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Oblivion leveling questions #34051
04/02/07 01:59 PM
04/02/07 01:59 PM
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Nipomo Offline OP
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Here's a couple of questions I can't seem to find the answer to.First some facts to set up the questions

Atributes are like speed, inteligence and strenght

Skills are like athletics, alchamy and heavy armor

It takes 10 of your major skills to level.

Without enchantment your atributes top out at 100

Everytime you level you can raise 3 of your attributes up to 5 points untill each attribute hits 100.

OK what if all your major skills are 100 so you can't level anymore but some of your minor skills are less than 100 can you still build the minor skills as you play or do they just freeze ????

And what happens when all but 2 or 1 of your atributes are toped out at 100 but you still can level because some of your major skills haven't hit 100 yet. Can you still add to atributes when you have less than 3 choices. That is as long as you can still level can you add to say 'luck' even though all your other atributes are 100.

Just wondering and most of the guides tell you how to level and all that but not what happens towards the end.

Hope these questions make sense. I really want to know so I can plan ahead a little while I play.

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Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34052
04/02/07 04:36 PM
04/02/07 04:36 PM
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I don't know actually. I never bothered to play that far. laugh I am curious as's not as if there's any danger of it happening unless one takes very very long time to finish the main quest. smile

If I could hazard a guess, I would say the developers have balanced it out in one way or another so that it all evens out, putting all your skills at maximum at the same time as your attributes. After all, the amount of attribute points you get to spend seems to be beased on how much you have gained in that particular area of skills, so I would guess some smart person has figured out a way to balance them against eachother.

Or maybe it just stops. smile

Are they dead? Yes. Unlike you they have but one life...and they wasted it for your sake!
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34053
04/02/07 04:59 PM
04/02/07 04:59 PM
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I think I will end up playing that far because I like to try to manage things to get 5 points for my 3 atributes each time (more or less). Its not that hard, I do quests for a while and then hit the dungeons or explore to buff up my skills for each level. Anyway if no one can tell me I'll save my saves for each level towards the end so I can go back if I can't max out something I want to.

I hope someone who has play that far can answer but if not I will come back and post what I find out.

Off to go where no Oblivion player on Gameboomers has gone before. (that's a joke)

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Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34054
04/02/07 05:04 PM
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Do tell us of your findings. laugh

There's no need to go back to a previous save before finishing the game. With the main quest finished, the game isn't over. You can still travel around in the world and complete quests.

Are they dead? Yes. Unlike you they have but one life...and they wasted it for your sake!
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34055
04/02/07 09:07 PM
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I've played both Morrowind and Oblivion for months on end, and have never even come close to maxing out stats and abilities. So you could be at this for a while.


I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34056
04/02/07 11:06 PM
04/02/07 11:06 PM
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I have maxed out strenght, endurance, agility and my speed is 75, and I am working on willpower and intelligence and I throw in personality about every three levels when I sell all my loot....I'm not sure what level I am but I know it is under 20 (I just looked, I'm level 18). I'm pretty sure I will find out the answers to my questions, but I sure wish I knew what to expect. I've playing oblivion since it came out but not huge hours every week. I like to just play along doing quests but then when its about time to level up I go and find bad guys to fight so I can get 5's. I level up kinda slow.

It just seems like people would wonder what happens as they come close to maxing out but I've never seen anyone mention it.

You right about takes a long time to work them best are heavy armor, sneak and what's the one that fixes your damaged armor those are all over 75. I try to keep my blade, blunt and hand to hand with in a couple of points of each other and right now they are all between 60 and 65.

I play Marrowind alittle different....I don't try to get all the points I can when I level up..I just play. But I found Oblivion a little boring (all the caves etc and lands are so much the same SO I manage my leveling and that helps keep me interested. Its kinda like my own personal quest.

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Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34057
04/05/07 09:56 PM
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I know what you mean. Oblivion is a beautiful looking game, but there is a sameness to it after all.

My personal quest was to have a furnished home (or hovel) in every town. And then I decorated them with every object I could find.

I think I'm quite ready for another adventure.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34058
04/06/07 01:06 AM
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I knew I was getting bored with Oblivion when I put on all my chameleon enchanted gear. Hopped up on top of one of the gazebos in the main city and started shooting low-power spells and arrows at the guards and citizens just to watch them run around trying to find where the attack is coming from.

It's actually pretty funny to do when you are at 95-110pts chameleon so pretty much totally invisible, plus combat does not nullify the effect. The guards and citizens end up in a mass of people running around either single file or in a loose knit group with manic looks on their faces like the A.I. freaks out. It's actually a little creepy... lol

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34059
04/06/07 01:27 AM
04/06/07 01:27 AM
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Nipomo, there is a way around your dilemma. You need to get cursed or something. I can't remember what specifically, but something bad can happen to you in the game that reduces some of your stats, allowing you to do a bit more levelling.

And yes, wasn't the gorgeous sameness of Cyrodill a disappointment after the Any-Crazy-Assed-Thing-Could-Be-Over-The-Next-Hill feeling you got from Morrowind? Plus the Morrowind map was much, MUCH larger.

If they could make a game with the tightness and coherence of Oblivion with the spectacularly strange, vast, and diverse environments of Morrowind, they'd have a game for the ages.

Though I could never finish Morrowind, I never got tired of just exploring.

Procrastinate NOW!! Don't put it off!!
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34060
04/06/07 12:28 PM
04/06/07 12:28 PM
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i'm similar here nipomo. currently my main char is 100 in all but 3 attributes, one is at 50 or just over and the other two a bit under.

was wondering the same myself. my problem however is that char has finished virtually every quest in oblivion, knights of the nine, and all the downloaded content included in the retail states version. why i'm mostly in the shivering isles now.

however i messed up with that char making his prime attributes the most commonly used ones, so he is around the early 30s in level, think 32-33.

though on the exploration, that wasn't as big with me as the ease of combat. personally i like the easier combat, the downside is you fly through the quests too quick.
heck i had one magick based char that ran through the dark brotherhood and mage's guild quests and never made it to level 2.

i also mad an 'evil' argonian, i liked him. i literally went through every city and kvatch and killed. kvatach i killed everyone alive the game allows, in all the other cities [except the imperial city] i killed EVERY guard i could find and could kill. i was methodical on that trust me. unfortunately you return to a city later and all the guards back.
sadly at one point my mouse skipped while the game was trying to load and caused me to click go to jail instead of resist arrest, so my wonderful bounty went away.

i'll have to check that char, i got his bounty up to a few hundred thousand gold, yeah i wasn't even bothering with sneak, i just came in and started killing with a blade. i didn't die once till i finally went into the main gate of the city [one closest to the stables] before enough ganged up to kill me, and that was mostly the two archers cause the other 4 infantry crowded me and i couldn't get past them. but i finally killed 3 of them and was 1-2 hits from killing the 4th before the archers finally got me.
have to check his level too, think he was only lev 10-12 or so, might be 15, doubt more then that though.

so my complaint was less the ease of combat then the speed of quest completion. but it balances as i hated having to get stats to a given number on morrowind. several times it said i needed a skill at 90 before i could reach the highest rank, yet those where you have to kill someone to become the new leader i killed them with relative ease, though those fights were more challenging, is stil got the top rank with the highest skill at 80 instead of what was said to be 90.

what i like best is the general ranking bonuses such as after one rank in stealth [believe apprentice or journeymen] the weight or your boots no longer effects if you are given away when running while in stealth mode.

"Life is defined by choices. Those we make and those made by others." by (As far as I know) P DOUBLE L.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34061
04/07/07 04:29 AM
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I thought I made out ok with my altercation with the Vampires earlier in the game, but it seems that I got infected. I came out from closing my 4th Oblivion Gate and started losing health, and could not figure out why until I talked to someone and "cure for Vampirism" was in my conversation options.

Now I have 5 or 6 active quests and can't decide which way I want to go next. Some of them had to be put on hold until certain skills are increased. I wanted to get the cure for Vampirism, but I have to find 5 greater soul stones to take to the witch and no telling what else after that. I really suck at picking the "hard" locks, and the greater soul stones I need are locked up in display cases in one of the Mages Guilds.

I've become pretty engrossed in this game. I can see how these RPGs can grow on you. smile

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34062
04/07/07 07:36 AM
04/07/07 07:36 AM
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it is grand soul gems, not greater. and they have to be empty. you can also buy them, though that is expensive. that is the harder part of that quest really.

as to the picking of locks... there is a trick around that, though have to finish another quest, but if your char is lock picking focus [a stealth class], then it is really worth the effort.

the shrine of nocturnal gives the best benefit for that, i don't want to say too much because i don't want to spoil anything, but will say that the shrine is north of leyawiin. however i don't want to say more then that, so just head north and look around the the shrine icon to show on your compass and head for it.
her statue is of a woman in a large hooded poncho with both arms out to her side as though on a cross, with a couple animals on her wrists.

go there and finish the quest, if you are a stealth based character or you just really have trouble with locks the reward is certainly worth the quest which is fairly easy.

"Life is defined by choices. Those we make and those made by others." by (As far as I know) P DOUBLE L.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34063
04/07/07 08:44 PM
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Thank you PDL, I'll go find that Shrine and complete the quest next. I really want to cure my Vampirism, and I don't have a lot of money to buy those gems. smile

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34064
04/08/07 12:30 AM
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The vampire cure quest is a bit of a pain, but sure does challenge you to be alert. No sunlight and everybody gets an attitude toward you...

After the umteenth time I played Oblivion and the expansions (shivering isles excluded) I finally figured out the easiest way to assure yourself not to get infected (I'm a little slow on the pick-up lol ). Always visit a healing shrine after battling vampires. That way if you missed the little pop-up text that states you're infected the "gods" take care of your lapse of attentiveness laugh

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Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34065
04/08/07 06:49 AM
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Yeah, you are somewhat restricted as a Vampire. You can't fast travel during the day either. I found that I can fast travel in daylight and sunlight doesn't hurt me if I feed on someone. There's usually somebody snoozing near any of the stables at night. I get a quick drink and I'm ok for a while smile

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34066
04/08/07 10:17 AM
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yeah you have to feed to travel during the day, also the one mod avilable online or in the retail states version of knights of the nine also helps as it is designed for a vamp char, the 'vile lair' for those wondering. takes money to build it up, but still for a vamp char it helps when you have it done.

though if you go long enough without feeding you get the one greater power to charm people into liking you so you can buy stuff, however you can only use it once per day and you still have to hide from the sun.

though it is real easy to get it in oblivion, though in morrowind i had a char continually hit over and over till she was near death and i had to bug out of the dungeon to avoid death, and continued that for weeks at 3-4 locations, and she still never caught it.

"Life is defined by choices. Those we make and those made by others." by (As far as I know) P DOUBLE L.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34067
04/08/07 05:25 PM
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Thanks, PDL smile

I have a feeling I'm going to be playing this games for months. That's actually a good thing as I'm really starting to enjoy it.

I've totally forgotten about doing the main quest. I keep on running into these side quests and I'm a sucker I guess, I always say "yes...what the hay..I'll help" smile

Is there any repercussion from not paying enough attention to the main quest?

...and if so, If I focus on the main quest, will all (or most) of my other side quests still be there if I complete it?

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34068
04/08/07 06:15 PM
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This game is just like morrowind. You can keep on playing and doing whatever quests you run into or have not finished once you finish the main quest.

If you want to wait and continue other quests first then you can continue those and don't worry about the main quest.

Its not a problem either way.

My first guy that I played I focused on the main quest and once that was finished it felt like a really short game.

Now I have 3 more people going and it will take a really long time to finish everything there is to do in this game.

There are Guild quests.

There are quests given by people you talk to or overhear them talking to someone else.

There are quests given by statues you find in the wildreness.

So to answer your question. Yes the quests will still be there.

You just won't have to worry about Oblivion gates popping up anymore or the big guy at the end.

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Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34069
04/08/07 08:08 PM
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the elder scrolls series is known for letting players do what they want, you don't even have to play main quests at all if you don't want to.

"Life is defined by choices. Those we make and those made by others." by (As far as I know) P DOUBLE L.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34070
04/08/07 08:54 PM
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Robert, my advice is actually to stay away from the main quest as long as possible.. If you jump into it early the story line get's a little quirky afterwards.

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Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34071
04/09/07 09:07 AM
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Thank everyone. I'm not sure how far I am into the main quest, but I've done quite a lot. The last time I saw Jauffre, I was told to go to the various cities throughout Cyrodil and get all the leaders to send help to defend the garrision. I've gotten 3 of them to send troops so far.

This "find help" quest has lead me to all these other side quest, and getting turned into a Vampire, which has lead me on series of other quest.

VHL, you mentioned Oblivion Gates "popping up". I hope the ones I've already closed won't re-open if I ignore the main quest for a while. I'd like to get my weapons, magic and armor built up before I have to deal with the big boss at the end of the main quest.

I noticed when I closed one of the gates I got one of those Sigil Stones (or whatever they are called), that attach magic powers to my weapons and make them far more effective, which is really cool. I should probably save those powers as much as I can, as those magic gems that recharge them seem rather hard to come by...most of the ones I find have no power in them.

I also joined the Mages Guild, and I have to have a letter of recommendation for whatyamacallit. I went into the sewer, found the dead guy, got the ring of burden, then the dude I was supposed to give it to to get my letter was gone. Now I have to track him down.

I figured I could learn some magic powers from the Mages, but apparently I have to complete a bunch more side quests before that will happen. All the ones I've approached so far, it says "this person cannot teach you any new skills".

I guess I'm probably having to do things hard way, as I haven't much money (only about 1000 gold), and it seems rather hard to come by.

I have gotten the hang of using persuasion. I was able to max out that woman's dispostion to make her confess to stealing the painting in the Castle.

I feel like there's still sooo much I have to learn, and so far I've only scratched the surface. laugh

I love it!!

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34072
04/09/07 09:34 AM
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I'm so glad you're having a good time Robert! It's sure fun to get involved in those worlds. Others that have played can sure tell you more, but I understand the stones are what's good about the gates. smile wave

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- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34073
04/09/07 11:00 AM
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when you close a gate it stays closed. sigil stones can enchant things yes, they can enchant armor or weapons but not both, simply use it on the weapon or armor you want to use it with.

to get new spells you buy them, not train them. there is at least one in each mage's guild. you don't have to join to buy them, however after a point in the mage's guild quest you can gain the benefit of making your own spells and enchanting weapons and armor using only money [though a lot of money], both of those get some getting used to, but definately useful.

the picture that looks like someone meditating is to improve your skills [sneak, destruction, etc], the two arrows that make a circle is buying normal things [ingrediants, armor, weapons, etc], there are also two others. one is to buy new spells the other is to pay gold to recharge your enchanted items.

also soul gems that have a soul rating you can use to recharge enchantments to varying amounts [based on the rating level], however if you find an empty one, get a 'soul trap' spell. this allows you to cast the spell on a target, and if you kill them before the spell wears off you trap their soul in a soul gem, it is now a charged gem and can be used to recharge your magical items.

however each soul gem has a value as does each soul, a soul must be placed in a soul gem of equal or greater power.
the power levels i believe are; petty, lesser, common, greater, and grand. however if i am remembering wrong someone feel free to correct me.
however my point on this is that to trap say a common soul you'd need a common to grand soul gem to trap the soul. if a petty soul then any gem will trap it. if a grand soul ONLY a grand soul gem can trap it.
again the higher the soul power level the more of a recharge it provides.

again go to the various members of each guild hall and if you see a button that has a picture of anything other then a face, the trading arrows [the two arrows making a circle], or the figure meditating then click on that new symbol.
again it will either offer pay to recharge items [shows a picture of the item to be recharged and gives a price amount], and the other sells you spells [shows a list of spells that person teaches and how much they charge]. this latter one is the one you want on buying spells. also if you place the curser over the spell without clicking it will tell you the school of magick it belongs to [destruction, restoration, conjuration, etc] and will also list additional notes such as 'you don't have enough magicka' or 'destruction level needed 20' or similar responses, in these you can't use that spell yet because your skill level isn't high enough or you don't yet have enough magical power to cast the spell. however if it doesn't say either then you can cast it fine.
also along with the price of the spell it also lists the magicka amount you need to cast the spell. at the top it shows the words name followed by two symbols. one being a lightning bolt with an arrow the other being a coin with an arrow. the coin is the price of the spell, the lightning bolt is the magicka amount needed.

you can stop the main quest at any point and come back to it later at any point from my understanding. so go ahead and take a break, do some side quests, make some money, buy spells and such... when you are ready go back, as the main plot just gets more fast paced [or at least feels more fast paced] after you get everyone to lend troops.

"Life is defined by choices. Those we make and those made by others." by (As far as I know) P DOUBLE L.
Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34074
04/09/07 11:59 AM
04/09/07 11:59 AM
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Even though you're at the "gate closing" point of the main quest you can still drag that out. I believe there is something like a maximum of 60 or so gates that you can end up closing if you wish. Also, traveling through the cities and doing other quests at the same time will put a different spin on things. Some folks just jump around closing gates amd as a result miss a number of things that are triggered by the gates opening... so take your time and have fun...

A trick about the sigil stones: Make a separate game save just before entering a gate. After you get the sigil stone, if it doesn't have the powers you want just go back to that save and try again. They are randomly generated so it's kind of like playing Daedra Roulette! lol

You can also have your items recharged at mages guild locations by the approprite mage. It's expensive, but there should come a point in the game where money is not an issue. There is also a stone you will come across in certain ruins called a Varla stone. This can recharge all of your enchanted weapons at once to 100% (single use only). They are rare, so try to hang on to one or two for the main battle, they'll come in handy.

“A world is supported by four things: The learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these things are as nothing, without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. Make that the science of your tradition!”
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, from the novel Dune

Re: Oblivion leveling questions #34075
04/09/07 12:38 PM
04/09/07 12:38 PM
Joined: May 2005
Posts: 4,838
Pinson, Al USA
Robert Offline
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Robert  Offline
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Joined: May 2005
Posts: 4,838
Pinson, Al USA
Sweeeet. Nice tips folks. I'm learning more and more just by playing. I'll have to get that "soul trap" spell. That's sounds like the easiest way to recharge my weapons without spending a lot of money or searching all over creation.

I'll certainly be glad when "money is not an issue". I get paid for some of these quests I go on, but I haven't gotten anything substantial yet.

This game is like a little world of it's own. The amount of detail is awesome. I've never played anything like this before. Grand Theft Auto games are similar, but not nearly as detailed and open ended. smile

Nickie, you've got to play this. It's amazing!!

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