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Moving On #310513
04/14/08 06:33 AM
04/14/08 06:33 AM
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After fifteen years I have more or less given up playing adventure games. The last one I played, some months ago, was Return to Mysterious Island and left it unfinished.
While I was playing I felt like I was back ten years ago, pick up everything that wasn’t nailed down, pick and mix etc,etc. and some of those old games I enjoyed so much better than some of those that are on offer today.

I’ll keep looking and hoping that AGs receives a much needed face lift that is in my opinion, long overdue. Something dramatic that renews the excitement of embarking on a marvellous journey when you load the CD.

I thought we were going in the right direction with Syberia and the genre would improve and move on, but no. I feel the games since, and I have played quiet a few, have gone backwards into the same old routine.

Apart from the graphics nothing has pushed the genre on from those that were being made ten years ago.
I know this isn’t an issue for many and they obviously still get great pleasure in playing and I respect their views, but for me its time to pack my bags.

Re: Moving On [Re: ] #310514
04/14/08 06:38 AM
04/14/08 06:38 AM
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Have you tried That Lost Crown

s wheeldon
Re: Moving On [Re: ] #310516
04/14/08 06:38 AM
04/14/08 06:38 AM
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Sorry to hear it Carousal. Did you look at Lost Crown - it may change your mind ?
Some of my friends have gone on to World of Warcraft & they are hooked.

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Re: Moving On [Re: ] #310517
04/14/08 06:38 AM
04/14/08 06:38 AM
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So have you moved on to the DarkSide or just hanging up the gaming hat for good? I was feeling the same way for quite awhile, but The Lost Crown was just what I needed to fel there is hope. Otherwise I play my DarkSide games.

Ana wave

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Re: Moving On [Re: ] #310558
04/14/08 08:09 AM
04/14/08 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted By: Carousal
After fifteen years I have more or less given up playing adventure games. The last one I played, some months ago, was Return to Mysterious Island and left it unfinished.
While I was playing I felt like I was back ten years ago, pick up everything that wasn’t nailed down, pick and mix etc,etc. and some of those old games I enjoyed so much better than some of those that are on offer today.

I’ll keep looking and hoping that AGs receives a much needed face lift that is in my opinion, long overdue. Something dramatic that renews the excitement of embarking on a marvellous journey when you load the CD.

I thought we were going in the right direction with Syberia and the genre would improve and move on, but no. I feel the games since, and I have played quiet a few, have gone backwards into the same old routine.

Apart from the graphics nothing has pushed the genre on from those that were being made ten years ago.
I know this isn’t an issue for many and they obviously still get great pleasure in playing and I respect their views, but for me its time to pack my bags.

What exactly are you looking for to "push the genre?"
Return to Mysterious Island was much more innovative than Syberia. How many games do you know of that allow so many alternate solutions to puzzles? What Syberia had was a strong story and memorable characters, which may be relatively rare but which are not innovative. Of course if story and characters are what's important to you, you should look at games more like The Lost Crown and Diamonds in the Rough, which are more story-oriented.

Usually "push the genre" refers to changing the gameplay away from traditional point-and-click. If that's what you want, something like Indigo Prophecy or The Experiment might be more what you're looking for.

Re: Moving On [Re: Jenny100] #310586
04/14/08 08:58 AM
04/14/08 08:58 AM
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If you want a good story lines with limited inventories why not try Lost Crown and also Jack Keane ( reminded me of the early Monkey Island games) luck

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Re: Moving On [Re: old lady] #310590
04/14/08 09:10 AM
04/14/08 09:10 AM
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Dimonds in the rough .The widgit games .The Blackwell 1 and 2 .I am eagerly awaiting number 3 .

s wheeldon
Re: Moving On [Re: dragonuk44] #310598
04/14/08 09:20 AM
04/14/08 09:20 AM
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That's really sad carousel. I myself enjoyed better the older games but there are still some good games out there. Of course every one of us have different point of view regarding the "good". Your good and my good maybe to completely different goods but don't give up. I'm sure there is a game out there just for you smile.
I had the same filling some years a go but all of a sudden the good games were all around me... Keep playing since then grin

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Re: Moving On [Re: dragonuk44] #310601
04/14/08 09:31 AM
04/14/08 09:31 AM
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I can understand where Carousal is coming from. I'm at a gaming stalemate/hiatus and nothing I've read/viewed about recent games have perked my interest. But I'm just biding my time playing HOG's and will eventually return to the regular adventure gaming scenario. What is discouraging to me is all the requirements for many games, such as more memory, higher end graphics card, and etc.etc.
I am waiting to see what the next Nancy Drew will be like.
I also think it's healthy to give one's self a break now and then.

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Re: Moving On [Re: Volkana] #310603
04/14/08 09:32 AM
04/14/08 09:32 AM
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Just make sure you pop back when Gray Matter gets released!

There's definitely definitely definitely no logic to human behaviour.
Re: Moving On [Re: Tomer] #310637
04/14/08 10:50 AM
04/14/08 10:50 AM
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I really don’t want to get into a discussion on different games. As soon as someone makes a negative remark on a particular game there follows a rush by members to defend it. As been said many times we all have our different likes and dislikes. My preferences are for strong story lines, interesting characters, total emersion in the game, room to explore and here I don’t mean one empty street in a city with ten shops of which eight are locked. I don’t mind puzzles and I suppose I am pretty good at solving them, however I don’t have a liking for games that give you the feeling of plodding from one set of puzzles to the next. However I feel the need for another element must be added to AG games, how about a few suggestions? There must be those who have played AGs for years that are tired of the same old puzzles albeit with more obtuse solutions. There are of course many, maybe the majority here, who are more that content with things as they are and don’t want any change.

I am not advocating action sequences and the like, they don’t belong in AGs in my opinion.

Last edited by Carousal; 04/14/08 10:52 AM.
Re: Moving On [Re: Tomer] #310643
04/14/08 11:20 AM
04/14/08 11:20 AM
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How about trying some of the old games that have been updated/remade to play on XP. They post Fandango has been updated. Don't know how it runs or anything about the game but it was quite popular. I don't play AG's anymore ever since Oblivion came out and then bought a PS3 and just fell in love with the racing, fighting combat strategies etc. Rhem's are still with the favorites though.

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Re: Moving On [Re: Yankee Clipper] #310652
04/14/08 11:38 AM
04/14/08 11:38 AM
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Hi Carousel,

Interesting topic.

I thought the In Memorium/Evidence games in which the internet was used as part of the puzzles, was innovative and got me very engrossed in the game and topic.

As you said, people have their likes and dislikes, it is much easier to keep games in the mainstream, rather than try out new ideas. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I am not creative enough to have any original ideas, but I do agree that many games in the past ten years have been ho-hum at best.

On the other hand, there have been enough good games to keep me interested in the genre.

It would be interesting to know what others feel could bring some innovation and creativity to adventure games, besides the story/character aspect of the game.

Re: Moving On [Re: Dyl'smom] #310681
04/14/08 12:21 PM
04/14/08 12:21 PM
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I've definitely slowed down in playing adventures. I used to play about 30 a year; I think I finished 2 last year shocked
I've no interest in playing other genres, so I've been reading more.
Part of my problem is similar to yours - there are not many new games that appeal to me - but for a different reason. I like to play Myst-like games and there are not many being made right now. So, as someone suggested in this thread, I recently replayed a favorite game (Black Dahlia) with a partner and had so much fun that I immediately started up Rhem 1 (one of my alltime faves). It also encouraged me to buy some games that did spark my interest, though I'm sad to say that there were only 7 games made in the past few years that I thought I'd like.

Re: Moving On [Re: colpet] #310686
04/14/08 12:29 PM
04/14/08 12:29 PM
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Hi smile

Well, I am certainly still enjoying playing adventure games - and of all shapes and sizes happydance - and considering the the slump in new releases of a few years ago, I feel lucky to be so doing ....

Everyone won't feel the same way, I know, but I do manage to find something compelling in almost every game I play lol

Guess I must be easily pleased, eh ?? evil


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Re: Moving On [Re: Mad] #310697
04/14/08 12:49 PM
04/14/08 12:49 PM
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Ah Mad, I agree with you - I'm part of the easily pleased bunch. grin
But I do think it is common for folks to reach a plateau where their interest in playing adventures wanes for a bit. A lot of times they don't play for a while and do something else, and then find themselves enjoying them once again.

I'm not of the opinion that games aren't as good as the good ol' oldies though. There were plenty made then that weren't great, and plenty made now that aren't. There were some gems back then, and some gems now.

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Re: Moving On [Re: Mad] #310698
04/14/08 12:53 PM
04/14/08 12:53 PM
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After a a few months gap last year (not because I didn't want to, but too preoccupied with other things to concentrate on AGs)I've been on a marathon since December, catching up with several newer games, & still going strong! There's not one so far I haven't liked but did make the mistake of playing Darkness Within AFTER The Lost Crown & felt that I would have appreciated Darkness Within more if I'd played something different inbetween! I am intending to play it again sometime! smile

Re: Moving On [Re: chrissie] #310707
04/14/08 01:21 PM
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Hi, Carousal

I too get some what frustrated...But...Here comes a Great game like Lost Crown & I get all excited again..I am a Truly devoted Adventure gamer..There are Good games & there are stinkers..

But a true team player like me will never get bored with Adventure Games...

Cheer up !!

Luv Dar

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Re: Moving On [Re: Tomer] #310893
04/14/08 08:45 PM
04/14/08 08:45 PM
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This is an intriguing topic for me. With the exception of the Nacy Drew Games, I have generally been disappointed with the Adventure genre. I don't know if it's old age, boredom or not having as much time to dedicate to gaming. I also have trouble adjusting to some of the "360 degree" interfaces [dizziness]. I have recently been playing the [free] Escape games that are on the internet sites. But I haven't entirely given up.

Re: Moving On [Re: Cat in the Hat] #310897
04/14/08 08:52 PM
04/14/08 08:52 PM
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Maybe it's time for you to check out "underground" games (freeware indy games). There are a ton out there that are really good -- 5 Days a Stranger, Reactor 9, The Prodigal, Tale of Two Kingdoms, etc.

Definitely check out the Wadget Eye games as well.

I was bored a while back and didn't know what to play and got really into freeware indy games.

I also second, third, fourth, etc. The Lost Crown.

Re: Moving On [Re: misa] #310955
04/15/08 12:54 AM
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I go off my gaming from time to time .I think every one gets fed up now and then .Give gameing a rest for a while .Then look whats to offer

s wheeldon
Re: Moving On [Re: dragonuk44] #310981
04/15/08 04:40 AM
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Carousal how about the Anniversary Edition of Myst. They are on DVD and the three of them are wonderful to revisit. I also found the exploring in URU great to get me back in Adventure mode.

Re: Moving On [Re: Kaki's Sister] #311211
04/15/08 02:56 PM
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Sometimes i go ''off'' gaming it seems...then i usually play an action adventure (with easy to use cheat codes or trainer) for a bit and that helps(but lately haven't seen an action/adventure that i like that HAS cheat codes or a trainer!).. i think we've got some good adventure games it is just we play them too fast! i mean we play them as soon as we get them...and i think sometimes that leaves a bit of a gap for awhile. I have tried to play RPG's, but i get so bogged down in ''bookkeeping'' (having to keep up with stats, inventory, spells,health,fighting,(and i have hand/arm problems), etc.,)that they're not me seems like they're awfully hard to learn. Really bugs me 'cause i know i am not a total idiot and i would really like to LIKE playing them!

Re: Moving On [Re: gamenut] #312798
04/18/08 06:18 PM
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Kaki's sis, can I play the anniversary version of Myst on Vista [or XP]?

Re: Moving On [Re: Cat in the Hat] #312799
04/18/08 06:22 PM
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Cat, it was made for XP. It was not created for Vista though, so I cannot answer that.

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