These days most games install completely on your hard drive. This insures smooth running and quick scene transitions. When you are required to have a disk in the drive it is usually for copy protection so the game can read a short code to verify you have a legal copy. It appears in this case the cut scenes remain on the dvd and are not loaded onto your hard drive. This requires the game to read and load from the disk. This will require load times that vary based upon the speed of your dvd drive. Yes I had to wait about 30 seconds due to my 48x dvd reader. You could see the drive blinking with each cut scene as it loaded. I found it to be a minor annoyance and the game well worth playing. If I had a 12x or 24x dvd reader I may have a different opinion. I don't know why they chose to do this, most likely to with with copy protection. I can understand the frustration but it did not hinder game play other than you having to wait to see the scene.
Edit*** It just struck me, the name of the game, Overclocked. In terms associated with video cards there certainly was no overclocking going on here. I don't know how fast the new dvd readers are these days but I'm not about to buy one just yet.
Disclaimer----I also don't want to dis this game because some of you may have noticed I'm trying to trade it for Jack Keane.

Seriously I found it to be enjoyable except for that wait time. Which by the way is not a major thing, it happens a few times but mostly it is not a big deal.