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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63198
12/23/04 10:24 PM
12/23/04 10:24 PM
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metzomagic Offline OP
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Melanie, hi,

One thing I observed about that particular I Have No Mouth setup is... that you don't need both DOSBox *and* VDMSound! They both do the same thing, which is to virtualise the old DOS sound hardware. So you could improve performance by getting rid of VDMSound for starters. It could very well be fighting against DOSBox for control of your sound card scared

Then, please don't believe anything you read about damaging your 'puter. Urban legend stuff.

And finally, if you have a 2GHZ processor, you should be able to run DOSBox up to cycles=15000, or even more. The trick is to find a setting that the game runs comfortably at, with the least amount of clicking/stuttering. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of I Have No Mouth... or I would be able to advise better frown

Good luck with it,

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63199
12/23/04 10:37 PM
12/23/04 10:37 PM
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Hi Steve,

Thanks for the quick answer. smile

Another dumb question, how would I go about undoing the VDMsound? Would I do that in the IHNMAIMS config or the dosbox config?


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63200
12/23/04 10:54 PM
12/23/04 10:54 PM
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metzomagic Offline OP
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Mel, hi again,

You don't have to get 'rid' of VDMSound, just don't run it! By the way, you may find that this game runs better with VDMSound than it does in DOSBox. Either one by itself should do the trick.

Getting very late here in Ireland. Gotta get some kip!


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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63201
12/23/04 11:21 PM
12/23/04 11:21 PM
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aspen Offline
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Hi Steve I just wanted to say a quick thanks because thanks to your xp corner on the Quandary I have been playing for a little while now Gabriel Knight one and loving it!! I have had this game for at least two years maybe three and have never been able to play it until now. I found a link somewhere on gameboomers about your page on the quandary read it followed the instructions yelled a few obscenities! pulled out a few hairs!! but then man was it worth it!! bravo Thank you Thank you and also a big thanks to the Dosbox team!!! <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> aspen

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63202
12/24/04 02:46 AM
12/24/04 02:46 AM
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I guess I haven't been using the VDMsound then, Steve. lol

I've just been running the game in Dosbox. Maybe I should try it in VDMsound. think

I better look at the setup & configurations again.

Clueless me. eek


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63203
12/24/04 06:52 AM
12/24/04 06:52 AM
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metzomagic Offline OP
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aspen, hi,

Thanks! It took me about 3 tries to get that setup working on everyone's machine. Since DOSBox 0.63 was released, I haven't found a single DOS game that it won't run, including some real stinkers like: System Shock, Pandora Directive, Realms of the Haunting, and Ultima VII (just set: ems=false for that one).

Happy GK'ing,


Mel, hi again,

Full instructions for using VDMSound in my original article on getting old games working in XP:

Bring Out Your Dead!

Happy Xmas,

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63204
12/24/04 02:51 PM
12/24/04 02:51 PM
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Hi Steve,

Thanks again! I have your 'Bring Our Your Dead' page saved to my hard drive. lol I'm going to try IHNMAIMS in VDM sound and see if it does better as soon as I get a chance to play again. I'll let you know whether it works better that way or in dosbox for me.

Your last setup for GK1 was the winner for me too, Steve! After trying to play it 6 times with other setups, it's running like a charm. I'm almost done with it but stuck at the dreaded action scene in the snake pit, so keep going back & trying again in between other games. smile

Have a great Xmas!



Hi Steve,

IHNMAIMS did about the same in dosbox as in VDMsound so I solved my problem by turning the voice off & used text only in that section of the game, which allowed me to finish it without the freezes & I just put the voices back on again when I finished that section.

For some reason, so far that particular character is the only one I've had trouble with. It's playing fine again.


Merry Xmas!


EDIT: I finished it! Love this game. For some reason that was the only rough spot. smile

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63205
12/27/04 03:12 PM
12/27/04 03:12 PM
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I just would say thanks metzomagic.
Thanks to DOSBox, I finally made my copy of Discworld 1 to run. No sound, but I don't complain, it is working. smile


I haven't lost it, I just can't find it....
Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63206
12/29/04 08:07 PM
12/29/04 08:07 PM
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metzomagic Offline OP
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Carolin, hi,

Aw, come on thumbsup

Anyone else have any ideas?


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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63207
01/01/05 02:47 AM
01/01/05 02:47 AM
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Originally posted by metzomagic:
Katsmom, hi,

Sounds like a horror story alright! To get rid of adware, I occasionally use Spybot: Search & Destroy. AFAIK, that only runs when you ask it to thumbsup

Hi Steve. The 'culprit' program was Spy Sweeper (by Webroot). I just had to disable certain features, to finally delete the DOS program.

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63208
01/04/05 06:48 AM
01/04/05 06:48 AM
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Does anybody know if this "Dos" fix would help with the game "Nautilus"? My sister, Kaki and I have never been able to play it because every time the mouse cursor gets to close to any side of the computer screen the game crashes to the desk top!

Can someone tell me if this Dos fix will help or is there something else we need to do. We would really like to play the game!

Thanks! help

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63209
01/04/05 02:08 PM
01/04/05 02:08 PM
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If you're talking about the TAC game Mystery of the Nautilus, that is a Windows game and not a DOS game. So DOSBox won't help you.

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63210
02/04/05 10:13 PM
02/04/05 10:13 PM
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Dear Steve, have printed out your instructions for Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers and have got to the DOS Command Prompt stage (oh that frightens me). I typed in d: and then install as per instructions but it keeps saying it is an illegal command. I tried this on both c and d.
Please help I really want to play this game and DOS really gives me the willies.
Thank You

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63211
02/05/05 12:21 AM
02/05/05 12:21 AM
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Steve's instructions from ***here*** say


Wherever you installed DOSBox to, go there and edit the file dosbox.conf, replacing the section at the very bottom of the file (Note: if your CD-ROM drive letter is 'E:', then substitute 'E:' for the 'D:' below) with the following:

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount D D:\ -t cdrom -usecd 0 -ioctl
mount C C:\

Another note: you have to get that exactly right, so it's best just to copy and paste right out of this web page and into the dosbox.conf file using Notepad or a text editor...
If you printed out the instructions, you might have made a mistake in those lines.

Also, is your CD drive letter D: or did you change the D: in the example to whatever your drive letter is?

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63212
02/06/05 12:58 AM
02/06/05 12:58 AM
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Hi Jenny,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I actually copied and pasted the first lines so that i didn't make a mistake.
I can get into Dosbox thru the Command Prompt - that's no problem.
My Local Disk is C and where I put the game is D - i have tried both and they give me the illegal command.
Am I being stupid? Do I need to have the game in the D drive and then do it?
I have the Dosbox 63 version loaded.
Thanks for your time.



I am such a dribble - fancy that - putting the Disk in DOES help !!!!!!
Thanks Jenny - all ok and I have sound.
I have certainly learnt a thing or two and now look out all those old unplayed games....
Doh praise

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63213
02/06/05 03:34 AM
02/06/05 03:34 AM
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Hi Jada,

You can make a shortcut on your desktop for dosbox.

Just go to the file where you have it installed, right-click the dosbox63.exe file & choose make shortcut. Then drag it to your desktop. It works fine for me that way. I never use the command line to get in.


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63214
02/07/05 02:08 AM
02/07/05 02:08 AM
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Gotcha Melanie.
Cheers for that - It works - I was trying to avoid having to type in the sierra/gkcd,
sierra code to get there.
We are nice and lazy here down-under and with a few wines a good game should be easy to get too.
Thanks a lot for the help.

Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63215
02/13/05 05:52 PM
02/13/05 05:52 PM
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I am so happy that you got the DOSBox to work but I am still working at it. A kind Boomer set me step by step instructions for installing The Dame Was Loaded but the Boomer was using the dosbox62 and I downloaded the dosbox63 so I was unable to follow it step by step. If anyone has in fact installed the Dame using the dosbox63 version please hold my hand and walk me through it. I won't give up until I get it right.

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63216
02/14/05 02:19 PM
02/14/05 02:19 PM
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Do y'all think DosBox might help with The Day the World Broke lockup/crashing problems? I am aware now that some of these are linearity bugs, but how about the inventory-related lockups?

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63217
02/15/05 12:38 AM
02/15/05 12:38 AM
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I am still a little fuzzy about the short cut and I do feel stupid asking but I need to be sure. I have played Fate Of Atlantis using DosBox.0.63 but how do I make a shortcut for my desk top. Do I open the folder and then click on my dosbox.exe to make the short cut or what? I know it has been explained many times but I hope there is another gamer out there who is still as lost as I am ...I hate to be stupid alone .

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63218
02/15/05 09:09 AM
02/15/05 09:09 AM
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Carol, the Dame was Loaded walkthrough works on .63, it's what I tested it on and did the walkthrough for not.62 (where did you see that in what I sent you?). Just follow my initial instructions I sent you as far as altering the Wintest file and then follow the Dosbox Setup I sent. For the desktop link just find the dosbox directory, right click on the exe file and choose "send to" and then desktop. That'll do it.
Any problems email me.

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63219
02/15/05 04:59 PM
02/15/05 04:59 PM
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metzomagic Offline OP
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Folks, hi,

Jenny, Melanie, thanks very much for helping out in my absence. I've been very busy setting up the new forums over at Quandary *cough* Tough to be in two places at once...

OK, shortcuts... just follow Melanie's advice from a few posts above. Then you might want to make a batch file to save you having to type DOS commands every time you want to play a game. For example, say we want to set up a batch file to run Gabriel Knight (GK). To do this, open Notepad, and enter the two lines you would normally type to run GK from the DOSBox prompt, that is:

cd \sierra\gkcd

Then save that as:


Then all you need to do to run GK is double-click on the DOSBox shortcut you created earlier, and then type:


And you're up and running thumbsup


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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63220
02/15/05 08:44 PM
02/15/05 08:44 PM
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Thanks Bill and Metzomagic for your advice. I will try the short cut later but right now I am just happy to be able to play my favorite older games.I am most happy to be able to play Fate Of Atlantis with sound. I even dug out Samnmax and Flight Of The Amazon Queen . I had almost forgotten how much fun the older games actually are. Beleive it or not I got Orion Burger to play in DosBox and that really put a smile on my face. I do have one last question concerning the removal of these games. I am planning to play Myst IV soon and that is a pretty large game and I know I will need a lot of space, can I remove these older games simply by doing a delete to the folder I installed them in?

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63221
02/15/05 10:27 PM
02/15/05 10:27 PM
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Hi Carol,
First check to see if there's an actual uninstall for the programs. A good way to tell is there's a listing in Add/remove programs in your control panel or go to the "start menu then programs and see if they're listed. If not then there are no registry entries and you can just delete the game folders. If they're listed in add/remove get rid of them from there. If there listed in the program listings from the start button right click and see if there's an uninstall option, if so use that or as berfore if not just delete the folder. Hsve fun,

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Re: DOSBox: Let's go for it! #63222
02/16/05 02:44 AM
02/16/05 02:44 AM
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DOS game installs are tiny. I doubt you'll get enough space back by removing them to be worthwhile unless you have about a hundred DOS games installed.

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