Here below please find a list of helpful sites
and tips to whip that computer into shape!

to all of the Gameboomers who
have contributed through former stickys.
In an effort to unclutter the "stickys"
I've combined some of the older ones here
to make room for the newer ones and will
add to this list as time goes on.
I've also referenced the posts pertaining
to each item so you can still read them
if you wish.
- I've updated and reworked
The General Drill
so that it is now printable. There are a dozen
or more new sections that you may like to take a look at: - Acceleration Levels
- AutoPlay (Enable or Disable)
- Clean Boot
- DirectX
- DOSBox
- Drivers for Sound & Video
- File Extensions
- Hotfixes (Removing)
- Got SP2? Get The Patch
- Increasing Your Files
- Quick Time
- Patches
- Safe Disk Fix
- Send me your Specs
- Spy-ware
- The Task Manager Step
- Virtual Memory :Increasing
- Virtual Memory :Decreasing
- Win Zip
Jeff Levy's Computer Lessons
These lessons can be downloaded PDF style.
You can also listen to his radio program
submitted by Cathy1:
Thanks so much for finding the link.
****************************************** - The Kim Komando Show
this is another fantastic radio show and website
(and still my personal favorite!)The newsletter
is chuck full of useful and interesting items.
repecfully sumitted by Infernoj13usa
************************************* - Links for Anti-Virus, Spyware, Firewalls
all freeware or shareware.
Sygate Firewall
AVG Anti-Virus Program from Grisoft
submitted by Lasanidine:
Thank you, thank you!!!
Adaware by Lavasoft
submitted by Horsedancer:
we are greatful!
submitted by Aggie: Thanks Aggie!
****************************************** - Video Tutorial for Virtual PC
For Vista
For Windows XP
submitted by Robert:
many thanks, Robert!
******************************************************* - Changing Affintiy for Dual Core Processors Manually
Tutorial for Grim Fandango
submitted by Skeeeter22UK
thanks, Skeeter!