Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: katharine]
02/17/09 06:16 PM
02/17/09 06:16 PM
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What's with all these teddy bears? I keep picking them up whenever I stumble upon them just in case they have some future use. Actually, to be honest, I keep picking them up because I am a fool for teddy bears and can't stand to see them abandoned. Kay They make good ammunition...  Really, there is a home made gun you can make if you buy or find the blue prints that shoots just about anything, including Teddy Bears.
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Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: Pokey]
02/17/09 07:22 PM
02/17/09 07:22 PM
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Kay I can't stand the dirty mattress in my megaton house so I cover it with Teddy Bears and Nuka-Cola trucks. I suspect if I bought a house theme it might include bed linen and covers BUT I like to decorating my house myself. Wish I could buy a rug.
I use a lot of pool balls in my decorating as well as things that Pokey mentioned. I can't wait to get a 100 in a couple skills so I can use some skill books around the house too.
I set up the little table outside myside my house with a gnome in the chair and a plate full of kabobs, a bowl of soup and lots of bottled beverages. Jericho comes and stands around and looks longingly at it and growls at me for having the good karma...I think he's jealous of all the gifts I get from a certain citizen.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: katharine]
02/18/09 12:51 PM
02/18/09 12:51 PM
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Kay The decorating is a fun goof around when you just have a short amount of time to play or need a break. Just be sure and save every time you get something placed right as its a tricky buisness. You can read back some pages where people talk more about it. I like putting at least one of most everything somewhere sensiable in my house, some things look lame so I just don't bother. Got to say it makes coming home to rest or get ready to trade alot more fun to have the house all tricked out.
You can make a spot for dogmeat between the work bench you can buy and the bobble-head show-off stand. I put a bowl of squirrel stew and a dog bowl full of crab cakes out for him as well as a wooden box from the kitchen that I placed against the wall in back of his food and filled it with baseballs for him to play with.
If you practice and save alot its fun to do stuff like that. Its good to take a look at U-tube and see where stuff you might want to buy (not the house themes but the other items) go and not put anything in those spots. Also you'll notice the floor in some spots doesn't hold stuff when you drop it out of your inventory, it might be on the floor below or just gone...(another good reason to save) so just learn the good floor spots to dump and then carry the item upstairs or where ever you want it. I haven't noticed that when you place an item it falls through anywhere just when you dump out of your inventory.
One of the fun things I did was put some milk bottles on the top of my frig...only use I ever found for them and they look cool up there.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: Nipomo]
02/19/09 07:52 PM
02/19/09 07:52 PM
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Shy Boomer
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Hi Kay, I´m so jealouse!! How did you get Dogmeat? Where? I gather it is a dog robot, but don´t recall it crossing my path, any hints?
When the going gets tough..... the tough get going
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: katharine]
02/20/09 07:11 PM
02/20/09 07:11 PM
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I haven't played in 3-4 days now BUT will soon. I'm all set to start going back to my old vault 101 because my "girlfriend" has put out a radio message for me. She sounds desperate so I'll just wait to do some odds and ends I was planning to take care of later. Hope its not like real life were I totally forget what I was up to if I don't do it right away.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: flotsam]
02/27/09 01:47 AM
02/27/09 01:47 AM
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Hi guys! I am devastated about two things where I can`t understand how can I be so stupid!! I have been "selling" my stuff to Gob (at Moriarty`s) and to Jenny Stahl and just realized that was giving it away, for they only sale!!! don`t know how many thousands of caps lost over the past few months. The second one is that I am "very evil"!! Cannot believe it. Have been so nice to everybody, never killed a good guy and only stole a few things here and there!! Enough to make me very evil? not fair!! do not have enough pure water to regain karma, what can I do???
When the going gets tough..... the tough get going
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: Rowan]
02/27/09 03:10 PM
02/27/09 03:10 PM
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Also there is a church in Rivet City you can donate to.
I have been asking my house robot for clean water whenever his condensers get charged (maybe about every 2 weeks in the game) and then stock piling it in the frig. I want to do some of the neutral/evil quests and then be able to boost myself back up to good by giving those poor beggars water when those quests are over.
When I steal I keep an eye on my karma and when it gets nuetral or bad I stop stealing till it builds up again. I'm basicly playing good but I want to do all the quests so I'll get as evil as needed for those.
I just found a huge Talon company stronghold and have been useing lots of different weapons and tactics to take them all out with a good amount of reward in loot. I sneak off when I'm full and go stash it in my house and then come back to continue my sweep...I'm not fond of those talon guys! I plan to have a big loot sale when I'm done and buy me some much needed supplies.
I kinda wonder if I'll really be able to do the evil quests.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: katharine]
03/06/09 03:33 PM
03/06/09 03:33 PM
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Hi Katharine The wasteland is going to get more exciting after you finish that quest! You'll see when your out exploring....good luck...I sorta like it myself.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: Nipomo]
03/06/09 07:41 PM
03/06/09 07:41 PM
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You guys..... talk about the game as if it were so easy..... I do not understand, went down from easy to very easy, I am barely finishing Moira quest on my way to Rivet City and have 3 stupid super mutants trying to kill me from a bridge where I cannot reach them, no even with missiles. They keep killing me and do not even have enough money to buy stimpacks, which is all I spend my money on, seems like it, but had to used them when 5 Talon guys tried to kill me. One had a missile launcher, and another one a flamer, which reminds me, I cannot use mine, not even after I fixed it. Do I need a certain level for it? I think I will go back to simpler quests (like Lucy`s) and come back when I have meaner guns. Ahhh!!! Love it and hate it.
When the going gets tough..... the tough get going
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: cyberalki]
03/09/09 02:26 PM
03/09/09 02:26 PM
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Cyberalki Fallout 3 is set up so you can walk in to places that are too tough to handle so you have to bug out or start from a earlier save and sneak around to find something easier to handle.
Do you have a sniper rifle? That is good for mutants at a distance. If you land one or two shots from the sniper rifle and then pop behind some cover and take who ever ventures forth out with a combat shotgun at close range, that usally works pretty good. Sometimes when you pop behind cover after a bit you will be "hidden" again and can take some more sniper shots. With the sniper rifle it shoots high over distance so I always use the sight and aim right in the middle of the bad guy at about shoulder hieght or a tad lower. I hate to miss and alert everyone to my position.
I cann't think why the flamer doesn't work for is your big gun skill? do you have ammo? Level doesn't determine if you can use a weapon but your amount of skill is a big factor.
Last edited by Nipomo; 03/09/09 02:29 PM.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: Pokey]
03/12/09 02:11 PM
03/12/09 02:11 PM
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I have something unique called the Terriable Shotgun. Its very powerful at close range (lousy at anything else and needs repair often)and holds 12 rounds. Its lovely if you get caught out and have a bad guy in your face.
I got this gun by reading The Vault website about an area I had just spent a couple of days on and wanted to see if I had missed anything important. They said you could kill this guy and get his shotgun OR you could pickpocket all his shotgun ammo, go out the door and come back in and he would have put his empty shotgun in his inventory where you could try and reverse pickpocket in a simular wieght weapon and pickpocket out his unique shotgun. I hate killing guys I don't have to and this sounded sneaky and fun so I did it. I think it took me two or three times to get it to work so save a bunch.
Even though this weapon makes 5 guns I carry, I can't put it down, its just too good when I get in trouble. I carry the sniper rifle, the Lincoln repeater, the combat shot gun, the unique chinnese assult gun and the Terriable Shotgun. I need to get rid of something but I still haven't decieded what yet. This is mostly for the wasteland, I haven't gone downtown much yet though I will soon as I have a couple of quests that point that way next.
scavenging the wasteland in Fallout 3
Re: Fallout 3 - access to GNR (spoilers)
[Re: Pokey]
03/13/09 08:41 PM
03/13/09 08:41 PM
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Hi guys, thx Nipomo, I just leveled up and put a whole bunch of points in big guns. Now I can use the flammer. But guess what? As much as I enjoyed using it, weights too much, so I sold it. I am now using the minigun, the 10 mm whatever machine gun and the combat shot gun and the missile launcher. I only have 210 pounds to carry which is nothing. So next time I level up, how can I increase my strength? I am on my way to Jefferson Memorial, seems like I´ve done too many side quests and not enough for the main quest, so no I am doing the GNR quest... all by myself, no Steel Brothers with me... but will keep going.. love this game.. still no Dogmeat.
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