There are many factors that can lead to the link for the walkthrough not being up, don't want to bore you with details

However, the holidays did slow things down a bit for various reasons.
Most walkthroughs are done ahead of time. Our goal is to have it ready for publishing at the same moment the game gets released.
Once in a blue moon we may get a game to write for that is being released in 24 hours or less so we try to hurry up and get it ready so it can be published on the same day as the release, even if it's a few hours behind.
AS I'm sure Mag

knows writing a walkthrough in 24 hours is a hard thing to do depending on the game. Luckily we have a great team of writers that will do what they have to do to get the walkthrough out.
The only time we did not have a walkthrough published on the same day of release was Anka. I believe we got it out a couple of days later. That was due to a miscalculation and the fact the game was hard to write for.
If you don't see a link for a walkthrough on the same day of the release, chances are we don't plan on writing one for that game.Most of the time I send Ana a PM letting her know when a link is up so she can post it in her announcements.
I also try to post in the forums at BFG if there is a delay for one reason or another.
Hope this helps shed a bit of light in our process