Adventureinsel was able to host several avis we showed at the GC in Leipzig & thought folks here might want to take a peek.
Using Blend techniques coupled with advances in our new inhouse engine & other patented technologies, these are all real time engine rendered facial animations.
Meaning no modification, tweaking on our parts. The great part about this is ALL the characters in the new game will have the same level of real time (as you play) animated reactions and expressions.
since they are created within the game as you encounter, speak with people or even just get a rise from them
Engine Rendered Emotions - PhoenixAlso since we are "in development" everyone is very interested in your thoughts & reactions to:
1. The new look of Phoenix. We loved her old look, but going with our new engine meant we couldn't use the same character models. Also this time we can create great hair movement, so might see a pony tail or longer hair in the future - we shall see...