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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #349536
06/22/08 02:58 PM
06/22/08 02:58 PM
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zookeeper Offline
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Thanks Margie, I thought it was funny too. I can't take credit for it though. I got it from a funny email that a friend sent about parenting.

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: zookeeper] #349628
06/22/08 06:20 PM
06/22/08 06:20 PM
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Hi Zookeeper,

So, I need to get the right symbol, in the right place, at the same time it is lit up? Then do the lights stay on, how do you know it is the right symbol?


Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Flo NS] #349657
06/22/08 08:00 PM
06/22/08 08:00 PM
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zookeeper Offline
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When you get the right symbol in the right spot the flashing dots of the outside circle will match the flashing dots of the inside circle. When you get all four right the door will open.

I child-proofed my home... but they're still getting in!
Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: zookeeper] #349756
06/23/08 12:51 AM
06/23/08 12:51 AM
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Freya Offline
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I have completed the second circle puzzle twice with the three rows of lights that are the same color lined up one under another - and nothing happens. I thought either the second door would open or another location would be avsilsble (via the map), but nada. Please advise.

I figured out what my error was. I failed to notice the two colored grooves on the outside of the outer ring.

Last edited by Freya; 06/23/08 01:06 AM. Reason: Don't need advice on the original problem.
Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread #349770
06/23/08 04:00 AM
06/23/08 04:00 AM
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puzzlefiend Offline
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Can anyone help? I have found all the gears and have placed them on the contraption, pulled the lever but only three gears are turning. I also need to find in the same screen an object in blue. The hint points to the back wall, but how do I open the back wall? Is it something to do with getting all the gears moving?

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: puzzlefiend] #349771
06/23/08 04:12 AM
06/23/08 04:12 AM
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You need to get all the gears turning. There are piles of gears on both sides of the screen, did you find thhem all ? There is a bit of paper on the wall that tells you that you need to turn the gears !

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: puzzlefiend] #349861
06/23/08 08:44 AM
06/23/08 08:44 AM
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Hello Jenny B and thanks for your swift reply - but I can't see any piles of gears and I've followed the walkthrough by Margie to the letter but it doesn't actually explain how I get the gears moving to open that back wall - am totally stuck! I'm talking about the gear placement on the lower right of the screen below the lever that starts them moving. Can anyone else out there help me?

Can anyone help? I have found all the gears in the three scenes and have placed them on the contraption, pulled the lever but only three gears are turning. I also need to find in the same screen an object in blue. The hint points to the back wall, but how do I open the back wall? Is it something to do with getting all the gears moving? (It's the screen where you place four gears on the lower right of the screen underneath the lever).

I've looked at Margie's walkthrough and have restarted this level three times, but still can't get that wall to open. Can anyone help?

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: puzzlefiend] #349878
06/23/08 09:12 AM
06/23/08 09:12 AM
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In the Naughty Corner
puzzlefiend, check your PM's.

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #349881
06/23/08 09:16 AM
06/23/08 09:16 AM
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puzzlefiend Offline
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Hello BrownEyedTigre

What's a PM and how do I check them?

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: puzzlefiend] #349885
06/23/08 09:24 AM
06/23/08 09:24 AM
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looney4labs Offline
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Puzzlefiend, a PM is a Private Message. Only you and the people you allow can see them. You can find them by clicking on My Place at the top of the page. From there, you click on My Messages. luck

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: looney4labs] #349899
06/23/08 09:44 AM
06/23/08 09:44 AM
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Margie Offline
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Hi Puzzlefiend, If only three gears are moving then you may need to move one of the gears around. Some of them look similar so maybe one is out of place.Once you pull on the lever, all 4 gears should move and the back wall will open up by itself.

Once the back wall is open all the items in blue will be where the wall was located. I found out as I replayed the levels that some of the items in blue for that level will vary from player to player. I outlined in the walkthrough the items that I needed to find each time I played the game.

You may also want to try finishing as much as you can in the other scenes before you place the gears. If you're following everything to the letter then there's a small possibility of a glitch in the game. I had a few but not that one. In which case I would contact Big Fish and let them help you find the solution for what may be wrong with the game. I played that part twice so I know the solution for that was the same. Good Luck!

Just as a side note, I also found out that there are different solutions for the pipe puzzle. So the picture in the guide may not work for everyone.

Margie B

Margie B

Strategy Guide Editor for Big Fish Games
Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #349905
06/23/08 09:53 AM
06/23/08 09:53 AM
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looney4labs Offline
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Thanks Margie wave

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #349927
06/23/08 10:45 AM
06/23/08 10:45 AM
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puzzlefiend Offline
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Thank you Margie
I have contacted Big Fish about this as I was having a problem with the gears, at one point ending up with four extra gears after I had placed them on the contraption. The extra ones were placing themselves half way into the scene, so perhaps I'll get an answer from Big Fish about this.
Just to say how much I appreciate your prompt reply and your walkthroughs - it's really generous of you to be bothered with ensuring people get maximum enjoyment out of games.

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: puzzlefiend] #349933
06/23/08 10:52 AM
06/23/08 10:52 AM
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Margie Offline
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Hey Puzzlefiend, Thanks that is so kind of you to say.

What you just described definitely sounds like a glitch. I had an item from inventory that was floating in mid-scene and every time I tried to get it, it would go back down and disappear. I finally had to trick it and catch the item quickly before it disappeared.

I'm absolutely positive that Big Fish will help you solve your problem promptly. After all...They are the best company around!

Good Luck!
Margie B

Margie B

Strategy Guide Editor for Big Fish Games
Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #349939
06/23/08 11:12 AM
06/23/08 11:12 AM
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chrysteen Offline
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hello all,
margie I just wanted to thank you for your walkthrough I am sure I would have pulled out my hair a few times..that being said..I could really use screen shots of the final puzzle diagrams 1 and 2..thank you thank you.

omgosh ..I got it need for the screen shots..thank you

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: chrysteen] #349968
06/23/08 11:50 AM
06/23/08 11:50 AM
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Margie Offline
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Hey Chrysteen, you're welcome! I'm glad you got through it. All screenshots should be completed by tonight so if anyone still needs one that is not posted, I'll be glad to place a link here>

Margie B

Margie B

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #349974
06/23/08 12:06 PM
06/23/08 12:06 PM
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Freya Offline
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Hi Margie,

Your expertise is highly appreciated by all of us who get into a bind at some point during the game(s). Would you please give a little more direction for the third circle puzzle? I have read zookeeper's replies to Flo NS, but I am still unsure of how to proceed. Don't be too subtle as I am feeling a little fuzzy today.

Thank you.

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #350040
06/23/08 02:06 PM
06/23/08 02:06 PM
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puzzlefiend Offline
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Thank you Margie

BFG are so very good - it's a wonder they haven't snapped you up by now!

Will let you know how they respond - in the meantime, keep up the fantastic work you do.

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread #350093
06/23/08 03:39 PM
06/23/08 03:39 PM
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Diane L Offline
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Hi Everyone...

I am new here, but I have been gaming for a while. I am thoroughly enjoying Hidden Expeditions: Amazon, but am totally stuck at the moment. I have completed the pipe puzzle (I think), except that I have one pipe left which is not connected, and the game won't let me change anything. When I turned the valve on the left side of the screen, steam come out of the whistle on the right side and the screen came up telling me I had completed the puzzle and to hang on to the handle that appeared. The handle never went into inventory, however, and while I could use it in this area (the pipe puzzle) if I could find a place to use it, I can't access it to use it in any of the other areas. It continues to hover just above the empty inventory area. Is there something I am supposed to do with this crowbar-lookalike on the pipe puzzle screen?


Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Diane L] #350097
06/23/08 03:49 PM
06/23/08 03:49 PM
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looney4labs Offline
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Hi ya Diane and welcome to GameBoomers

Here is GameZebo's Walkthrough by Margie. There is a picture of the completed picture of this puzzle, but I think I read a while back that this puzzle has several solutions.

There is also a long hint thread for this game here which might have tips that could help. luck

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Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: looney4labs] #350108
06/23/08 04:04 PM
06/23/08 04:04 PM
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Thank you,looney4labs. I have looked at Margie's walkthrough, and you're right, the puzzle is random so there is no one solution. The program has given me the message that I have solved the puzzle, and the inventory item appeared, although not in the inventory section. My problem, however, is that I can't change the placement of the pipes, I can't access the crowbar-lookalike thingy to use in any other area besides the pipe puzzle, and I can't find a place to use it there!

I see that I put my original message in the wrong place. Is there a way to move it to the Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Tips Topic?
Thanks for your response!

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Diane L] #350111
06/23/08 04:14 PM
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Margie Offline
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Hi Diane, L if you see that the game is telling you that the puzzle is solved it is because you probably clicked on the hint button several times. The first time it gives you a clue and the second or third time it will let you get past the puzzle by telling you it's been solved. However, it never shows you the solution itself.

When you say that you cannot access the crowbar is it because it's off the inventory screen?That was the exact section in which I had problems with the game. It would not let me get the crowbar.

You can restart that level by clicking on the mebnu tab on the lower left side and it will start you back at those 4 levels.

EDIT: Hi Freya,

Let me know if this helps you any.

This is basically a match game.
Look in the middle of the circle and you will see 4 slots and 4 gold lights underneath each slot. The gold lights will flash underneath each spot.

If you look on the circle, there are 2 sets of rings, an outside ring and an inside ring.Your goal is to match the pattern of the inside ring with the outside ring.

Pay attention to the patterns when each gold bar is under a slot. Some will light up every single light on the outer ring in a flashing motion. Others will light up half the screen at a time.Another pattern will light up one light at a time going around the circle.

Each mushroom that you place on the slots will create a different pattern on the inside ring (the ring closest to the center of the circle). That is only true when the gold bar is underneath that mushroom.In other words the pattern will show up on the inside ring when you place the mushroom on the slot that has the gold bar of lights.

Place a mushroom on each slot and watch the patterns that occur.
Once you place a mushroom on a slot, watch the gold bar underneath, if it's a match then you will have to do another one in order to progress in the level.

If it's not a match then you will have to start again.

You basically have to do this 4 times in order to pass the level.

Sorry it took me so long to get to you but it's been a busy day. I hope this helps you in some kind of way.

Puzzlefiend, thanks again for your kindness and please keep me posted on this issue.

Margie B

Margie B

Strategy Guide Editor for Big Fish Games
Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #350138
06/23/08 05:02 PM
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Hi Margie...

Thank you so much for your reply and also for your sanity-saving walkthrough! smile The game told me I had solved the puzzle as soon as I turned the valve in the upper left corner of the screen. I didn't try the hint button (which did nothing) until much later after I found I couldn't get to the crowbar. And yes, I can't access the crowbar because it is off the inventory screen. I saw a message from you saying that you "tricked" it and managed to catch did you do that? Is this glitch
random...I mean if I restart the level, is it possible I can get past it?

Thanks again!

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Margie] #350159
06/23/08 05:45 PM
06/23/08 05:45 PM
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Hi Margie...

I caught the crowbar thingie! Thanks to you, now I don't have to restart the whole level again. It was your message to someone else about "tricking" it and catching it before it disappeared that did it. smile

Re: Hidden Expedition: Amazon Hints and Help thread [Re: Diane L] #350160
06/23/08 05:49 PM
06/23/08 05:49 PM
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I can never say for sure what will work and what will not. I will tell you what I did. I uninstalled the game and then re-installed it, the crowbar was still above the inventory bar. I restarted the level and the same thing would happen.

The way I tricked the game into giving me the crowbar was by watching as the crowbar started going back down and I tried to place my cursor in the location in which I thought the crowbar would go down to. I clicked it quickly so that the crowbar landed in just the right place on my cursor. I did this about three times (I think I was lucky that it was only 3) until I was successful.

Important note: Don't try to catch the crowbar in the pipe scene since you can't use it over there. Catch it in the last scene since that is where it needs to go.

I just realized that I keep calling it a crowbar when it's really a pump handle..ooops.Sorry but you get the picture. I hope this helps. Good Luck

EDIT: DIANE, I guess we were posting at the same time because by the time I finished writing this I saw your response :-)Congratulations:Glad it worked out.

Margie B

Strategy Guide Editor for Big Fish Games
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