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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: looney4labs] #335959
05/30/08 07:40 AM
05/30/08 07:40 AM
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I followed your instructions and can't find any save folder. I have looked everywhere, so I am still stuck. I'm going to keep trying the strings. I you know anything else to try please let me know.

Thanks Again,

Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: cjp] #336057
05/30/08 10:34 AM
05/30/08 10:34 AM
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cjp, Check the instructions here and see if that will help you get the saved game in the correct spot. luck

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Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: Freya] #337265
06/01/08 04:43 PM
06/01/08 04:43 PM
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Hi, I'm Call1e and I'm new here. I'm having the same problem. I can't see Lord London's report or get to the Richmond Street hideout. I've got the walkthrough and have used it as a guideline, and have even restarted the game twice, but can't get any farther.

The gold button at the Aston Theater "Box" is still active, and I've re-visited there several times, but can't find any clues I've missed. I did the puzzle there and got a gold puzzle piece which indicates that I've completed all of the things there that I need to do, so I can't figure out why the button is still gold as if I hadn't finished something.

Any help or hints would be greatly apprecialted.


Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: Call1e] #337270
06/01/08 04:53 PM
06/01/08 04:53 PM
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welcome Callie,

Have you done the box making (square-lines) puzzle under the bed?

Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: MaG] #337274
06/01/08 05:03 PM
06/01/08 05:03 PM
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welcome to GameBoomers Call1e

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #337295
06/01/08 05:54 PM
06/01/08 05:54 PM
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Richard S Offline
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I've tried the String puzzle numerous times but can't seem to get it. I've gotten it maybe twice just by random coincidence but by the time I finish it, I'm out of time for the other stuff. Can someone please email me a saved game for after string puzzle and the instructions for Vista on how to set it up. I would really appreciate it.


Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: Richard S] #337298
06/01/08 06:06 PM
06/01/08 06:06 PM
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welcome Richard,

I don't know where the saves are located in Vista. Maybe you can check if it is similar to XP. Also do a search in your computer.
I senr you the saved game with how to use it in XP.

Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: MaG] #337305
06/01/08 06:26 PM
06/01/08 06:26 PM
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cant find where the saved game goes..all confused now frown

Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #337314
06/01/08 06:56 PM
06/01/08 06:56 PM
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Hi ya Call1e and welcome to GameBoomers puppy

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Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: MaG] #337361
06/01/08 08:17 PM
06/01/08 08:17 PM
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No, I haven't done the box puzzle under the bed, because I can only go into the box at the Ashton Theater and there is no bed there. It is the room with the wigs that you have to put the headbands on. I completed the message decoding puzzle there and picked up everything there, and then went to the backstage part and picked up everything there and completed the white and black tiles puzzle and read and clicked on the name on the wall with the filters. Then I went to Scotland Yard and viewed the body and collected all of the items from the body, but didn't find Lord Lindon in the "Suspects" file, nor could I get the Richmond hideout to appear. In fact, the computer didn't acknowledge that I was supposed to be on Level 4 now. I even restarted a new game and the same thing happened. I must have forgotten something. If I have time, I'll start a new game and see if I can pay closer attention to everything.

If you have any other ideas please let me know. Thanks.

Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: Call1e] #337371
06/01/08 08:34 PM
06/01/08 08:34 PM
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I am doing the last case in the lost cases of sherlock holmes and am stuck on the gear puzzle. Can you help?

Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: jojo1940] #337373
06/01/08 08:37 PM
06/01/08 08:37 PM
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Call1e, have you looked at the walkthrough to see if you missed anything? Walkthrough

jojo, that is a different Sherlock game, but I'll answer you here anyways. Have you tried the Walkthrough at GameZebo? If you have any more questions please post in the Lost Cases thread.

Last edited by BrownEyedTigre; 06/01/08 08:39 PM.

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Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #337427
06/01/08 10:16 PM
06/01/08 10:16 PM
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I found what I was missing in the Ashton Theater Box--
"The Male Hair" (mustache?) that was not listed or marked with a red "X" in the walkthrough--perhaps it will need to be added to the walkthrough? It worked when I picked it up and now I'm on Level 4 headed for the Richmond Street hideout!

Thanks for everybody's help. If I get stuck, I'll post again!

Last edited by Call1e; 06/02/08 12:19 AM. Reason: Mustache is marked with red "X" on walkthrough picture, but isn't listed on items to collect. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks, Call1e.
Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: Call1e] #337461
06/02/08 12:23 AM
06/02/08 12:23 AM
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Well, I'm stuck again on the red box puzzle where you have to change the numbers from 0--9. I'm not getting any red buttons to turn green--they all just stay red no matter what combination of numbers I try. I've tried the "1234512345" that the walkthrough suggested, but that didn't work either, besides the instructions say that numbers can't be used more than once.

Anyone have any helpful suggestions?


Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: Call1e] #337467
06/02/08 12:47 AM
06/02/08 12:47 AM
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Call1e, try 1 thru 9, then zero. If you don't get any green lights with that then move each number up or down by 1. You can't duplicate any of the numbers on each try. Keep doing that and watch to see that you don't repeat any of the numbers that are green. Eventually you will get it. Good luck.

Its one of those doors that needs a thingy thing.
Re: SH: Mystery of the Persian Carpet [Re: Rice burner] #337471
06/02/08 01:11 AM
06/02/08 01:11 AM
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Thanks. I finally got it.

Now I'm stuck on the green string puzzle.

Any suggestions?

Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: Call1e] #337479
06/02/08 02:30 AM
06/02/08 02:30 AM
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Call1e, I had a very difficult time with that puzzle. It is random so there is no step by step directions I can give you. MaG said in her WT to
Move a ball as far out as you can and see if the other strings are cleared.

Just keep trying, you will eventually get it.

Its one of those doors that needs a thingy thing.
Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: Rice burner] #337587
06/02/08 09:28 AM
06/02/08 09:28 AM
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Call1e, it is very doable--hubby did it on his first try--I'd still be sitting there though.

There is a save (XP) if you just cannot get past it. luck

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: looney4labs] #337763
06/02/08 02:15 PM
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barlouwin Offline
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Hello. Can any one help me with a save fro the safe puzzle, I am using the walkthrough but still not able to do it, It will be end of the game if I do not do it. Please help.


Last edited by barlouwin; 06/02/08 02:16 PM. Reason: spelling wrong
Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: barlouwin] #337811
06/02/08 03:39 PM
06/02/08 03:39 PM
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This is a practice puzzle if you do play Dracula Origin. There's a puzzle there exactly like this. laugh

I'm sorry. I don't have a save here.
Follow the step by step carefully and you can do it.

Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: looney4labs] #337888
06/02/08 06:14 PM
06/02/08 06:14 PM
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Thanks. I'll work on it for a while and if I get completely frustrated, I'll ask for the save. I have XP.

Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: Call1e] #337891
06/02/08 06:17 PM
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luck Call1e

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: MaG] #339187
06/04/08 06:09 PM
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I am so stuck! I'm in the cement factory and I can't find the last sun ray for the door, nor can I find the greasy substance. I've look ed at the picture in the walkthrough, but I can't find these two things. Argh - I'm so close to the end...

Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: kayejaye] #339200
06/04/08 06:31 PM
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kaye, have you looked at the walkthrough on GameZebo? Perhaps between the two photos you'll get a better feel of where they are.

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Re: Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet Help Thread Part 3 [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #339279
06/04/08 09:04 PM
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Alright. I admit defeat. The string puzzle has beat me. Can someone please send me a game save with instructions?


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