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First or Third person????? #353473
06/30/08 05:57 PM
06/30/08 05:57 PM
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Are games developers moving away from first person games? The last ones I can remember playing are 'Scratches' and the two Sherlock Holmes.
The last few, Overclocked, Art of Murder, Perry Rhodan, Dracula Origin are all third person.
I think I prefer the first person type because I feel more involved and it's actually me doing all the exploring. Mind you, I do suffer from motion sickness and some of the early games like Aztec I found unplayable. sick

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Upsydaisy] #353485
06/30/08 06:38 PM
06/30/08 06:38 PM
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My impression is that there are fewer 1st person games being made, and those that are, are usually from independent developers. As well, the vast majority of recent 1st person games are creepy/scary adventures. There seems to be a dearth of 1st person exploration/puzzler games (Myst-like).
However, I'm sure there is going to be someone with more patience than me to tally up the upcoming releases to see if our perception is right.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: colpet] #353517
06/30/08 09:26 PM
06/30/08 09:26 PM
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My personal preference is 3rd person, i might not even touch a game if i see it's first person. I get dizzy and have headaches whenever i try to play first person games (adventure games e.g The awakened). I have no problem whatsoever though with first person shooters because the way they have the character turning is faster and more smooth thus it doesn't give me that problem i described before. I have also seen that trend that more and more games are produced in 3rd person due to the fact that more people tend to prefer them and many face the problems i have, thus the developers develop something that will be more popular and thus bring more sales.

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Butcher] #353520
06/30/08 09:32 PM
06/30/08 09:32 PM
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I do prefer the third person games. Because I get motion sickness from first person games

But I just got done playing Agon 4 which is a first person game. I had not a problem with...The difference is the fixed mouse pointer where it doesn't pan & wander all over the place.

Last edited by Darleen2003; 06/30/08 09:33 PM.

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Darleen03] #353574
07/01/08 01:08 AM
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I have a problom with direction some times in certain games .I also do in real life so I guess thats just me lol

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: dragonuk44] #353585
07/01/08 02:51 AM
07/01/08 02:51 AM
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I prefer 3rd person games... If i had an option for enery game i played i would choose 3rd person. Over the years it would be a very big lie to say that i didn't play very good first person adventure games. The only disadvantage was the motion sickness i get from time to time especially when i play for many hours... Also regarding the 3rd person games i prefer to see my characters reactions and moves...

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Volkana] #353600
07/01/08 05:04 AM
07/01/08 05:04 AM
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I myself have always preferred 3d person. I started my adventure gaming with the KQ series and I guess it stuck. I am just the opposite on 1st person games. I prefer the full motion and like to feel like I'm traveling in the game. The 1st person games that I don't like are the slide show games.

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: oldman] #353654
07/01/08 07:49 AM
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Don't worry, Jonathan Boakes will continue to make more supernatural-themed first person adventure games and eventually some big budget ones that will enter the Hall of Fame, so first person adventures will not die out.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Benedict] #353694
07/01/08 09:40 AM
07/01/08 09:40 AM
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IST PERSON ALL THE WAY!!!!! I hate controlling a character around the screen. It's never immersive enough for me.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Sassafras] #353696
07/01/08 09:46 AM
07/01/08 09:46 AM
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Third person for me. I like seeing the screen around me including my character. Plus, sometimes 1st person makes me queezy.


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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: thracia] #353716
07/01/08 10:32 AM
07/01/08 10:32 AM
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Thanks for all your replies. I had a look at Thief-Deadly Shadows recently and found that you can switch between 1st and 3rd person. Perhaps this is a way forward to satisfy everyone. devilchili

Currently playing: Belief and Betrayal.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Upsydaisy] #353746
07/01/08 11:30 AM
07/01/08 11:30 AM
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I prefer 1rd person games. I love to not to know as my character if seems, and taste to have the sensation that i am of truth the character, in third person i do not feel this.

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Phoebe] #353759
07/01/08 11:59 AM
07/01/08 11:59 AM
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1st person, 3rd person, it's all good, I really don't have a preference. 1st person is very effective in horror games. You're in there + "it's" after you = squeeee! But I also enjoy seeing the character I'm playing, and the larger view of the game area from that 3rd person perspective. smile

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Rushes] #353768
07/01/08 12:41 PM
07/01/08 12:41 PM
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Hi smile

I will play 1st or 3rd person in RPGs .... but in Adventures I much prefer 3rd grin


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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Upsydaisy] #353851
07/01/08 04:22 PM
07/01/08 04:22 PM
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I'll play 3rd person games, but when I do, it makes me feel like I'm sitting the Director's seat on a movie set... telling others (actors) what to do... and sitting idly by as they do it... (hey.. I want to be the actor in the adventure!).

In a quest for the feeling of total immersion, I've found that I get it more from playing in the 1st person perspective where I can be the director and the actor.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Carrie] #354333
07/02/08 06:12 PM
07/02/08 06:12 PM
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3rd person, because of motion sickness mainly. But also I do feel like I am the character when I have a figure to move around whether it be a male or female. I am that character and experiencing what they are as I move them through the various adventures.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Sherryah] #354350
07/02/08 06:51 PM
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I usually won't purchase a game unless it is third person. I'm not sure why that is but I have always enjoyed the third person games the most. duh

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Upsydaisy] #354388
07/02/08 08:00 PM
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Third Person absolutely. There is no way I'm going to play a first person game. Can you imagine watching Indiana Jones in the first person? This is adventure gaming. Third person is a pre-requisite. Also, this eliminates the motion sickness problem.

Upsydaisy, With Dracula 3, Nostradamus, Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals, Penumbra Requiem, Rhiannon: Beyond the Mabinogion scheduled for release this summer, you will have plenty of first person games to play and I'll be posting here asking if games developers moving away from third person games!!

I never have the chance to play the Nancy Drew series because it is in first person view. I am really curious if the Hardy Boys will be in the first person view. If it is, it will be disappointing for me and a joy for you, Upsydaisy. On the bright side, I will save a bundle of money not buying the Hardy Boys series.

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: twenty] #354452
07/02/08 10:07 PM
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Hi twenty smile

"I never have the chance to play the Nancy Drew series because it is in first person view."

But is that merely because you choose not to ??

1st person isn't my favourite mode for Adventures either, but I would have missed out on an awful lot of good games if I'd refused to even have a go with it grin


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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: twenty] #354464
07/02/08 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted By: twenty
Third Person absolutely. There is no way I'm going to play a first person game. Can you imagine watching Indiana Jones in the first person? This is adventure gaming. Third person is a pre-requisite. Also, this eliminates the motion sickness problem.

Not true. I remember someone posting that the panning of the camera in Syberia 2 gave them motion sickness. Remember the screens where the camera would pan when you walked Kate close to the edge?

Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Carrie] #354476
07/02/08 10:49 PM
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I like both equally.

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Upsydaisy] #354480
07/02/08 10:54 PM
07/02/08 10:54 PM
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Originally Posted By: Upsydaisy
Thanks for all your replies. I had a look at Thief-Deadly Shadows recently and found that you can switch between 1st and 3rd person. Perhaps this is a way forward to satisfy everyone.

Upsydaisy...This would be so great...If only it could be in AG's it would help us all..

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: Darleen03] #354538
07/03/08 06:27 AM
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Darleen, that is exactly what Frogwares is doing with the games. You can switch on and off between 1st and 3rd as you wish.

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #354553
07/03/08 07:17 AM
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I prefer it if it sticks to one or another view. Chopping & changing between 1st & 3rd person makes me seasick...

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Re: First or Third person????? [Re: JennyP] #354556
07/03/08 07:19 AM
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Jenny, you do not have to switch. It is entirely up to you. You could play the game in all 1st or all 3rd. It is designed to make everyone happy.

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