Oooo, Looney, I'm pleased to see that I am not alone...I just CAN'T get rid of any of my games, they are part of me.

I well remember before I joined Gameboomers and discovered just how many games there were out there and also the delights of on-line shopping, how difficult it was getting hold of new games to play, there didn't seem to be that many adventure games about and I used to haunt our local 'Game' store here in England waiting patiently for a new game to be released. answer to your question, I reckon it's 'FEAR' that makes me hang on to them all. Fear that I will be left with nothing to play.

And who knows?...when I eventually do aquire grandchildren, maybe I can inspire another generation to love the games I get so much pleasure out the time that happens I will probably be able to teach them the entire history of adventure games.