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Dracula3 #374309
08/12/08 03:28 PM
08/12/08 03:28 PM
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Trying to figure out how to get the blood types and where to test them. Anyone got this far yet?

Re: Dracula3 [Re: graygamer] #374318
08/12/08 03:52 PM
08/12/08 03:52 PM
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graygamer, you will test them at the lab.

Click to reveal..
Wash your hands. Take a test tube and click it on one in the tube in the refrigerated cabinet. (do 811 to 814).

Take another tube and fill it with the blue reactive. Take a third tube and fill it with a yellow reactive.
Take a few drops of bloods and drop them on the plaque.
Use the blue and yellow reactive on them. Check the reaction and note what you see. Tube 811( should be AB, 812 be B, 813 be O and 814 be B.

The reaction will be: 811: blue and yellow with dot.
812: purple and yellow with dot
813: purple with orange
814: purple and yellow with dot.

Hope this helps. This is a hard part.


Last edited by Chief; 08/12/08 03:53 PM.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Chief] #374338
08/12/08 04:36 PM
08/12/08 04:36 PM
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Thanks, Chief. wave

"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: Dracula3 [Re: Chief] #374355
08/12/08 05:31 PM
08/12/08 05:31 PM
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Thanks. Will give that a try.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: graygamer] #374452
08/12/08 09:06 PM
08/12/08 09:06 PM
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I am so happy others are playing the game now because like I said I am now stuck. I need to take my blood and I can't find the syringe needle. Where is it please?

I looked at the outside of the building for the oombo and looked at the lock, what row of numbers is the combo to be placed?

I am putting in the address of building in the combo this is correct?

I place those numbers and they are the only ones that highlight the very top row, is this the correct position? How do I know when lock opens?

Forgot a question
how do I steralize the equipment? I saw the pot on the stove and put wood in it, but how do I put the water in the pot? and also what equipment needs steralized?

Last edited by Sherryah; 09/04/08 10:25 PM.
Re: Dracula3 [Re: Sherryah] #374459
08/12/08 09:17 PM
08/12/08 09:17 PM
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The needle is in the equipment tray.
Sterilize the equipment tray by placing it in the pot with water while on the stove with the lit firebox.
Click the pot using the tip of the cursor with the pot at middle of sink.
That was not the address outside that is the year the building was built.
After entering the year the building was made - pull the metal hook to open the padlock.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #374470
08/12/08 09:32 PM
08/12/08 09:32 PM
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land gal just wanna have fun
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land gal just wanna have fun
Thank you so much MaG, really appreciate you and all mods and you having this forum. Big hug from Ireland. wave

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Sherryah] #379485
08/22/08 08:20 PM
08/22/08 08:20 PM
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I would like to ask a question, I'm already in the Temple Room? The part where I have to make the pentagram, how do I work that? I use the knife on the blue light, but I don't know how I have to make that pentagram :|

I hope someone can help me!


Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379494
08/22/08 08:32 PM
08/22/08 08:32 PM
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Click hold the start of the blue light. Move it the same speed, same direction as the light.
You have to do this several times to learn where the change in direction of the blue line is situated.
Took me I think 4-5 times the first time and the replay until I can get the timing right. luck You can do this.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379502
08/22/08 08:42 PM
08/22/08 08:42 PM
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Do you think I could get a saved game after that? Please...I tried so many times I lost count, I just can't do it frown
And I'm getting frustrated LOL

Thank you for your help MaG, I really appreciate it!!

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379508
08/22/08 08:47 PM
08/22/08 08:47 PM
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On the way.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379509
08/22/08 08:48 PM
08/22/08 08:48 PM
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Thank you so much smile
One last question do you happen to know where this game has the saves folder? Sorry for the trouble and once again thank you!

I found it laugh LOL

Last edited by MaG; 08/22/08 09:20 PM. Reason: combined stacked posts
Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379541
08/22/08 09:18 PM
08/22/08 09:18 PM
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Please use the edit button found at bottom right of each post frame when you need to add information to a recent posting and no one posted after you.

I will combine all those 3 postings above.

This way you help us with the bandwidth as well as not push another member's thread off the page. Thanks.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379688
08/23/08 09:07 AM
08/23/08 09:07 AM
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I would also really appreciate getting the save game from just after the pentagram / knife puzzle. Thanks!

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379689
08/23/08 09:08 AM
08/23/08 09:08 AM
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I traveled to the library for the second time, I tried to follow the walkthrough..I did the catalogue part, you know witht the Arma, Sunt, Inde, and Mala....I got 3 books from the catalogue cause one spot was empty....and I opened the box and got that weird looking vase, and I took the wax cylinder, I took the syringe from the body, the spool and thumbtacks from the desk, what did I forget? whenever I try to leave Arno says that he feels he forgot something...I try to use the phone to call the police but Arno says he will do it from the train stn...Any ideas of what I could have forgotten?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379697
08/23/08 09:34 AM
08/23/08 09:34 AM
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The saved game is on the way.

You took the syringe and saw the words in blood.
You opened the safe and got the cylinder.
You took the thumbtack and spool from desk and then opened the vase box.
You looked at the vase and it is now in documents.
You checked all 4 books (one is gone) and have read the other 3. The pages of thsoe 3 books should be in documents.
You checked the white 'ghosts' in the library.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379712
08/23/08 10:09 AM
08/23/08 10:09 AM
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How many white ghosts should I find in the library? I found only one....The rest of the things you mentioned I did them!

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379719
08/23/08 10:23 AM
08/23/08 10:23 AM
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Count the number of books on the table (I think 3) plus the one that is missing on her list - so should be 4.

Be sure also to look at the vase picture in inventory using the enlarger.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379724
08/23/08 10:33 AM
08/23/08 10:33 AM
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I did everything you said, do I have to solve all the 7 hidden apocalypses or just the ones I did when the professor was alive? Cause when I tried to leave the first time I got like a flashback of the desk, maybe there's something I didnt do on the desk? but I don't see what could it be...

Last edited by Arlene95; 08/23/08 10:54 AM.
Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379728
08/23/08 10:39 AM
08/23/08 10:39 AM
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No - you don't need to do the rest of the Hidden Apolcalypse - just the 2 of Irina and the 1 of Kruger earlier.
Read all the pages on all the books on the table again and also see if you can click on the tabs.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379736
08/23/08 10:54 AM
08/23/08 10:54 AM
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Thank you MaG, but I did everything.....I have no clue what I'm missing, I checked the walkthrough and the things you told me but I still can't leave. :|

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379747
08/23/08 11:14 AM
08/23/08 11:14 AM
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Send me that saved game and I'll check.

Re: Dracula3 [Re: MaG] #379756
08/23/08 11:26 AM
08/23/08 11:26 AM
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I sent it already laugh
Thank you so much!

Re: Dracula3 [Re: Arlene95] #379764
08/23/08 11:39 AM
08/23/08 11:39 AM
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I'm stuck in the developing room. I have 3 solutions in the trays, followed the wt carefully preparing them. I enlarged the microfilm, put it in the developer and got back safely, but can't go through the stop bath, waisted a ton of a photographic paper there. The paper is getting black almost at once after I put it there. I used different time, 2, 3, 7 sec, made new solutions several times (concentrated acetic acid and distilled water) - all the same. I don't know what am I doing wrong... duh

Why resist temptation? There will always be more. Don Herold.
Re: Dracula3 [Re: Springchicken] #379782
08/23/08 12:11 PM
08/23/08 12:11 PM
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You sent me a saved game when Irina is still alive. Please send the one where you can't leave the office.

Use one click of acetic acid only and one click of distilled water from the bottle in front of the trays.
Just checking. You did fill the empty bottle with acetic acid right?

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