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Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis #500059
05/13/09 11:39 PM
05/13/09 11:39 PM
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I dont know if it's the right place to write this..duh

am waiting for secret files 2 pc game.. my country,they release secret files 2 for Wii first..
hhhh...and the official software store on my town didnt have any SF2 for PC yet..
sooooo..should I grab those SF2 for there any different from PC version??

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Gilligan] #500076
05/14/09 02:49 AM
05/14/09 02:49 AM
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Gilligan -- I don't know the answer for certain, but I don't think there are major differences between the PC version and the Wii version.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Becky] #500078
05/14/09 03:12 AM
05/14/09 03:12 AM
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Thanks Becky..looks like i'll grab those Wii version

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Gilligan] #500109
05/14/09 06:31 AM
05/14/09 06:31 AM
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Gilligan, can you order from InteractCD? He has it in stock, I loaded mine last night.

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Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #500157
05/14/09 08:39 AM
05/14/09 08:39 AM
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Sure Ana..Hi Ana wave..hugs...
will stop by to Joe's later..hihihihihiiiii grin

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Gilligan] #500231
05/14/09 12:01 PM
05/14/09 12:01 PM
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In Italy is released. I've already played it. It's nice, even if it would be better. I've made the walkthrough, too, but in italian language. grin

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Paola Croft] #500236
05/14/09 12:20 PM
05/14/09 12:20 PM
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I am playing the game and I have just got Nina out of the ship and onto the beach.

Great homage to "Posiedon Adventure" and some really funny parts. (Ex-bell, anyone?)

In my opinion the game could have been much better if there were more depth, such as by having more places to visit at each location. As such, it is a very short game, of maybe 12 hours worth and about half of the content of the first game.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Benedict] #500263
05/14/09 01:27 PM
05/14/09 01:27 PM
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Having read your opinion, Benedict, this sounds like just the right game for me since I prefer the shorter games (although 12 hours sounds long to me and it will take me longer anyway) and I don't want more depth in each location ... my attention span seems to be getting shorter and I get bored quicker. I value your opinion as it will be a factor in helping to make my final decision about the game.

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Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: sierramindy] #500317
05/14/09 03:18 PM
05/14/09 03:18 PM
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It seems the trend to make adventure games shorter.

In terms of presentation, Secret Files 2 has very beautiful graphics, a good story, memorable characters, dramatc cut scenes, a polished interface, professional voice acting and beautiful artwork in additional pages of the game manual. So even though it might be short, Secret Files 2 would be a fairly pleasant "ride".

Playing the game has made me interested enough to play through the prequel all over again, which I hope to be able to do soon.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Benedict] #500339
05/14/09 04:25 PM
05/14/09 04:25 PM
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I very much doubt that people will get through the game withou very liberal doses of walkthrough and even then I would think no less than 17 to 20 hours or more just to traipse around all the locations since theres a lot to see and do.
At the end you get a certificate telling you exactly how long you took.
Did yours record only 12 hours?

I wouldn't say its a short game at all but not one of the very long ones - imho medium length.
i dont think all games are getting shorter. I found Sherloch nemesis to be very long.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: harhan3] #500446
05/14/09 09:12 PM
05/14/09 09:12 PM
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I just received Secret Files 2 in my mail box yay. I was looking in the manual that came in the case, and on pages 26 and 27 it looks like they are in the process of making another adventure game to come out this year happydance. Did anyone else see this? and does anyone know any more about it?

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Trinny3] #500530
05/15/09 03:51 AM
05/15/09 03:51 AM
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I'm just about to finish this game. It's a very nice adventure, and I would recommend it to pretty much any adventure game fan. As others have said, the graphics are really lovely and the voice-acting is pretty decent, both of which are very important to me. The story is interesting and the puzzles are fun rather than frustrating.

I have to agree with Benedict and disagree with Harhan3, though. It's not a long game. I haven't quite finished it yet, but I would say that I've spent about 10-12 hours on it so far, and I have taken my time over exploration and so on. There really aren't that many locations, compared to some other adventure games. It is not a hard game either. I only had to use a walkthrough twice - usually I refer to walkthroughs a lot more than that.

All in all, though, I've enjoyed my time with Nina, Max et al very much.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Magwitch] #500656
05/15/09 01:19 PM
05/15/09 01:19 PM
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its sometimes difficult to estimate time when playing.

Would you let us know what your end-certificate says when youve completly finished and maybe even send a scan of the certif. then we'll relly know for certain how long the game takes.

I say this because it took me much longer than 10to12 hours and my certificate actually says so and confirms this and i wouldnt like people to be mis-informed that the game is short whilst I didnt find it so.
But I repeat that I didnt find it amonggst the very longest games but that doesnt mean tht its short. Again I repeat, I found it of average medium length - without thw\e walkthrough between about 16 to 20 hours at least.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: harhan3] #500689
05/15/09 03:53 PM
05/15/09 03:53 PM
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I too noticed that Trinny! It looks excellent! Maybe Carla or Becky will have some more news about it?

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Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Mr 2 u] #501056
05/16/09 03:11 PM
05/16/09 03:11 PM
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I also noticed the "upcoming" in 2009! Am I eager? You betcha!

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: jody319] #501278
05/17/09 07:10 AM
05/17/09 07:10 AM
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The game has a nice ending and two very satisfying epilogues. I like the plot and the humour, particularly the funny bits about adventure games and "virtual acting".

At the end of the game I got a certificate. Because I cheated heavily by using a walkthrough, I finished this game really quickly.

Title earned: Superhero
Playing Time: 517 minutes (8 hours and 37 mins)

There are some nice bits on the certificate.

All in all a very lovely and entertaining adventure game, although it is still too short for me.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Benedict] #501289
05/17/09 08:07 AM
05/17/09 08:07 AM
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There are some nice bits on the certificate.

I played it again this time using the walkthrough absolutely completely to get the fastest time and knowing every one of the puzzles and every single place and location.etc.

I still cant possibly understand how the game can be finished in less than 15 hours or more however quick the player is and even if the walkthrough is used word for word from begin to end.. Even the cut scenes and the veryb many and long dialogs alone take up more than about 8 hours.
Certainly I may be an unusually slow player although I didnt think so till now,

I would hate to give everybody a false impresion that the game is longer than it really is.

How about uploadin a screen capture of your certificate and perhaps I can see where I wasted several hours of gameplay and then to really fully apologise to players for misleading them about the longer play time?
Hoping youll agree.

btw - I was wondering. Was the time for the demo included in the certificate or did you copty the last demo save and stert the full game from there .
That might have added a few hours ?

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: harhan3] #501325
05/17/09 10:03 AM
05/17/09 10:03 AM
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I have the full game installed (1.95 Gb), and before installing this game I have never played the demo. Also I do indeed have a certificate in my installation folder that says that my playing time was 517 mins despite taking several nights to play through the game. It is a .png file that is 1.09Mb in size. Do I really need to upload that to prove myself? Even though I used a walkthrough I have tried to examine all the inventory items that I can see on screen after scanning each scene and I have tried to hear Nina and Max's comments on these items. I have viewed all 25 cutscenes in their entirety without interrupting them and endured Pat Sheltons's rantings.

Come on, there is no arguing that the game is indeed short! other players will agree on this because in spite of the game's strengths there are actually not that many locations to explore.

If adventure gamers want a longer game experience they could try Darkside Games. Some of these games, like The Witcher, require fighting enemies repeatedly to gather experience and to accumulate inventory items that are converted into other items. The nature of RPGs require that the game have longer play time. I played Oblivion with its expansion pack and mods over at least 3 months!

Adventure gamers who are adverse to combat and frustration from having the character dying and reloading and repeating character actions could steer clear of Darkside games and play adventure games, but unfortunately, due to today's game budgets adventure games nowadays will be much shorter compared to Gabriel Knight series or Tex Murphy series in the past. It is not true that there are no more long or medium-length modern adventure games. Try Runaway 2 or the Sherlock Holmes games, Lost Crown or Jack Keane. But these games will not feel like there are as fast paced as Secret Files 2. So enjoy Secret Files 2 like a short and fun roller coater ride.

Last edited by Benedict; 05/17/09 10:26 AM.
Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Benedict] #501333
05/17/09 10:24 AM
05/17/09 10:24 AM
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Thank you for telling us your experiences with the game.

Let's wait for others vets of the game to tell us about the length. It might not matter to some gamers.
I have not started the game yet.

Length is one of those that is relative and can vary from gamer to gamer even if measured by the game itself. That depends on whether you worked on the puzzle or look for the next step to do rather than someone or a walkthrough telling you to do so.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: MaG] #501386
05/17/09 12:57 PM
05/17/09 12:57 PM
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Come on, there is no arguing that the game is indeed short! other players will agree on this because in spite of the game's strengths there are actually not that many locations to explore.

you say so and I have no means to prove or "argue"otherwise, especially including the full demo and all cut scenes and many and long dialogs. But I still think its certainly not one of the ultra long adventures but imo it is of average medium length

I dont wish to be in argument but I cant understand it.
I repeat I replayed the game at max. speed using the very accurate walkthrough sentence by sentence from start to finish. As MaG pointed out I was one of those who raced over every single puzzle in a matter of seconds especially since I knew where everything was and exactly how to follow the walkthrough instructions without a seconds delay.
Just the same it took me over twice as long as the 8.6 hours.
Yes my cert.. which is put into the game folder at the end is also a png and is 802 KB, and according to it Im also a superhero. I have an idea that everybody is one who finishes the game fully
But I took a .jpg screen shot of the certificate from the game itself and its only 116 KB in size.

Yes I would very much like to see your certificate since as you know it has other info on itr. If you don’t want to go to the trouble of uploading it , how about sending it to me by PM or I can give you my email address and you can make a simple email attachment.
MaG said
Let's wait for others vets of the game to tell us about the length.
That will be very interesting and important and also as she said its important to know how much or little all players used the walkthrough or Hints since that obviously very grealy affects length of gameplay
I don’t think any of the puzzles can be skipped as was suggested. I think that every one must be solved. If you dont solve any one puzzle Im pretty sure that you cant continue the game - I think you must solve them all.

Id like to add since I dont think i was clear,
Im not at all upset that I muself may be a slowcoach. What worries me is that some players may think its not worth paying the cost of the game and postage for as little as 8.6 hours of play or maybe a bit less if they use the walkthrough even more.
If this is truly the case their is nothung to do about it the makers should have made it longer imo
But as Ive said too often I cant understand h0ow this can be so and found the game to be a respectable lengh time and as such wrth its cost.
If the very short claim of less than 9 hours is not true then its unfair to the people who developed it.

Last edited by harhan3; 05/17/09 05:07 PM.
Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: harhan3] #501566
05/18/09 12:01 AM
05/18/09 12:01 AM
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Harhan, many people have suggested this is a short game which of course becomes a point of contention. I wrote a review of this game and posted it a few hours ago. Upon seeing this thread I added some comments to my review. Yes this game is shorter than Secret Files 1 and many other games. But that should not deter people from playing it. I have seen many games twice as long but half as good.

I'd suspect if you browsed through this game and interacted with every hot spot and solved all puzzles on your own it would take twelve hours or more. One other point, though you can click through conversations and cut scenes you cannot skip any puzzle. Would I like to see it as long as the first or TLJ or Syberia? Of course but we can't have everything. Based upon the review of Still Life 2 by CBSection31 also posted here, one seems far better off with Secret Files 2. Again a short good game is far better than a crappy long one.

Last edited by oldmariner; 05/18/09 12:12 AM.
Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: oldmariner] #501585
05/18/09 04:22 AM
05/18/09 04:22 AM
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Well, I finished the game in 547 minutes, which is just over 9 hours. I did not use a walkthrough all the way through. But I did use one on occasion - very rarely at the beginning, a bit more often towards the end, when some of the puzzles were rather more fiendish. I am a super fast reader, so sometimes I got impatient and right-clicked to speed up dialogues once I'd read the subtitles. I did not do this throughout the game, only at times, but this would, of course, have speeded up the gameplay time for me.

Frankly, Harhan, I find it offensive that you are demanding screenshots of our certificates. As Benedict says, why should we have to jump through hoops to prove anything to you? You can take or leave our opinions, as you choose. The use of words such as 'misinforming' and demanding proof is quite simply an implication that we are for some strange reason lying, to make out the game is shorter than it is (why on earth would someone do this?). It's just downright rude.

And why the fuss anyway? No, the game is not very long, but it's not extremely short either. And I'll just reiterate what I said in my first post on this thread - regardless of its length, I enjoyed the game immensely and would recommend it to any adventure game fan.

Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: oldmariner] #501587
05/18/09 04:38 AM
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I havent seen your review and also I havent so far seen a single person anywhere who has described the game as short - except for Benedict here. But i only lurk on another 1 or sometimes 2 forums so maybe Im missing it.
I wont continue posting about this becaause its repeating and also controversial ansd as MaG said lets see what other Boomers think.

My last remarks on this subject.
If you take a good walkthrough and use it completely to play a game you can finish any game except maybe the very longest in under 10 hours and sometimes not much more than 5 hours. This is particularly so with games that do not have random mechanical difficult puzzles which can themselves take a long time to solve and where a walkthrough doesnt help.
So the time it takes to finish a game can take up to twice or half the time depending on how much or little or none walkthrough is used.

Just the same and even if a walkthrough is used to the absolute maximum possible i cant see how this game can take less than about 10 hours and if a walthrough is hardly used or not at all I'm sure 20 hours.

Which is why Im convinced that its a medium length game and by no means a short one which Um afraid may put some people off incorrectly and imho unfairly.

Thats my 2 cents and more than enough from me.

ADDED 15 minutes later.
the post from Magwich was posted whilst I was writing the above and of course I didn't see it.
As I said, I certairly wont reply to it and leave everybody to make their own minds up.
Everybody so far seems to agree that its a very good game and thats the most important thing.

Last edited by harhan3; 05/18/09 04:46 AM.
Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: harhan3] #501592
05/18/09 04:55 AM
05/18/09 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted By: harhan3
Everybody so far seems to agree that its a very good game and thats the most important thing.


Re: Secret Files 2,Puritas Codis [Re: Magwitch] #501694
05/18/09 10:29 AM
05/18/09 10:29 AM
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I am playing the game and I am finding it very enjoyable. I used the walkthrough once because someone refered it to me without giving me the hint I really wanted. I played it Fri-Sunday for about 6 hours each day. Today I am almost to the end or I am at the end. I really dont find this game any longer or shorter than any other game except for the Longest Journey. I think even using the hints in the game doesnt make the game shorter, they just kinda point you in the right direction. If they make a Secret Files 3 I will certainly buy it. smile

I just finished the game. It took me 1204 minutes which is a little more than 20 hours. Very good ending smile

Last edited by catsmom; 05/18/09 11:49 AM. Reason: finished game

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