Ikonius asks: I've checked with the walkthrough and I'm not really sure how to interpret your solution/grid, hence my multiple x,y question.
There's no graph paper available.
I wrote Kales' paper (taken after opening the LT cabinet in his bedroom) on my own pad and then drew the door pattern over it.
You should have 2 papers: one from Kales' room and the other from the wall of the tower elevator.
Each tower door (NESW) has a pattern. You then superimpose that door pattern on the one from Kales' quarters. You then get letters. Only one EACH of the letters (ABCDE) are crossed by the pattern. So that is the A position, B position, C position... for THAT door.
You then superimpose the letters on the number chart to get the matching numbers. A = ?, B = ?...
For example - North door pattern - you saw this when you passed the cursor over the door while standing outside.

This is Kales' paper after opening the LT cabinet in his bedroom.

This is when I drew all the patterns seen on the doors on Kales' paper.
Take note of the red line - that is north door pattern.
See that it passes only once on one of the letters A B C D E.
So now you have the location of the letters for the north door.
I then noted that location by encircling that on the drawing.

I then move to the number chart taken from the elevator wall.
I located the area where those circles are.
Then I get a number associated with that letter.

So north door has a number for A, number for B.... Those are then the codes to be enter on the north door inside the tower.
Check the solution at end of the walkthrough. The codes are there. I can't get the url working on interdocument links.
Enter those on the control panel of each door inside the tower (except for the west door).
For the west door you have to go down and open each side and enter the code.