it ? Hi Well I thought there seemed to have been LOTS of new games being released - easily a dozen in the last couple of months alone Cheers. Mad
Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: LenG]
09/28/07 06:46 PM
09/28/07 06:46 PM
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And now...back to our regularly scheduled postings. action9026, as some others have said, I too enjoy knowing that games are being worked on and I can wait since there always seems to be something to fill in the time. I have noticed that there are a few games though that seem to have been "in development" for years. Ana
Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: Becky]
09/29/07 01:29 AM
09/29/07 01:29 AM
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I'm certainly one of those - I enjoy the anticipation more than most of the games.  (not that there aren't some very good ones  ) But sometimes a game will come along out of the blue with little fanfare - Destination Treasure Island comes to mind.
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Re: Does 'In Development' Drive you crazy?
[Re: BubbaJake]
09/29/07 09:37 PM
09/29/07 09:37 PM
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Shy Boomer
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Thanks for all the replies guys! I think my problem is that I like immediate gratification. When I see unbelievable screenshots I drool and wonder why I don't have the game in my greedy hands right NOW. What I really mean to say is...' Pretty screenshots. Why must I wait for the game to be finished? Don't they know how much I'm drooling over Culpa Innata? They should be working 24 hours a day until the game is in my computer. How dare they? ' 
' I have Children, therefore I drink. '