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Another Italian Game: Aurora #28561
02/20/07 05:10 PM
02/20/07 05:10 PM
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Carla Offline OP
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I found another italian game, working in progress, which looks quite promising, and the developers have just released an english demo:you will be a scruffy detective, that will be involved in the mystery of Roswell.
You can visit their site HERE and download the english demo HERE

Please note:the link on the site for the demo is not working yet, please use the link in this post, because I wrote to the developers myself to get it sooner!

Carla happydance

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Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.”
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28562
02/20/07 05:34 PM
02/20/07 05:34 PM
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connie Offline
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Thanks Carla, I just downloaded it. wave

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28563
02/20/07 06:13 PM
02/20/07 06:13 PM
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kjos Offline
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Just installed the demo and I got a error message, the game won't load, uninstalled it right away.

***To Error is Human**To Forgive is Divine***
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28564
02/20/07 06:16 PM
02/20/07 06:16 PM
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Carla Offline OP
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That's strange Kjos, because I downloaded and installed with no problems at all.
Connie, did you have some problems?

Carla happydance

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Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.”
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28565
02/20/07 06:17 PM
02/20/07 06:17 PM
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Thanks for that new adventure game info. It is much appreciated!

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28566
02/20/07 06:20 PM
02/20/07 06:20 PM
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Thanks Carla

WOOPIE so many Great games on the Horizon bravo

Luv Dar

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Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28567
02/20/07 06:51 PM
02/20/07 06:51 PM
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Will download it again

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Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28568
02/20/07 07:19 PM
02/20/07 07:19 PM
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kjos Offline
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I installed it on my win.98se runs good,thanks,looking for my tools now.

***To Error is Human**To Forgive is Divine***
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28569
02/20/07 08:51 PM
02/20/07 08:51 PM
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marie Offline
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I received an error message with this demo after I installed in on my WinXp. Error follows:

Error unable to load the frame called intro 2. Verify that the "Initial frame" exists and that the Go to another frame option in the Hot spot Properties is linked to an existing frame. Automation error. Unspecified error. think

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28570
02/21/07 01:59 AM
02/21/07 01:59 AM
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And Carla does it again! bravo Thanks, it looks interesting!

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Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28571
02/21/07 02:40 AM
02/21/07 02:40 AM
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Looks like my sort to praise wave

s wheeldon
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28572
02/21/07 06:16 AM
02/21/07 06:16 AM
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My download installed with no trouble. I have XP on my machine. Thanks again Carla. Looks good. wave

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28573
02/21/07 07:57 AM
02/21/07 07:57 AM
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peekaboo Offline
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Originally posted by marie:
I received an error message with this demo after I installed in on my WinXp. Error follows:

Error unable to load the frame called intro 2. Verify that the "Initial frame" exists and that the Go to another frame option in the Hot spot Properties is linked to an existing frame. Automation error. Unspecified error. think
I had the same message. I am running xp as well

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28574
02/21/07 08:17 AM
02/21/07 08:17 AM
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kjos Offline
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I had the same message on my xp to. I wonder why, I thought it was my comp.

***To Error is Human**To Forgive is Divine***
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28575
02/21/07 09:27 AM
02/21/07 09:27 AM
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Becky Offline
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Wow -- another one that looks good!

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28576
02/22/07 03:44 PM
02/22/07 03:44 PM
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I downloaded it on Vista and it worked. Got a few error messages but just clicked OK and the demo continued. I played part of it and saved and reloaded a couple of short games and all worked.

Can't find my tools!

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28577
02/23/07 08:15 AM
02/23/07 08:15 AM
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Thanks, Carla. I have XP and it installed without any problems. Before installing, I did turn off Anti-Virus. It's great to have something new to check out!

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28578
02/23/07 01:35 PM
02/23/07 01:35 PM
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dragonuk44 Offline
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got it looks good wave

s wheeldon
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28579
03/21/07 01:47 PM
03/21/07 01:47 PM
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WOW - Looks good

when will be available?

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28580
03/21/07 02:30 PM
03/21/07 02:30 PM
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Becky Offline
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Hi eddie -- welcome to GameBoomers! welcome

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28581
03/24/07 10:19 AM
03/24/07 10:19 AM
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chrissie Offline
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Just playing the demo - I am finding it quite engaging! The graphics are nice, there is some animation moving from one scene but the interactive scenes are static i.e. pictures & there is no audible speech. But it seems to work quite well. But I've just got stuck so off to hints later if I can't work it out!!! smile

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28582
03/24/07 01:18 PM
03/24/07 01:18 PM
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iscreamer1 Offline
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location is only a state of mi...
Thanks for the info, this looks good. Anyone know how far the demo goes. I've visited all the sites but haven't found any sort of puzzle to solve. THX

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28583
03/26/07 07:23 AM
03/26/07 07:23 AM
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I have downloaded the demo without any problems but I can't go any further than, in front of the filing cabinet???? oops

I can hear a clock ticking, I get a spyglass as cursor when hovering over the cabinets or the picture on the wall but nothing happens when I click with the mouse???? rolleyes

I get no option to go right, left or back. oops

Any ideas, please? thanks

"I am in shape. Round is a shape"
Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora #28584
03/26/07 09:01 AM
03/26/07 09:01 AM
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Carmen -- there's an Aurora thread in the Hints forum that you should check out. Warning -- it's got spoilers. Hope this helps!

Re: Another Italian Game: Aurora [Re: nickie] #170410
07/05/07 05:29 AM
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Aurora has found a publisher!

'Aurora – The Secret Within'

Bath, 5th July, 2007 – Lexicon Entertainment, a premier publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment software for video game console systems and personal computers world-wide, is pleased to announce the signing of Aurora – The Secret Within for PC.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s the name Roswell sparked great interest in the press and with the general public and even in 2007 is still a topic that creates media coverage.

Aurora – The Secret Within, explores this great theme, was it fact or is it fiction!?

The Facts

The American military have released ground-breaking news: a flying saucer has crashed near Roswell. The statement is promptly withdrawn, but the media are not to be fooled. While this stunning event is frantically broadcast over the radio waves, Detective Pileggi becomes involved in a mysterious case regarding the disappearance of a local farmer.

During the course of the investigation, he will discover that everything he has believed to be true throughout his life is nothing but an illusion. His world is shattered into pieces. Will our detective be able to solve the mystery hidden within Aurora?

“Aurora - The Secret Within” is a classic ‘point and click’ adventure, immersing the player in a world of puzzles and mysteries just waiting to be solved.

Tale Context

The Pentagon always made people believe (even if not openly) that Area 51 has been hiding projects about supersonic airplanes and alien technologies. This however was a cover-up, because the truth was that the base was developed for a secret project called AURORA; Area 51 was hiding a time machine!

The Game.

You play the enigmatic role of Detective Pileggi – throughout the game, his face remains obscured, the player is never able to see his face clearly. His past will be uncovered over the course of the player’s journey. During the first three days the mission will be exploring Area 51 and discovering once inside the base that journeys into time are possible! Suddenly an accident occurs in the control room and Pileggi finds himself (inexplicably) in the future. Now it appears, he has only two days to find how to get home and also why he has been chosen to solve this case!

Moving further into the adventure Pileggi revisits many of the earlier places but this time during the 1997 post nuclear period!

Key Features/Elements include:

- 40’s ‘film noir’ environments

- 3D room exploration

- 3D interactive animated characters

- Logical, mathematical riddles, gradually progressive puzzles

- Multiple choice dialogues, influencing the story

- 3D movies

- Multiple endings

- Plus a whole lot more!

Aurora - The Secret Within is a classic ‘point and click’ adventure, immersing the player in a world of puzzles and mysteries just waiting to be solved.

Aurora – The Secret Within presents a thrilling, compelling tale of subterfuge that the player will need to unravel to succeed.

Developed by BluMiAl Studios.

I'll be back, one day, when I feel like it.
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