I am playing the iphone game, Dracula part 2: path of the dragon (I believe all dracula parts of the iphone app are equivalent to dracula part 3: path of the dragon adventure game for pc).
I am at the Fox peak in the prison in the mountain. I have clicked everything I can in the prison area, then I remove the rocks & go through the path in the cave. However, I keep going forward & after 3 clicks it says "I must have done something wrong..." and brings me back to 2 clicks (in the pathway) before. I have looked all around, there is nothing to click or nowhere else to go but forward or backward.
Also I read the walkthrough for the pc game & it mentions a feather, but I can't find it anywhere. I have a rag, knife, portable electric lamp, matches, host, vial with holy water, hook, small chain, old coin, cartridge, rowan berries, crucifix & bible.
Can anyone help?
Much appreciated.