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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: nickie] #309304
04/11/08 04:26 PM
04/11/08 04:26 PM
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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #309307
04/11/08 04:28 PM
04/11/08 04:28 PM
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You two are too funny...

I am sure who ever does it...It will be a good one thumbsup or maybe a bad one wink

Luv Dar

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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Darleen03] #309499
04/12/08 03:26 AM
04/12/08 03:26 AM
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This game looks good but im a bit confused as i have heard rumors its like farenheit which was nice game but i hated the timed actions and the keyboard controls (not point and click, and was wondering if anyone knew of a ingame (playing) video that i could see that shows how the game is when playing somit like youtube vid or somit, or a written answer here would do.


Re: Ovderclocked [Re: SkeeterUK] #309511
04/12/08 04:48 AM
04/12/08 04:48 AM
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Skeeter -- there's a First Look by nickie here. The game is point and click (third person perspective). Nickie touches on the gameplay near the end of the First Look section, right before the interview. It certainly doesn't sound like there are timed actions in the game like those in Fahrenheit.

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #309559
04/12/08 09:03 AM
04/12/08 09:03 AM
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Thats good to know. So its a bit like moment of silence in interface views.

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: SkeeterUK] #309592
04/12/08 09:53 AM
04/12/08 09:53 AM
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Got the game this moring...

On the inside flap...There is another quote from GameBoomers..

"...a brooding thriller that builds up momentum as it plays like a Hitchcock movie." monky

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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Darleen03] #309622
04/12/08 10:26 AM
04/12/08 10:26 AM
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That's great! thumbsup

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #309703
04/12/08 11:59 AM
04/12/08 11:59 AM
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Oh, that's nice! Except now I'm going to have to buy the game for the box. laugh

No, the game is nothing like Fahrenheit! It's point and click and not timed. Pure adventure and no finger numbing sequences.

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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: nickie] #309712
04/12/08 12:11 PM
04/12/08 12:11 PM
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Nickie, I did get my email from Dave monky, Overclocked is on the way to my house bravo. As for the game box I myself, always like to have the boxes. I treasure them like good books I have read, they set on my bookshelf along side my books. Good games, good books. I love my collection. catrub

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Trinny3] #309714
04/12/08 12:15 PM
04/12/08 12:15 PM
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Trinny, they do seem to strangely multiply and start taking over the house though. grin

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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: nickie] #309966
04/12/08 11:43 PM
04/12/08 11:43 PM
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I was kind of hoping it would be like Indigo Prophecy! Actually I knew it wasn't, but I loved that game myself. Just replayed it for the third time and enjoyed it very much yet again. Do hard core AG'ers really dislike something different in the genre? Ive been having some good fun playing traditional point and click games because I like a more in depth story which they do provide, but I'd love to see more games that take a chance and try something unique as Indigo did.

But back to Overclocked. I've been pretty broke lately so I have to pick any new games that I purchase very carefully. When someone starts playing it I'd love to hear some impressions. I've been watching the game for a while now, and the story really intrigues me.

Appreciate it.

Not sure if anyone has posted this yet but just found this review of the game on IGN. It gives it a 70. That's not a bad score for a site like theirs who usually favor run of the mill shooters.

Warning: there are spoilers in this review

Last edited by Becky; 04/13/08 07:26 AM. Reason: Added spoiler warning.
Re: Ovderclocked [Re: olgeezer] #310034
04/13/08 06:49 AM
04/13/08 06:49 AM
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Olgeezer -- for recent adventures with interesting innovative features -- check out The Experiment and Penumbra: Black Plague.

EDIT: Olgeezer -- the IGN article is interesting, but it does contain some game spoilers, so I put a warning above it in your post for those gamers who are very careful not to be spoiled before they play. Thanks!

Last edited by Becky; 04/13/08 07:27 AM. Reason: Added spoiler warning explanation.
Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #310126
04/13/08 10:47 AM
04/13/08 10:47 AM
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Barry Offline OP
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Now all we need is a great MaG walkthough for the game (I saw Nickie's walkthrough but would also like one by MaG in case the North American version has differences). How about it OH Great Queen of Walkthroughs?


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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Barry] #310127
04/13/08 10:50 AM
04/13/08 10:50 AM
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I don't think the NA version will be different. Er... I didn't order this game. headscratch
Nickie's definitely can get you through.

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: MaG] #310161
04/13/08 11:40 AM
04/13/08 11:40 AM
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MaG, Please pardon my nosiness....I would have thought that this game would be rather up your alley. I can only imagine that you play a ton of games, but this one didn't pique your interest? I'm getting ready to play it, myself.Just curious. think

Last edited by gaily; 04/13/08 08:23 PM. Reason: worst speller in the room

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: gaily] #310169
04/13/08 11:50 AM
04/13/08 11:50 AM
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I checked the game for a bit on the PR sent to us, the First Look and the comments. Sounds really good. I knew too that Nickie will take care of writing the help for the gamers, which is a big help and something less to think about (Thanks, sweet nickie!) Then life intruded, other games that I can access easily like downloads when I have the time and I'm embarassed to say - I forgot. blush

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: MaG] #310171
04/13/08 11:51 AM
04/13/08 11:51 AM
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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: gaily] #310172
04/13/08 11:52 AM
04/13/08 11:52 AM
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Practically from the moment a new game announces a release date, people email MaG and ask if she's writing a walkthrough. She shouldn't have to write every walkthrough!

Sometimes she takes a break! smile

And it's pique! lol (Calming breath, calming breath. Must forget word obsession.)

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #310185
04/13/08 12:11 PM
04/13/08 12:11 PM
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ummm, ok, Becky. I didn't ask about a walkthrough. I just tried to have a conversation. I am appreciative of Nickie and all of you. Sorry.

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: gaily] #310192
04/13/08 12:18 PM
04/13/08 12:18 PM
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lol Sorry gaily -- I didn't mean to over-react. thumbsup

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #310195
04/13/08 12:23 PM
04/13/08 12:23 PM
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wink No worries.

Re: Ovderclocked [Re: gaily] #310206
04/13/08 12:34 PM
04/13/08 12:34 PM
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Re: Ovderclocked [Re: Becky] #310247
04/13/08 01:50 PM
04/13/08 01:50 PM
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Hey, I get it finally,! Instead of "peek" it should be "pique" your interest. Took me a bit to figure this out. I half expect one of these words (both?) to turn up in a title for Name the Game now! Becky's way with words is truly surprising, I think.

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Re: re: Overclocked - now shipping [Re: Barry] #310784
04/14/08 04:22 PM
04/14/08 04:22 PM
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What a short game! Fun while it lasted, though. wink

Re: re: Overclocked - now shipping [Re: Snatcher42] #310847
04/14/08 06:37 PM
04/14/08 06:37 PM
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Its short? I was under the impression it was a very long game.

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