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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Mad] #240679
12/03/07 06:42 PM
12/03/07 06:42 PM
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Makes you wish we didn't rush out to get the copies available on ebay doesn't it Mad? I was really looking forward to it, ironically because of the praises by Inferno, and now I feel like using it as a dart board. Quite sad if you ask me....


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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #240684
12/03/07 06:48 PM
12/03/07 06:48 PM
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Makes me glad I waited. I was looking forward to it, but now will take a pass. After all, I wouldn't want to insult the developer by asking for help.

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: looney4labs] #240687
12/03/07 06:56 PM
12/03/07 06:56 PM
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WoW !!!!

I really wanted this game also...Because Inferno said how much she liked it... And to run ..not walk to buy it..

Hints..Are so important to me..

I would think the developer of this game would be proud to have GameBoomers staff give the game a great review & walk through think

Just decided I won't be BUYING this Game!!!!!!!

Last edited by Darleen2003; 12/03/07 08:53 PM.

Luv Dar

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Darleen03] #240733
12/03/07 08:37 PM
12/03/07 08:37 PM
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I agree with all of you. I actually ordered the game and it has finally shipped today, but if it hadn't I would have cancelled. Again, I ordered because of what Inferno said about the game. I believe most of us did. I am one of those who needs the help and the hints and yes even the walkthrough. Doesn't spoil my game at all. And for someone to think that they have the right to decide what is good for me just ticks me off. They really have spoiled this game. Instead of the excitement that Inferno instilled here it has now been replaced with anger and frustration. Is that what Adventure Gaming is all about? I think not. This is the best forum around by far and I will always come here for help and advice. How dare they?

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Sly One] #240754
12/03/07 09:06 PM
12/03/07 09:06 PM
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They lost me as a customer. I wont be buying this game. So glad I waited smile smile

Last edited by catsmom; 12/03/07 09:07 PM.

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Becky] #240758
12/03/07 09:12 PM
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I purchased this game on eBay BECAUSE of what Inferno said about it; ironic, isn't it?

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: catsmom] #240759
12/03/07 09:13 PM
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I guess I won't be buying this game also,I always use walkthrough and hints and if I can't get them here--well.

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: kjos] #240760
12/03/07 09:22 PM
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Wow - how sad to rave about the thing that would sell the game , and make it a pleasant experience . Hope the disc I won't be playing can be packaged with others as a coaster set......

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: niteowl07] #240762
12/03/07 09:23 PM
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FABLE and MStudios...are you listening...? :/

Woohoo and booyah! smile Have an easy peasy day!
Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Darlene] #240763
12/03/07 09:33 PM
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I really think they Owe Inferno an apology..

As well as GameBoomers..

Luv Dar

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Darleen03] #240794
12/03/07 10:27 PM
12/03/07 10:27 PM
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I think they owe GameBoomers whole family an apology, for intruding on a happy family. I've been a member for a long time and this is the first company I've seen do something like this. I say we stick with all the companies we've had such good relations with over the years. There are certainly enough of them to keep us entertained. Keep up the good work you've always done, Inferno!

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: PATSY] #240807
12/03/07 11:03 PM
12/03/07 11:03 PM
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I feel that an apology to Inferno, as well as all of GameBoomers, is required.

Same ip addresses huh? Very interesting. :/

I guess some people just don't understand the saying about not biting the hand that feeds you. duh


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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: friedmonky] #240848
12/04/07 12:59 AM
12/04/07 12:59 AM
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sierramindy Offline
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Hmm, looks like Limbo is really getting Lost! Oh well, I still intend to buy this game come February, if it actually does get released by then. Miss B really sold me on the game with her post about her reaction to the voice of Captain Briggs.
As for FABLE, in his (her?) post on November 22 (page 3) he actually mentioned 2 levels in the game by name in his excitement at playing it and I would count that as spoilers which is why I'm not repeating what they are called. True, it is a small slip but even so it shows some carelessness there. A case of "do as I say, not as I do" maybe?

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: friedmonky] #240855
12/04/07 01:45 AM
12/04/07 01:45 AM
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I have been quiet long enough. and I wish to say thank you to my GB Family ... you have no idea how your support has touched me.

For the record, if one intends to quote another it is always a wise idea to make sure that it is correct.

Fable stated and quoted that I said the following in a private message to him:
"..this game should not have a walkthrough it would spoil it!"

that just is not correct --- here is what I said in my PM (which I still have):

I thought about writing a walkthrough for this -- but I think it would ruin it. The ending should be kept secret. Don't you think?

which means that I would not write a walkthrough --- and I won't.

And I have never mentioned anything except for the pure love of this adventure and my excitement for it here in the Discussions Forum. As a matter of fact in my First Look --- I didn't mentioned any spoilers within the demo... and won't either.

From my reading of these posts here I can tell you all here at GB that the betrayal has not been conducted by me.

I did ask for help that is true. But "Fable" introduced himself as a fellow gamer to us at GB, and had stated how he had "worked for weeks solving this adventure" and this was why he was upset when in truth he was one of its creators all along. Betrayal? Yes, today I have been taught the meaning of this word quite well and so have many of my fellow boomers.

As for helping out in the Hints forum, my effort and mind set was only to "pay it forward" to assist a beleagured boomer...but always with spoiler tags. And now I'm happy to report that I am not the only one who helped. Gratefully, that is what we all do here.

I feel very sorry for Tim and Laurence... who are being put through this embarrassment. How could you do this to them, Steve? How could you hurt your production this way... all along you are Fable. IP Adresses don't lie. What did you think you were playing at?

I was never told that I was doing an "exclusive review for the world at large" --- until I read it here in this thread.

Just ask INFERNO who is doign a review of the whole game shortly on this website. This by the way is a world other reviews have been done of the full game yet. You will see it here first!

The only "exclusivity" I had been given was a piece of info about the adventure itself. Something I was asked to keep quiet about and I will honor that.

While it is true that I did indeed fall in love with this adventure and have completed my review, I will not be submitting it here or anywhere else as this wild tirade has compromised it and me. How unfortunate for you -- our membership and the game. I am returning it to Becky so that she may send it back. I can do nothing else but this as the game has been singularly destroyed for me.


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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: sierramindy] #240856
12/04/07 01:49 AM
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metamorphium Offline
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I am really not sure who Miss B is though. Registered only to post about Limbo of the Lost (similary to Fable), from England, using the same wordings and the one of the very few who "got" the game from the official source. think

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: metamorphium] #240871
12/04/07 05:02 AM
12/04/07 05:02 AM
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Gosh, this is so sad, and totally unnecessary. Inferno and the other reviewers do a truely excellent job, as do the walkthrough writers and others on hints and tips.
It must be so difficult not to add the odd spoiler when reviews are written, that what makes them so interesting to read and makes one keen to buy the game.
I realise that games cost a lot of money to develop and developers want us to have as enjoyable experience as possible. But, surely its an individual's choice to read reviews, walkthroughs, post hints and ask for help. No-one is twisting their arm to do so. Cheer up folks!! :cat:

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: Mad] #240872
12/04/07 05:24 AM
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I and MSTUDIOS have never slammed INFERNO, all I said was that usually a disclaimer goes with a review copy to make sure nothing is leaked, this includes code and game ideas, the review copy came from G2 not from MSTUDIOS. I have spoken to INFERNO personally and helped her with her review and questions regarding the game and the team. I whole heartedly agree with alot the forum is saying, I also can see where FABLE is coming from, FABLE was one of our playtesters on the game and I have spoken to him regarding this issue. He just feels upset that the help he gave was to help INFERNO with the review and he thought he and INFERNO had an understanding regarding hints, and solutions, this obviously was not the case, I have asked him to refrain from posting on this site under this topic as this clouds the matter. MSTUDIOS has done nothing but help INFERNO and others on this forum with question regarding G2, shipping and the game itself. One copy was sent out to one forum member personally by myself when they had been let down by G2.
The forum member who mentioned MOTRAU.......he is open to this forum and can post when he feels fit, at the time though the game was not complete and security protocol had to come into play.
I apologise for any ill feeling, this has been sorted now and I look forward to the review of the game.

Kind Regards

Steve Bovis
Creative/Project Director

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: MSTUDIOS] #240875
12/04/07 05:39 AM
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Which part of "it would be best that a review of this game by GameBoomers not be done" did you not understand?

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: nickie] #240880
12/04/07 06:20 AM
12/04/07 06:20 AM
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
How sad that so many of us we're looking forward to this game and have now decided not to buy it.I alway's look for a review of a game before I buy it,Inferno writes great reviews after reading one you pretty much know if your gonna buy it or not.I'm alwaya looking in the discussion forum to see how players like a game,and as for the hints forum.All my games would be half finished if I couldn't go there for some help,or to look at the walkthrough.In my opinion it's a shame that Inferno was slammed like that,I won't be buying the game either.

I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I need to be.

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: cailyn] #240883
12/04/07 06:26 AM
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Does anyone else hear music from The Twilight Zone playing when MSTUDIOS posts? whistle


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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: texaslady] #240888
12/04/07 06:38 AM
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How sad. I have never come across a software company who has managed to put so many peoples backs up so unnecessarily.
Its a shame as the game looks great.
Inferno, please don't let this put you off reviewing.

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: JennyP] #240891
12/04/07 06:48 AM
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Hi smile

"Does anyone else hear music from The Twilight Zone playing when MSTUDIOS posts?"

Well, maybe when the "Creative/Project Director" posts shame

Mad yes

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: catsmom] #240893
12/04/07 06:49 AM
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I too was looking forward to purchasing this game but in light of this shameful verbal attack upon Inferno I think I will also pass. I am a pretty good gamer myself but I do have the need from time to time to ask for hints or glace at a walkthrough. Life is too short and too many games to play to ponder over one game,no matter how good it may be,for months at a time for a solution when all one need do is ask for a hint.

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Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: infernoj13usa] #240905
12/04/07 07:28 AM
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I have apologised to the forum regarding FABLE and his posts, this will not happen again, the reason for the same IP address is that we have a single machine for internet which is seperate from development machines because of security on our network.
The review is an exclusive given to GAMEBOOMERS regarding the title and noone else yet worldwide. To post the review is entirely up to GameBoomers, but the game should not be slated or MSTUDIOS for FABLE's opinions which are his and not MSTUDIOS.

FABLE is only a minor part of the team and working on localisation playtesting. His opinions are not the opinions of MSTUDIOS and the rest of the team.

Re: Is Anybody Playing Limbo of the Lost? [Re: MSTUDIOS] #240911
12/04/07 07:49 AM
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Steve....sell it to someone else. Last I looked in the mirror it didn't say stupid across my forehead. Honestly, give it a rest already and tell your alter ego Fable to do the same. shame

I feel very sorry for the rest of your team. They must pay for your mistakes. How sad for them...


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