Looked thru the Glitches forum and no luck. Was even a thread there that said specifically that a save from XP should work on Vista, that the problem is most likely a PC to PC thing, not an OS thing.
Think I'm going to just scrap this game entirely, which is pretty disappointing, but at the moment it appears to be more trouble than it's worth.
Thanks for trying, Sue, and for the saved game!

Of course, right after I posted this I decided to try 1 more thing and now I think I've figured it out. When I checked the properties of the game file you sent there was a little message saying it was from an unknown user and so was blocked. I had to unblock it.
In the meantime, I'd already uninstalled the game, so I'll have to reinstall and see if the save works now that it's been "unblocked".
ETA #2: Still won't recognize/open the save file. And when I check the game log after trying, I see an error about a broken save file. So I wonder if my email did something to the save file you sent & corrupted it.
Sue, could I trouble you to resend the save game to my personal email account? Let me know and I could give you my other email address somehow (I see you don't accept PMs).
If this doesn't work, I promise to stop bothering you!