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Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough #395380
09/21/08 08:41 PM
09/21/08 08:41 PM
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ScarletDragon Offline OP
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ScarletDragon  Offline OP
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This is a specific set of directions to complete the game. If you are just looking for a hint, try the help threads for Magic Encyclopedia.


Unlimited hints are available: Whenever you need more hints, click the little circle with ?+ below the hint button in lower right of screen. This opens a scene that contains 10 hidden ? Find all 10 and receive 2 hints. You can replay these scenes as many times as you need hints. The ? locations don't change when you replay the scenes. If you get stuck and can't find all 10, go back to your game location and request more hints to get a different scene.

Be sure the red flag appears on the map for each location you complete. If you don't get a red flag, you haven't found all the jewels at that location. You will need all the jewels to complete the amulets in the box. If you don't have the amulets, the final scene with the dragons won't unlock. Click once on the gold circle that is missing a red flag and a box pops up listing the name of the location, how many puzzles remain to be solved and how many jewels remain to be found.

There are 12 Levels in the game. Some Levels have two map locations and there are often more than one scene within a location. You can use the EXIT hot spots to move between scenes without going to the map. As the game gets more difficult, you will have to switch locations several times to find pieces. On the description of each level, I've listed the artifacts to assemble. Find the pieces and assemble all the artifacts you can first. Using a hint will verify that you've completed all the artifacts that are available without further action. (Make sure you've found all the ? and jewels in that scene or you will spend a hint just to find a jewel.)

* denotes the artifact will have at least one hidden piece that has to be unlocked.
--> denotes a change of location.
= denotes the reward for completing a task or puzzle.

Artifacts: hammer; stone with mirror; knife; key; branch

Tickle nose with branch to get piece of stone.
Cut tree branch with knife to clear a spot to place stone with mirror which starts a fire in the temple. The smoke from the fire reveals the 3 symbols needed to complete the 'key' puzzle = Get scroll.

Artifacts: bananas; spear; flower necklace; *stone tooth; *golden coins

Find hot spot for Hanoi Tower puzzle. HINT: Start by moving the top piece to the center stack = Get final gold coin
-->Use map icon to go to MAYA WALLS
Artifacts: *broken statue; magic symbol for wall; drumstick; piece of shield; top of stone slab

Assemble drumstick. Playing drum reveals head that needs a tooth.
Use spear on loose wall for statue piece.
Put broken statue in wall = Get final piece for magic symbol.
Fix shield to get circle puzzle = Get final piece for top of pillar.
--> Take magic symbol back to Indo China, put top on slab = laser lights go on and altar is unlocked.
Put bananas, coins and flower necklace on the altar = Get final piece of the tooth.
--> Back to Mayan Wall. Insert tooth in mask/statue mouth = Get photo.

Artifacts: gold key; pruners; faucet; shovel; *magic key

Click completed shovel blade on the handle in the hot spot = Get piece of magic key
Put faucet in hot spot for pipe puzzle = pond fills, roses bloom
Cut rose with pruners = give rose to sad ghost = Releases padlock on door
Use key on padlock = opens door to Secret Room

Artifacts: hammer; *transponder; cup; seeds; *magic element

Put magic key in hot spot = Get final piece of transponder
Put transponder on crystal ball = Get piece of hammer
Constellations puzzle = Get piece of magic element
Put completed element in wizard's staff = Get final seeds
--> Garden: Dip cup in fountain and click to collect it again
--> Secret room: Give water and seeds to owl = Get piece of hammer
Use hammer on cracked mirror hot spot = Get jewelry box

Artifacts: *staff; knife; solar symbol; iron rod; gold disk

Put disk in hot spot to open door - push door with iron rod = Entrance to tomb

Artifacts: *missing toe; key; *arm; *eye; Anubis head

Put key in locked chest = Get piece of arm
Put Anubis head on statue = Get piece of eye symbol
Eye symbol opens matching puzzle = unlocks statue with missing arm.
Put arm on statue = asks for staff
Put knife on sign = Get final piece of toe
--> Outside tomb - Put toe on statue = Get piece of magic circle.
Put magic circle in wall to open uncross beams puzzle = Get crook for staff
-->Inside tomb - Put staff in statue's hand - Get letter and piece of dragon smashing arrow

Artifacts: mineral salt; boards; spoon; tail; spear

Artifacts: eyeglasses; thistle; chalk; dry wood; dry grass

--> Village: Use chalk to paint mouth on mask = Open match 3 puzzle = Get piece of salt
Put dry wood and dry grass in fire circle, use eyeglasses to start a fire = Get piece of salt
Put spear by its mate near hut = Opens entrance to hut

Artifacts: coconut; hammer; pestle, *hyena tooth; bellows

Put tail on pelt = Get piece of tooth.
Put pestle in mortar hot spot; put tooth on mortar = Get ground tooth.
Put salt in mortar = Get ground salt
Put all the ingredients into the boiling pot and stir with wooden spoon = Unlocks picture puzzle = Get piece of hammer
--> Waterfall: Put boards on bridge, put hammer on bridge = Repairs bridge and opens path to puzzle.
Match pairs puzzle = Get scroll

Artifacts: feather; drum; bone; *tomahawk, *an eye

Give bone to dog = opens wigwam entrance
Artifacts: pelt; paintbrush; pot lid; bow; paint bowls

--> Village: Cover boiling pot with lid = Get tomahawk piece
Use tomahawk on tree blocking totem
Use bow on target = Get piece of eye
-->Wigwam: Use drum looking thingy to extinguish pipe = Opens hot spot on shield for feather
Put feather on shield = Opens tangled beams puzzle = Pattern to paint pelt
--> Village: Hang pelt on frame; put paint on pelt; use brush to follow pattern revealed inside wigwam = Get final piece of eye
Put eye on totem = Get 2nd part of dragon smashing arrow

Artifacts: golden eagle, comb, head of statue, *stone snake, rope

Put comb on fountain girl's head = Get head of stone snake
Put head on statue = Opens match items on conveyor belt puzzle = Opens entrance to dungeon.
[hint for puzzle: Be sure to match both outline and color. When you get extra items clogging up your work area, pick them up and dump them in the basket to make room for more items]
Use rope on dungeon entrance.
Artifacts: *pineapple; chariot; *hammer; *sword; leaves

Put snake on wall = Opens chariot hot spot
Solve constellation puzzle.
Put chariot on wall = Opens leaves hot spot
Put leaves on wall = Get sword piece
Use sword on loose column = Get pineapple piece
Put pineapple on bowl = Get hammer piece
-->Outside temple: Break jar with hammer = Get eagle piece
-->Dungeon: Put eagle on tip of statue's staff = Get scroll

Artifacts: stone; *sword; crowbar; knife; *decorative horn

Use stone to smash jar = Get piece of horn
Use crowbar on loose board = Get knife tip
--> Use map icon to go to GRAVEYARD
Artifacts: lion's head; *gravestone; *shield; rope; *court sword

Puzzle: Untangle beams = Get gravestone piece
--> Oasis: Put lion's head on hot spot = Get match 3 puzzle = Drains well
Use knife to cut ropes on basket = Get sword piece
Use rope on "high" hot spot = Open dungeon

Artifacts: *bell; *hand; *cross; ancient sign; *matches

Circle puzzle = Get hand piece
Put decorative horn on little statue hot spot = Get hand piece
Put hand in handprint hot spot = Get piece of matchbox
Put ancient sign on wall = Get piece of bell
Put matches on candle hot spot = Get piece of cross from treasure chest below candle
--> Graveyard:
Put cross on coffin hot spot = Get court sword piece.
Use court sword on tree branch hot spot = Get shield piece
Put bell on rope hanging from tower = Awakens spirit.
Give spirit the knight's sword and shield = Get scroll

Artifacts: *steel horse; stone fragment; pick; broom; bow

Put stone fragment on statue = Get match pairs puzzle = Get piece of steel horse

--> Use map icon to go to SAMARKIND
Artifacts: golden panther; bomb; matches; carpet; mosaic

Put mosaic in entryway = Get bomb piece
--> Burial ground: Put bomb at entrance; put matches on bomb; put pick on entrance = Enter grave mound

Artifacts: mace; *knife; ram's head; pipe (flute); floor tile

Put panther on wall hot spot = Get knife piece
Put bow in coffin = Get ram's head piece and opens hot spot on body (needs cover)
Use broom on spider hot spot = Reveals ram's head hot spot.
Put ram's head on wall = Opens match 3 puzzle = Get knife piece

--> Scythian burial ground: Use mace on jar = Get horse piece
-->Inside burial mound: Put horse next to mate = Get floor tile piece
--> Use map icon to Samarkind:
Use knife on awning = Get carpet piece
Use pipe (flute) on snake = Get another carpet piece
--> Inside burial mound: Put carpet on body = Get mosaic
-->Samarkind: Put mosaic on hot spot = Get scroll

Articles: *nail extractor; colt revolver; *empty bottle; glass; *cow horn

Use revolver to shoot hot spot = Get piece of nail extractor
Use nail extractor on barrel = Get bottle piece
Click on wanted poster = Puzzle: Shoot holes in wanted posters = Get horn piece
Put horn on hot spot = Get glass piece
Artifacts: lamp glass; horseshoe; *corkscrew; *stone eye; *moose horn

Use horseshoe above door = Get eye piece
Put glass in lamp = Get antler piece
Put antler on moose = Get eye piece
--> Use map icon to go to MAYA STAIRWAY:
Articles: arm; ear; plate; *candle; *horn

Click on match pairs puzzle hot spot = Get candle piece
Put eye = Activates horn hot spot
Put ear = Get horn piece
Put arm = Get horn piece
Put horn on statue = Candle piece drops onto the plate
--> Inside saloon: Put candle in sconce on wall = Opens circle puzzle = Get corkscrew piece
Use corkscrew on keg; use bottle on keg
-->Outside saloon: Give ghost the glass and then the bottle = Get letter and final dragon smashing arrow piece

Artifacts: *sail; gold feather; *potholder; *axe; wooden rooster

Click hot spot for quilt puzzle = Get piece of sail
Put wooden rooster on hot spot = Get axe piece
Use axe on log hot spot = Get potholder piece

-->Use map icon to go to CHINA
Artifacts: key; magic sword; unicorn horn; oil can; jar

Assemble oil can, key and jar
--> Use map icon to go to RUSSIA
Use oil can and key on padlock to open door
Artifacts: matreshka dolls; *gold dragon; *flag; sickle; mitten

Use mitten and potholder on oven = Get dragon piece
Put jar on tub of water, then put out fire in oven = Get final dragon piece
Put doll on shelf = Opens puzzle = Get flag piece
--> Outside cabin: Use sickle on tarp = Get sail piece
--> CHINA: Put dragon on boat; put flag on mast; put sail on hot spot = Boat moves revealing sword piece and unicorn horn piece
Do the match a pair puzzle on the banner = Get final sword piece and scroll

LEVEL 12: DRAGON MOUNTAIN [If your amulets do not automatically light up the hot spot above the dragon cave, check the map and make sure every location has a red flag. If a location is missing the flag, go back and search for jewels.]
Artifacts: 5 dragon heads (*two have hidden pieces)

Click hot spot on beam: Create jewelry = Disables beam
The invitation contains a sword; gold feather; unicorn horn
Use feather on hot spot to open puzzle: Click on the words to the Latin phrase in order "MULTI, MULTA; NEMO OMNIA NOVIT" = Raises hot spots for the dragons' heads
Give sword to knight = Get dragon piece
Give unicorn horn = Get dragon piece
Place the 5 dragon heads according to their silhouettes. Each completed dragon moves ledge closer to cave opening. When all 5 are complete, enter cave and face your final test: Your resourcefullness, selflessness and bravery are rewarded with victory! Your brother is saved and the world is once again safe from the dragons.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons ...
for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: ScarletDragon] #395383
09/21/08 08:44 PM
09/21/08 08:44 PM
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looney4labs Offline
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thanks ScarletDragon bravo

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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: looney4labs] #395388
09/21/08 08:51 PM
09/21/08 08:51 PM
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Well done Scarlet! bravo Thank you so much for all your help and hard work.

Ana wave

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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #395390
09/21/08 09:01 PM
09/21/08 09:01 PM
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You're most welcome. I'm just trying to repay Gameboomers for all the help you've given me.

I think I should send MaG a dozen roses. Preparing directions for a casual game was hard enough - I can't even imagine creating a walkthrough for an adventure game. Her walkthroughs are awesome.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons ...
for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: ScarletDragon] #395560
09/22/08 09:00 AM
09/22/08 09:00 AM
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Thanks so much Scarlet!

Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: misa] #395786
09/22/08 06:21 PM
09/22/08 06:21 PM
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I would like to print these directions, but my printer only prints down to "Be sure the red flag....." and then it prints the rest of the thread but not the directions. Is there a way to print this part of the thread?

Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: Adorable] #395792
09/22/08 06:27 PM
09/22/08 06:27 PM
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Adorable, CYE in a minute

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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: Adorable] #396539
09/24/08 10:46 AM
09/24/08 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted By: Adorable
I would like to print these directions, but my printer only prints down to "Be sure the red flag....." and then it prints the rest of the thread but not the directions. Is there a way to print this part of the thread?

Thanks for help,
and have you tried right click and highlight all you want copy,
then open word and print, if there is only a small square, click on that and click on 'text only'.

it works for me.

Keep going, the feeling great at the end.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: widget] #396545
09/24/08 10:57 AM
09/24/08 10:57 AM
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Thanks Widget wave

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: looney4labs] #396547
09/24/08 11:01 AM
09/24/08 11:01 AM
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That's what I did for her widget, thanks.

Ana wave

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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #397188
09/25/08 06:45 PM
09/25/08 06:45 PM
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Scarlet, I was able to put the horn on before placing the plate wave

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: looney4labs] #397452
09/26/08 11:34 AM
09/26/08 11:34 AM
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You can put the horn on, but if the plate isn't underneath it, the hidden piece falls off the bottom of the screen. Fortunately, all you have to do is place the plate on the proper place and click the horn again and the hidden piece drops again.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons ...
for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: ScarletDragon] #397463
09/26/08 11:56 AM
09/26/08 11:56 AM
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Yes it does. I thought I had to catch it as it fell and was getting a little frustrated. Then I put the plate on and voila, much easier. puppy

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: looney4labs] #466789
02/23/09 11:46 PM
02/23/09 11:46 PM
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Can someone tell me how to put the stone piece back on at the Mayan temple? I cut the branch but for the life of me I can't get the stone piece to stay on where I cleared the place for it.

Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: black5rose] #466839
02/24/09 07:42 AM
02/24/09 07:42 AM
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welcome to Gameboomers

Did you get the statue to sneeze so you can get the last piece of stone?

If you have, have you checked Margies walkthrough to see if you have missed anything?

Ana wave

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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #467042
02/24/09 06:54 PM
02/24/09 06:54 PM
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Yep, the statue sneezed and I believe I have done everything in the walkthru but I will go check again. I"m pretty exact when I play games...but I hate using the walkthrus if I don't need them.
I'll check again, but I'm sure I've done everything she said.

edit: I did everything... so I don't know why it's not working.

Last edited by looney4labs; 02/25/09 12:52 PM.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: black5rose] #467045
02/24/09 07:16 PM
02/24/09 07:16 PM
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Unfortunately saved games do not work in these or I'd have you send me yours and I'd see if I can get you unstuck. Msaybe someone else can offer another suggestion.

Ana wave

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Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #467151
02/24/09 11:48 PM
02/24/09 11:48 PM
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Thanks.. hopefully some one will have an idea.. I guess I'll start the game over, it's not like I was that far along and maybe then it will work.. who knows?

Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: black5rose] #467417
02/25/09 03:01 PM
02/25/09 03:01 PM
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needless to say it didn't work the second time either.... any one have a clue??? Thanks

Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: black5rose] #467709
02/26/09 07:11 AM
02/26/09 07:11 AM
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Hang on black4rose and I'll load the game. I've been wanting to play it again anyway.

OK, I think I understand the problem. You need to practice locating 'hot spots'. This game is loaded with 'hot spots' and you have to take note of them when you move your cursor around the scenes because they are essential in figuring out where the artifacts you assemble are to be used. The description that pops up when you find a hot spot usually gives you a clue as to the artifact to use.

For example, you have assembled a knife which then moves from the bottom of the screen (assembly area) to the right side (artifact inventory area). There is a hot spot on the branch at the top of the screen which says "this branch is loose". When you cut the branch with the knife it clears a spot at the top of the stone. The stone pillar is another hot spot which says "this stone slab used to be higher." If you tickled the statue head's nose with the branch, he sneezed and revealed the tiny tip piece that was missing for the final artifact. Grab the tiny piece from his lower lip which completes the final artifact and sends it from the bottom of the screen to the right side.

By now you should have assembled the stone tablet that is divided into 9 symbols. If you placed it on the hot spot on the stone slab and clicked it, a 'calculator' like puzzle should have appeared. It needs you to press the proper 3 symbols in order.

Since the "stone slab used to be higher" you need to put the triangular shaped stone artifact on top of that hot spot. Notice the sunray like area on top of the stone slab? Click on the triangular shaped stone in your artifact inventory and then click on the sunrays. The artifact will attach to the top of the stone slab, the laser rays will reflect off the mirror and start a fire in the temple in the background of the scene. The smoke from the fire reveals the 3 symbols you need to solve the 'calculator' puzzle.

This is only the first level - it's a chance to practice assembling artifacts, looking for hot spots and identifying puzzles. The game gets much harder the further you proceed. In the next levels you will have to travel back and forth from scene to scene since many of the artifacts are missing pieces which have to be unlocked. Clues to solving puzzles are also locked and you have to figure out how to complete artifacts and use them to obtain the information for solving puzzles. Any time a hot spot lights up or reveals a written description, it's a clue that you need to do something there.

Good Luck. It's an awesome game but just be aware that you have to move back and forth from scene to scene OFTEN and check everywhere for hot spots.

Last edited by ScarletDragon; 02/26/09 07:54 AM. Reason: added hint

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons ...
for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: ScarletDragon] #467755
02/26/09 08:55 AM
02/26/09 08:55 AM
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looney4labs Offline
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thanks Scarlet wave

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: looney4labs] #467790
02/26/09 10:17 AM
02/26/09 10:17 AM
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Most welcome, as always.

Hope you enjoy the game blackrose. If you can master the tricks in Magic Encyclopedia and enjoy the running around, try Return to Ravenhearst next. It's awesome too.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons ...
for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: ScarletDragon] #467884
02/26/09 02:23 PM
02/26/09 02:23 PM
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Thank you Scarlet DRagon... I appreciate it. I already have and played Return to Ravenhearst. It was fun. I usually don't have a problem with the games.. and running around is ok too. So thanks again.

Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: black5rose] #467938
02/26/09 04:32 PM
02/26/09 04:32 PM
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You're very welcome blackrose. Glad you are unstuck. Have you tried the Azada games and Escape the Museum?

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons ...
for thou art crunchy and good with ketchup.
Re: Magic Encyclopedia Walkthrough [Re: ScarletDragon] #467941
02/26/09 04:47 PM
02/26/09 04:47 PM
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Thanks so much for the game walkthrough, ScarletDragon. Magic Encyclopedia is on my "to buy" list, and your help will be invaluable, I feel sure. smile

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