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Adventure Gaming - Lonely? #283815
02/23/08 01:45 PM
02/23/08 01:45 PM
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chrissie Offline OP
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I'm interested in a lot of things & know many people - but I have yet to meet anyone who has an interest in playing Adventure Games - other genres yes! I love visiting Game Boomers but it would be so nice just to meet a bunch of friends socially to have a good old chinwag about what we're playing at the mo, what the game's like etc but there's just nobody! Is it the same for you?

Also, when I have mentioned I like Adventure Games - the reaction is usually one of amusement - most people associate games with the action games their boyfriends, husbands, sons (occasionally daughters) & mates play & have no concept that there are other types of games available.

A work colleague I have a good rapport with said she wished that her son would trade in some of his games as they were cluttering the place up - when I asked how many he had she indicated he had about 12! rolleyes I laughed & told her that I was glad she was not MY mother as I have over 200 - her face was a picture & she couldn't stop laughing! Do you get this reaction?? smile

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: chrissie] #283820
02/23/08 01:51 PM
02/23/08 01:51 PM
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misa Offline
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People are generally surprised when I tell them that the main genre of video games that I play are adventure games. Maybe because they think I don't look smart enough to pull it off? lol! razz

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: misa] #283857
02/23/08 03:01 PM
02/23/08 03:01 PM
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Becky Offline
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I have friends and family who play adventure games. I have even recently discovered that one of my neighbors writes about the stress-reducing aspects of casual games. laugh

The strangest reactions I receive are from young male gamers who really don't believe that a person of my gender and errr, mature age will enjoy gaming.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Becky] #283862
02/23/08 03:18 PM
02/23/08 03:18 PM
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Hi smile

As a "Granny" I did used to attract some amused looks when I visited the local game shop in town (in the days when they did actually sell Adventures of course) but the Manager eventually got to know and respect me and actually started saving up questions from other customers (no walkthroughs then) because I had played so many games !!

And what a laugh THAT gave me lol lol


Mad wave

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: chrissie] #283870
02/23/08 03:29 PM
02/23/08 03:29 PM
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cool I'm a soon-to-be-retired high school teacher. When my students learn that I enjoy playing video games where no-one is shot and nothing is blown up or exploded, they assume that I am not quite sane. (When they discover that I do not own a cell phone, they assume I'm from another planet!) rolleyes

If all the people were heroes, there would be no one to watch the parades.
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: chrissie] #284101
02/24/08 01:37 AM
02/24/08 01:37 AM
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I have generally found that most of the people I end up talking gaming with are hardly aware of the genre at first. There is amost no PC games offered in the 'mortar and brick' stores around here much less adventure games.
The MMORPG type of gaming have been making big inroads lately around here and I can understand the stores not selling many PC games anymore as the people who play those types of games spend so much time and their moneies on them there is not much demand for anything else.
A big draw of those types of games as well is the social aspect as the basic gameplay is mindless repetition. Many of the gamers use teamspeak or a similar program such as Ventrilo to be able to talk to one another in real time while they are playing. I am sure this helps to alleviate the boredom of actual gameplay.

As a side note I am curious if something like this was used for the online URU game, and I am not saying that URU was boring by any means but it might have helped with any lag issues if people only communicated via the keyboard. Kind of a moot point now anyway from what I have read in the forums here and I could be way off base as I do not know how communications were handled in there. Perhaps if enough interest in the social aspect is found such as it is this could be tried by some to see how it goes. Hearing a voice somethimes goes a lot further than reading typed words, but it is not the same as meeting someone still.

For the most part by nature PC gaming is an indivdual exercise but I have tried to make adventure gaming a little more social for my children and their friends by using only laptops for our PC's. This way they get carried around from room to room and generate some family time as someone always needs help to solve a puzzle and then onto other's homes where they share their adventure and hopefully have fun involving someone there solving a puzzle together.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Becky] #284119
02/24/08 03:21 AM
02/24/08 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted By: Becky
I have friends and family who play adventure games. I have even recently discovered that one of my neighbors writes about the stress-reducing aspects of casual games. laugh

I have several work colleagues who're avid gamers, though mostly FPS-ers. But I guess that's pretty much inevitable in an IT department smile

The strangest reactions I receive are from young male gamers who really don't believe that a person of my gender and errr, mature age will enjoy gaming.

Gaming (particularly writing reviews for GB) and playing the bass guitar are two features that mean I'm considered a 'cool dad' by my 14-year old daughter (and her friends)!!


Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: gremlin] #284129
02/24/08 04:19 AM
02/24/08 04:19 AM
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dragonuk44 Offline
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Like RNL where I am hardly any adventure games .My son says the games I play are nt always done right as over here there is little call for them.I say if we had more of a variaty there would be .Even Ian when I have down loaded some games he says that looks neat and always goes to optoins to try and get the game running as good as possible .I like playing Hafe Life as that as puzzals in as well and when Ian said I would like it I was nt sure but I do .He seemed to like Dead Reefs but he likes a more relistic game .The better the graffics .I cant see the point in a lot of shoot out games .War I can as that includes planning to but not for me .Condemmed I would say is action to but good story and puzzals .I dont even have a lot of friends with computors but there children do and I find my self talking to them and my friends saying not on about games and computors again .They just don t seem to under stand .Like not answering the phone as you are in the middle of some thing.Comments like bet you was on that computor .Casual games kids love and when a friends child comes down mine we play and I enjoy it .My own grand daughter likes driving tanks and yes you got it .Blowing things up and she is only 4 .I also play on the ds with my friends daughter as she as no idea and quite a few yrs younger than me .Sanatorium started it all for me .Me and my hubby basicly kiddnapped that game and my sons computer lol Sorry to go on

s wheeldon
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: dragonuk44] #284156
02/24/08 05:41 AM
02/24/08 05:41 AM
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I've noticed when shopping for games I see more and more of us "seniors" looking at games too.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Kaki's Sister] #284230
02/24/08 10:35 AM
02/24/08 10:35 AM
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Becky Offline
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RNL -- both keyboard and voice can be used in Uru, though keyboard is used much more frequently than voice.

I loved the group gaming experience in Uru.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: chrissie] #284457
02/24/08 05:04 PM
02/24/08 05:04 PM
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Carrie Offline
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I don't have friends or family who share my interest either frown (it really would've been nice to share the fun, & exchange opinions with even one friend or family member).

I've gotten the feeling that most people don't really know what Adventure Games are... that when they hear "video/computer games", they think solely of 'shooters'.

I've never minded elbowing my way amongst the (mostly younger) game shoppers, 'tho I mostly buy online now. I remember when I was in my 20s, I was always impressed when I saw people who were my parents' age doing things & going places that were typically frequented by younger people. Today, I'd bet that they are just as (positively) impressed by me... hoping that when they get to be my age, they'll be as young-at-heart as 'that ol' lady' laugh.
Happily, I found this worldwide community of my game-loving peers
... so, no more loneliness.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Carrie] #284497
02/24/08 06:58 PM
02/24/08 06:58 PM
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gamenut Offline
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i buy all my games now online...hard for me to get around and also selection better online. But i used to go and not unusual to get a couple if they were good ones...did get some looks sometimes! haha. yes...i finally got a bit more comfortable w/the ''chat'' in URU and will miss those i chatted with on regular basis....(ones that are not HERE that is!!!). It does seem like meeting other adventure gamers in our cities or neighborhoods is unusual---that is why i am so glad for this site!!

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: gamenut] #284847
02/25/08 12:04 PM
02/25/08 12:04 PM
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I dont have friends that like or have interest in adventure games, and everybody that i tell about adventure games dont really know what adventure games are. The people in generally speaking has most preference for games that not have think very much.

Last edited by Phoebe; 02/25/08 12:04 PM.

Yes,though i go through the valley of deep shade,i will have no fear of evil;for you are with me, your rod and your support are my comfort. Salmo23:4
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Phoebe] #284898
02/25/08 01:35 PM
02/25/08 01:35 PM
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I know of no one who plays adventure games, or even knows what an adventure game is! Which is okay, since I like playing alone anyhow. But it sure would be nice to have someone to chat with (outside of GameBoomers, of course!).

The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Mary] #284925
02/25/08 01:59 PM
02/25/08 01:59 PM
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teresa Offline
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I have found recently there are more and more people interested in the concept of adventure games. I hear many parents saying to kids "youre not having that its too violent" So I think people are coming around. I was browsing the other day and a young man about 18 saw what I was looking at and asked me about them. I told him, and he ended up buying, a couple of days later I saw him again and he said he had never realized that these games existed and was now going to play these games only. I also was telling my Dr about playing (Im 72) and he said this was wonderful, keeps brain in gear and hands working. There are many benefits we dont realize. So Rock on boomers!!!!!

I posted and then had another thought. I mainly like playing the games and being on boomers because I can ask any question and not feel like an idiot, you all share my interest and dont consider ANY QUESTION stupid or crazy. I usually get an answer and can move on.

When you are a senior and you do something wrong you are old and stupid, when you you do something right you are wise and experienced.

Last edited by BrownEyedTigre; 02/25/08 02:25 PM. Reason: combined stacked posts
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: teresa] #285118
02/25/08 08:00 PM
02/25/08 08:00 PM
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SuMac Offline
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My experience with Adventure games is pretty much the same as the rest of you. Except for one nephew who helped me figure out Myst years ago, no one else among my family or friends plays adventure games or even knows what they are. Although my sister has listened to me talk about them, ad nauseum, and I've forced her to watch some "really cool" stuff, she has a pretty good idea what they're about - but still has no desire to play them.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: SuMac] #285201
02/25/08 10:03 PM
02/25/08 10:03 PM
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Of the people I know personnaly I don't know anyone eles that plays. I been telling my sister how much fun I have playing. She said she would like to try out one so I am going to lend one to her. It would be nice to have close friends to talk to about these games. Well I am thankful for you guys even if I don't see you face to face. I can share my thoughts here. I believe we need to keep spreading the word about adventure games. I don't like the action adventure games either.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Trinny3] #285277
02/26/08 05:44 AM
02/26/08 05:44 AM
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
cailyn Offline
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
I don't know any one who plays Adventure games either I get those looks too rolleyesI didn't know Adventure games existed until I found this site 2 yrs.ago,I bought Syberia and was hooked from then on.When I got stuck it took me about 3 days to get up the nerve and ask for help,I didn't want anyone to say boy she's stupid.So I asked in hints and got my ans.and no one said a thing also got directed to a walkthrough.I'm a little wiser now on how to play a game,don't need a walkthrough as much grinI play games on the PS3 too.My son plays them with me when he comes on the weekends,it's nice to be able to talk with him about the game we're playing.I'm thankful for this site for my Adv.gaming and chatting wave

I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I need to be.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: cailyn] #285307
02/26/08 07:15 AM
02/26/08 07:15 AM
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You Boomers that have someone to play with or talk to about
your games are so lucky.
My story is the same as most of you.No one understands our
love for these games.
I have a good friend that is a Boomer that we met here.
June and i talk gaming swop games and just have fun talking
about our family and friends.
She lives in Cal. i live in Pa..
We will never meet or hear each others voice but
she is a good friend... Ron

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: ron.etti] #285370
02/26/08 10:32 AM
02/26/08 10:32 AM
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I find it very interesting. I travel alot since I work for an airline (which by the bye, can be an adventure in itself; more often than not). The funny thing is -- I usually take a laptop with me and while I'm playing one of my adventures I usually find passengers looking over my shoulder wondering just what kind of "movie" I'm watching -- I find this hysterical.

Sometimes I do play game (especially the Nancy Drews with my sister long distance. Meaning we are on the phone with each other playing the game together.


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Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: infernoj13usa] #285462
02/26/08 02:05 PM
02/26/08 02:05 PM
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I converted my mother to adventure games a couple of years ago, and she has played most of the same games as I have, give or take a few. Her favourites are the Nancy Drews; her least favourites are any that involve wandering around in circles for hours going nowhere. I find it interesting how our brains work in different ways. A puzzle that I find quite complex (i.e. completely befuddling) she can solve within minutes, and vice versa. We have a Sunday ritual: she comes to visit, plays my games, drinks my wine, and we gab about what's current, what's due to be released, and generally have a grand old time. grin

"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Rushes] #285543
02/26/08 04:56 PM
02/26/08 04:56 PM
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No one I know plays adventure games or RPG's for that matter. I wish like crazy I knew someone in person who did. You guys are the only ones I can talk too...even my partner who does not game rolls her eyes when I try to talk about my adventures.

Some of the problem is I am older and most people my age think having fun on the computer leads to being a degenerate (seriously, you can't imagine the number of times I have had to explain I don't game for the blood and gore but for the adventure and thinking about how to solve things. Also I that I don't get uncontrollabe urges to fix all my problems with blowing people away). I still read and watch PBS and take walks and talk about the 60's BUT I like modern technology too and it hasn't ruined me as a human being.

At work when ever I mention adventure computer games people say "oh I use the computer all day, I don't want to play on it at night". But I don't know I just really look forward to playing an hour or two every third night or so. Its like reading Magic books or sci-fi or historical fiction but getting to sorta live it too.

scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Rushes] #285544
02/26/08 04:57 PM
02/26/08 04:57 PM
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That's sounds really nice Rushes... laugh. Hope my mother was fond of adventure games too. She only playing Tetris in her shell phone... duh

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Volkana] #285575
02/26/08 06:04 PM
02/26/08 06:04 PM
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Through Adventure games I have met some great people. A few I have managed to meet in the physical world - so there is a group of us in the UK who meet up fairly regularly.

Re: Adventure Gaming - Lonely? [Re: Kickaha] #285577
02/26/08 06:18 PM
02/26/08 06:18 PM
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Nipoma expressed my feelings perfectly.

I used to game with my sister (she is responsible for this addiction). Now she is too busy sad but such is life wave

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