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Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Becky] #597856
02/16/10 01:18 PM
02/16/10 01:18 PM
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Colpet! that was a very good question because i was wanting now to put MOUL on my little laptop so i can sit comfy and play! Glad you gave us the info Dadguy-thanks! OH..also there's Work and then there's work(code for: MOUL )..haha

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: gamenut] #597881
02/16/10 03:49 PM
02/16/10 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted By: gamenut
Colpet! that was a very good question because i was wanting now to put MOUL on my little laptop so i can sit comfy and play! Glad you gave us the info Dadguy-thanks! OH..also there's Work and then there's work(code for: MOUL )..haha


After reading your responses, I would like to clarify. I thought you were trying to operate from 2 different PCs at the same time.

So, to clarify, you absolutely CAN load the game on two different PCs and play from 2 different machines, as long as only one is logged in to your account at a time.

I do this myself, because I have been testing things on a Vista machine and on a Windows 7 machine. It works fine.



Last edited by dadguy; 02/16/10 03:49 PM.
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dadguy] #598155
02/17/10 01:01 PM
02/17/10 01:01 PM
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Oh glad to hear that!! Thanks for the added info! BTW..i have not used(really Used) the Vista laptop alot. have downloaded Bigfish client and games without a there anything diff i should do for the install of Moul? on this xp i just dble clicked on the install file and let it do it's thing. . but i have read where seems like games need to be in my Documents folder????

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: gamenut] #598159
02/17/10 01:42 PM
02/17/10 01:42 PM
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Hi Gamenut!

There are occasionally issues with the graphics chips that laptops use, but you won't know until you try it.

The install is handled automatically by the Uru Installer. I saved the installer to my desktop before running it, but it appears you can place it anywhere. It will create the proper directories under "Documents" in Vista (which include chat logs, init files, and KI Image files). You may also need to run the resultant "URU Launcher.exe" file "as an Administrator" to get it to run properly (this may be true if you are logged in on a non-Admin account).

Have fun!


Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dadguy] #598160
02/17/10 01:46 PM
02/17/10 01:46 PM
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I got access to Uru at work now. Thank god I own the business; no one can complain about my hogging one of the computers. devil

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: colpet] #598171
02/17/10 02:21 PM
02/17/10 02:21 PM
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I just tried to play, and got a message saying"failed to delete old patcher executable. Access is denied" What is this all about? I am so frustrated playing this game, I am about to give up.


Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dorish] #598173
02/17/10 02:23 PM
02/17/10 02:23 PM
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Try uninstalling the game. Then go into C:\Program Files and delete the Uru Live folder you find there. If it doesn't let you delete it, reboot (or log out and log back in) and try to delete it again.

Once it's deleted it won't have to delete an old patcher executable because it will be gone.

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Jenny100] #598178
02/17/10 02:45 PM
02/17/10 02:45 PM
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Jenny, I was playing yesterday and it was fine. If I delete it does that mean I will have to start all over again from the beginning? If that is the case, I am not going to bother. I was so confused. I had the 7 journey cloths from the Cleft, but I did not know how to return the pillars I had in my Relto. I end up with a tension headache when I play, because, even after reading the walk through, I still don't know quite what to do. I am 64, and have never played a game like this, so it's all totally covering new ground for me.

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dorish] #598181
02/17/10 02:52 PM
02/17/10 02:52 PM
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Hey Dorish! I feel your pain. I am in my 60's too and the first time i played ANY online game was this one! Don't give up...You just let Jenny and other 'boomers help you. I need them to help me... Dont' let it frazzle you. Take a nice long break(or short one-whatever works)and then come back to it). I didn't know it the first time till much later but this game was apparently designed to get several people to work together sometimes. and boy..i sure need it...yesterday 2 'boomers helped me in Gahreesen(the gear/powerup room)and the Bucket jump in Teledahn! Most of the time the 'boomers will ask you but don't be afraid to ask for help at all. You know how nice they are here ...they're just as sweet in MOUL !
Also Dadguy: i will try later tonight or this week to see how it goes on laptop..don't think the graphics gizmo is the best...however, my pc it runs on is 2002 winxp and 528MBram and an Nvidia 52FX video card...The laptop only has 1G ram (is ok for what ihave been using it for)and i can't remember the video..anyway..will just have to see how it goes! Thanks again...

Last edited by gamenut; 02/17/10 02:58 PM.
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: gamenut] #598185
02/17/10 03:14 PM
02/17/10 03:14 PM
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Thank you Gamenut.If I do start over LOL, how do I return the 4 pillars from my relto to where they belong? I opened each one up, and went to the other ages. Do I have to collect the journey cloths and relto pages from those ages before I can return the pillars? In the W/T it said something about noting the symbols in a cave before I can return to the Cleft and get the last Relto page. I didn't see any cave with symbols in any of the Ages I went to.Also,I didn't find any Purple book in the classroom, and I went there 3 Times. I have just taken 2 Advil for my headache LOL.


Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dorish] #598191
02/17/10 03:33 PM
02/17/10 03:33 PM
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I wouln't worry about returning any pillars--- you have a whole lot of playing to do in URU... I am new at this too. And I also feel your pain. But when you are in the GB hood ask--- they really are a big help. And you do know in the lower left side of your page next to your Ki. is a book what will get you to your home base (by the pillars) anytime. You will find that at some point that is the only way out a place you might end up at. smile and Yes you need 7 cloths from each age. Wait till you get to the area where there are steam crazy

Last edited by Winfrey; 02/17/10 03:35 PM.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Winfrey] #598197
02/17/10 03:58 PM
02/17/10 03:58 PM
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Thank you Winfrey. I don't know where the GB Hood is. I am in Bevin 139, or at least I was before I was denied access to the game today. I am going to try again tomorrow--maybe.


Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dorish] #598223
02/17/10 06:02 PM
02/17/10 06:02 PM
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Hi Dorish!

1. Good news. You should not need to uninstall and re-install. Please read the comment from the Tech Discussion forum:

I'm getting "Failed to delete old patcher executable"
This is caused by the UAC (User Access Control) in Vista/Win7 not allowing the patcher to delete the old patcher executable which it just tried to replace with an updated one. To solve this problem close any open patchers, right-click the Uru Game Icon (or executable) and select "Run as Administrator".

Now, I know that may sound a bit involved, but it is really not so bad. Usually a restart of the computer will fix this up, but is a good idea to right-click on that Uru Game Icon on the Desktop and checkmark the "Run As Administrator" box.

Click to reveal..
Returning the Pillars: This really pretty simple. You do not need to touch any more cloths.... Just return to each of the four Ages (Gahreesen, Kadish, Teledahn, and Eder Kemo) to the final door that leads to the Bahro cave. Enter the doors again and go forward to the Bahro Cave and touch the symbol on the wall again. This time the Pillar will return! Look at the floor in front of the pillar, and make a sketch of the symbol (and note which Age it came from). Go back to Relto by jumping off the edge. Each time you return a pillar, a crack will start to appear in the Relto. After you return the 4th pillar, a hole will appear in Relto's lawn. Jump in to find yourself in the Desert again. Those four symbols you wrote down will allow you to finish the second visit to the Cleft, by entering them into that machine in the Cleft fissure.

3. The GB Bevin is found via the Nexus Public Links. You may have to use the scroll down button to find it in the list. Also, another Gameboomer can help you make the GB Bevin your "home" bevin, so that you can use the Book in Relto to go straight to it!

Have fun!


Last edited by dadguy; 02/17/10 06:05 PM.
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dadguy] #598262
02/17/10 10:16 PM
02/17/10 10:16 PM
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It's great to see that people are enjoying MOULagain. I'm working on Kadish myself (with help, which is necessary as I've forgotten so much). lol

If people need game hints help, it's better to ask for help in the Hints forum -- Dadguy and other helpful people check there too. grin wave

I also have a question someone might know the answer to -- if I crank the settings up to maximum so the worlds look lovely to me -- does that cause lag for anyone else in the environment with me?

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Becky] #598270
02/17/10 10:51 PM
02/17/10 10:51 PM
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Heheh... Becky, sorry to mix the hints here (I am so used to posting on that forum). smile I actually put some "Glitches" stuff there, too. I'm a repeat offender!

No, your performance settings don't affect the load for others. Things like antialiasing, screen resolution, shadows, sound, etc., all come from files on your PC. The stuff coming over the network is the same at all settings (things like avvie characteristics, location, movement, etc). If you voice chat, that probably takes some bandwidth...



Last edited by dadguy; 02/17/10 10:55 PM.
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: dadguy] #598296
02/18/10 01:11 AM
02/18/10 01:11 AM
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Dorish...i tried this evening to find gameboomers bevin and it was not on the list..but i think someone mentioned that if it was empty it would not show up(meaning i think that a 'boomer..even though may be online in the game may not BE in the 'boomer bevin.) if you have your KI and know how to put in a 'buddy' of the above 'boomers' name and or KI number-then when one shows up in the game(providing you keep your KI ope.on) you can click on their name on the left when it shows up under Buddies and ask them to meet you in the 'boomer bevin(i hope this is right 'boomers??)then when they go to the game boomer bevin and then when you go to the nexus it should then show up and then you can select it and then you will meet them there!. I hope i have given the correct advice..i am still a bit of a newbie if someone else can give more/better info please please do! smile

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: gamenut] #598307
02/18/10 04:03 AM
02/18/10 04:03 AM
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Hi All,
I need to know this too. I have only found Gameboomers on the list once and saw Winfrey for a minute but she was leaving, so didn't get into the hood. I guess I'm always there at the wrong time. I have done the regular Ages, haven't done the new ones yet. Right now I'm looking for the zero markers after finally finding out how to collect them.
Love just walking around and looking at everything.
Kay smile

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Kayc] #598371
02/18/10 10:20 AM
02/18/10 10:20 AM
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Thanks dadguy! wave As always, we appreciate your help!

Here are the Ki numbers of GB hood members who have already posted their numbers on this thread (hope I didn't miss anybody):

DMom2K 74181 (Dudemom_2000)
Lor 122418
Becky 271088
Winfrey 244032
Boomerbob 567506 (r_fike)
D'anileu 524857 (Nanjoan)
Air Navy 283549
Mikeplay 618397

If you want to try to get into the GameBoomers hood (bevin) as a member, it will help to be able to contact current members while they are in MOUL with you. To make this easier, you can enter these people into the buddy list on your Ki, and then you'll know when they are in MOUL at the same time -- you can meet and they can make you a member.

To enter a Ki number in your buddy list:

Open your Ki
Click on the "person" icon (extended arms)
Click on "Buddies" beneath the "person" icon
On the top right you'll see "Add buddy...."
Click on "Add buddy"
Type in the Ki number of the person you want to make into a buddy
Hit the "enter" key on your computer

You should now see this person's name showing up at the top left of the Ki info under "Buddies" whenever they are in MOUL with you. To contact them, click on their name on that top left list, type a message, and hit "enter" on your computer.

I hope this helps. tomato

Last edited by Becky; 02/19/10 04:38 PM.
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Becky] #598375
02/18/10 10:37 AM
02/18/10 10:37 AM
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Hi Becky, I never thought I would see Uru Live again. I'm currently downloading the installer.
I hope to see you soon in the hood.

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: HEMLOCK] #598397
02/18/10 11:54 AM
02/18/10 11:54 AM
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Kayc, are you here??? I would be willing to go into Uru and see if I can get you into the hood. Let me know. I'm in and made sure GB was on the public list-- so come over and I will play for awhile --- I will come back it someone wants me to help them into the hood. you can hit the windows key to stay in the game and come back

Last edited by Winfrey; 02/18/10 12:04 PM.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: Becky] #598403
02/18/10 12:03 PM
02/18/10 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted By: Becky
To enter a Ki number in your buddy list:

Open your Ki
Click on the "person" icon (extended arms)
Click on "Buddies" beneath the "person" icon
On the top right you'll see "Add buddy...."
Click on "Add buddy"
Type in the Ki number of the person you want to make into a buddy
Hit the "enter" key on your computer

Good procedure, Becky! A side note: URU switches off the NumLock on the numbers keypad, so you will need to enter the KI numbers via the numbers at the top of your QWERTY keys.



Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: HEMLOCK] #598416
02/18/10 12:51 PM
02/18/10 12:51 PM
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My Ki # 01739483

Looking for someone to invite me into the Gameboomers Hood

Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: HEMLOCK] #598417
02/18/10 12:53 PM
02/18/10 12:53 PM
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Hi Boomers my KI # is 618397

I intend to live far, so good.
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: mikeplay] #598423
02/18/10 01:00 PM
02/18/10 01:00 PM
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im there now-- GB is on the list -- will meet you there

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody
Re: URU Live coming to life!?! [Re: mikeplay] #598424
02/18/10 01:00 PM
02/18/10 01:00 PM
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Hi Winfrey...I'm in the Gameboomer hood now..will wait awhile.

Yay! Winfrey got me in the Gameboomers hood..Thank you!

Last edited by Kayc; 02/18/10 02:01 PM.
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