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CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info #425996
11/21/08 04:11 PM
11/21/08 04:11 PM
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I apologize to anyone who purchased the game CSI-NY on the premise that it was a sequel to the previous adventure game series. Since it was brought to our attention by players and now has been confirmed, the game is in fact a Casual Game and not an Adventure game.

There was no indication on their website, screenshots or press releases to believe that it was anything but the adventure game. InteractCd also had no knowledge that this was not an adventure title. We once again apologize to anyone who purchased expecting a different style of game.

On the brightside, it should be a fun casual game! wink


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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #426253
11/21/08 11:47 PM
11/21/08 11:47 PM
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I'd like to know how they can justify charging $29.95 for a casual game? I'm not going to buy that game.


Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: SnickersMom] #426310
11/22/08 04:05 AM
11/22/08 04:05 AM
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
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Somewhere ? in Massachusetts?
To late for me I already bought it from Interact and it's on it's way,I never would of payed 29.95 for a casual game! I love the CSI series and I jumped to fast to order it,oh well nothing to do now but play it when it arrives smirk

I may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I need to be.

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: cailyn] #426371
11/22/08 08:35 AM
11/22/08 08:35 AM
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I'm the one unlucky too, bought it from Amazon and didn't have time to cancel, they already shipped it. May be I should just return it and get my money back. frown

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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #426418
11/22/08 09:59 AM
11/22/08 09:59 AM
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I just found THIS on the Legacy Games blog, posted back in October.

Unfortunately, apparently no one here who has purchased this game thus far had read this prior to purchase, or the gameplay might not have come as quite so much of a shock.

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: Marian] #426450
11/22/08 10:57 AM
11/22/08 10:57 AM
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So what happened between this honest description of the game from the producers to the actual marketing and pricing of the game? Were they (whoever is in charge of this stuff) intentionally trying to mislead gamers, then? Maybe as part of an effort to rack up sales from drawing in fans of the other CSI games. After reading that blog, I find it extremely hard to believe there wasn't some sort of conscious decision made to leave the words, hidden-object and casual, out of the game description or press releases.

I am relatively new to gaming, does this sort of thing happen often? Can you usually trust a description of a game? I just think it would have been more appropriate to market this game like the folks at Her Interactive marketed their new casual game. Their new game is part of a casual series that branches off their adventure series and this fact was very clearly expressed to the public. I am sure noone bought that game expecting an adventure game!


Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: SSM] #426506
11/22/08 12:04 PM
11/22/08 12:04 PM
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Here's the quote from the blog:
With a title as cool as CSI -NY, we really wanted to something new and fresh. We looked at our favorite elements of the traditional adventure game and blended it with the best of the casual game genre to make a game unlike anyone has done, in either genre. We've remade and streamlined how you talk to characters, added a cool, refreshing graphic-novel art style, blended hidden object style gameplay with traditional evidence collection and concocted some really great games, puzzles and stories to transform the show you love into a immersive gameplay experience.

Reading this, I wouldn't have anticipated that the gameplay would take the game out of the adventure genre and put it squarely into the casual genre -- I would have expected gameplay to be like the previous CSI games, but with a few more casual-type minigames, perhaps.

There are examples of genre-fusing games, though more adventure-action than adventure-casual. And we are seeing casual games becoming more like adventures. I suppose it was inevitable that, sooner or later, an adventure series would become more like casual games.

There are games that seem (from the gamer's standpoint) to be marketed as adventures to the adventure-game-buying public, that then turn out to not be adventures -- usually they have a lot of action in them, rather than a lot of casual game elements. Penumbra Overture would fit in this category.

There are also games that seem to be marketed as action adventures that then turn out to fit fairly well into the adventure genre. Lost Via Domus for PC would be one of those.

I think that developers/publishers sometimes have a hard time accurately describing what a game is going to be like, particularly if it fuses genres. Though I suspect there IS some sense of wanting both the adventure gamers and the casual gamers to buy the game, so maybe a perfectly accurate description of every element of gameplay, not only would create spoilers, but also might prevent people from buying.

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: Becky] #426547
11/22/08 12:38 PM
11/22/08 12:38 PM
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I just think it is reasonable to expect that if a game is largely a hidden-object game, that this is mentioned in the game description. Like Women's Murder Club, which states, "find hidden objects inside nine investigations." If the company was truly concerned about whether this is an adventure or a casual game, then why not release a demo? You only need to play ten minutes of this game to realize what type of game it is. I have played a few of those games you describe, that straddle the line between two different genres, but I did not feel misled or deceived by the marketing of those games. This is a very popular series, if they planned to completely depart from it, this should have been made clear to us from the start. While I expected it to be a different experience, I was still led to believe it was another entry in the series. Also, while I enjoy hidden-object games, I would never pay $29.99 for one.

Samantha smile

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #426654
11/22/08 03:07 PM
11/22/08 03:07 PM
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PLEASE tell me there's been some sort of misunderstanding, maybe it's mostly adventure with a hidden object minigame?

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: jadekitten] #426728
11/22/08 05:46 PM
11/22/08 05:46 PM
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unfortunately jadekitten there is no misunderstanding. It truly is a hidden object game with some elements of the adventure game added to it. While I enjoyed the game it was rather dissapointing to see that it was a casual game instead of an actual "true" CSI game that we adventure gamers would be used to. I wish I could get my money back because I feel really ripped off by this one. I suppose that we paid the extra money for not only the CSI logo name but also the voices of the cast members as well.


Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: Bitty Kitty] #426731
11/22/08 05:49 PM
11/22/08 05:49 PM
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*whimpers sadly*

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: jadekitten] #426734
11/22/08 05:52 PM
11/22/08 05:52 PM
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I agree jadekitten I agree. The worst part is I don't think anyone on the CSI game thread I happen to click on sometimes knows anything about it. They think it might be like Law and Order Criminal Intent but we know that isn't the case now. So very sad and also so very angry with myself for purchasing the game and not waiting for reviews here. Oh well live and learn I guess.


Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: Bitty Kitty] #426837
11/22/08 08:54 PM
11/22/08 08:54 PM
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Thanks for the heads up. I have cancelled my pre-oreder now.

Pheww! thanks again.

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: BellaRosa] #426947
11/23/08 03:59 AM
11/23/08 03:59 AM
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it would have been more appropriate to market this game like the folks at Her Interactive marketed their new casual game.

What is even more ironic...

The Nancy Drew Dossier game, though scaled down or easier than a full on large file adventure game. It is complete with locations, inventory usage, puzzling etc. So a pleasant surpise (rather than the reverse)

I agree with the posters here and elsewhere, Ubisoft should have been as candid as the developers. It's not like casual games do not have a large and eager market ...

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: gatorlaw] #426964
11/23/08 05:41 AM
11/23/08 05:41 AM
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This is very sad news... I've been waiting for this game and now this???? I didn't even thought for a moment that it would be a casual game. I love the HOG games but i love even more the CSI games... cry

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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: Volkana] #427122
11/23/08 12:36 PM
11/23/08 12:36 PM
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catsmom Offline
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Thanks BrownEyedTigre for letting us know about the game. There's no need to apologize its not your fault or gameboomers. You guys do a great job in letting us know about upcoming games.The company should have stated what kind of game it was. So glad I didnt buy it at that price. I will buy it if it goes to Big Fish or gets lowered in price at stores. When I pay that much for a game I sure like it to last awhile.
I saw in the store The Womans Murder Club and they wanted 29.99 for it too, but it comes with a book..didnt buy it because I got it from Big Fish for 6.99. Best buy has rows and rows of these hidden object games. Guess its the new fad. smile

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: catsmom] #427561
11/24/08 11:40 AM
11/24/08 11:40 AM
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Thanks for the info Ana, I'm very disappointed that it isn't a new CSI adventure but luckily I hadn't got round to buying it. I'm sure that it may be a fun casual game but like others here I'm not willing to pay nearly $30 for it! (especially with the current exchange rate) smile

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: chrissie] #427843
11/24/08 11:25 PM
11/24/08 11:25 PM
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Unfortunately way back in another thread as soon as I heard it was Legacy doing this, I knew they would mess it up, Legacy tried and failed with Law and Order and 3D meshes. So I knew they would make this a kids game. Ubisoft will be fuming at this point I think.

Trading Standards people will have their work cut out for them when people complain about the blatant false advertising, im sure not Ubisoft's fault entirely but they have their hand in this and must have seen early work before the Gold master went into production.

I hate to say I told you so, but, ermm yes you know what I mean frown

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: DABhand] #428387
11/26/08 07:57 AM
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I preordered mine from Play and am now umming and ahing about cancelling it. I love CSI & I love HOGS ...

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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: JennyP] #429669
11/28/08 08:28 PM
11/28/08 08:28 PM
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I am so disappointed that this is a casual game! I pre-ordered it and just got it this week. If I had known, I wouldn't have bought it. Oh well, might as well give it a try since it is already here. smirk

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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: irishgirl1228] #440394
12/21/08 04:57 PM
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I was disappointed with the game too. I'm a big csi fan. Does anyone know how we are suppose to get the last case that was derailed??

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: REX DEXTER] #440403
12/21/08 05:11 PM
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The game manual says to check in January for your Bonus Game. I would assume Ubisoft would have it on their site.

Ana wave

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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #440507
12/21/08 09:39 PM
12/21/08 09:39 PM
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Thanks Ana I will be looking for it not because I'm excited I just want my last case because I paid for it already lol

Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: REX DEXTER] #440510
12/21/08 09:43 PM
12/21/08 09:43 PM
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lol My sentiments exactly. I'll post when I find it available for all of us that played.

Ana wave

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Re: CSI-NY PC Game - Updated Game Info [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #462735
02/13/09 12:43 AM
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Has anyone heard anything about the last case being available yet? I thought it was suppose to be available in January.

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