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Carol Reed parody #700942
02/22/11 04:39 AM
02/22/11 04:39 AM
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Mikael Offline OP
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This is, without exaggeration, the most fun I've had this year. It's a freeware game called "Darryl Creed", and is a parody of the Carol Reed games. (I might add that I'm the developer of the Carol Reed games, for those who don't know).

It's made by a Swedish team, and set in the town Uddevalla.

I'm surprised that I hadn't heard of this game before, since it's been out since August 2009.

Be warned that there is some violence in the game. It's not realistic though, and no blood is visible. There is also some mild swearing.

Unfortunately, the sound doesn't work on Windows 7.

Download the game from here:

Or here:

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Mikael] #700962
02/22/11 07:22 AM
02/22/11 07:22 AM
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Glad they made a fun parody and that you don't mind. I'll for sure be checking it out. Thanks for the headsup and I too am surprised no one here has posted about it yet.

Ana wave

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Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #700986
02/22/11 08:31 AM
02/22/11 08:31 AM
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Ive never heard about it either. I love the "carol Reed" games and will be wure to check this out. smile

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Gamer] #700992
02/22/11 08:49 AM
02/22/11 08:49 AM
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Mikael -- are there subtitles? (I have Win 7.)

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Becky] #701007
02/22/11 09:45 AM
02/22/11 09:45 AM
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I downloaded and just started playing. Yes, it has full subtitles. smile Having fun with it so far!

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Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Rushes] #701010
02/22/11 10:01 AM
02/22/11 10:01 AM
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Thanks Rushes! wave

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Becky] #701037
02/22/11 11:02 AM
02/22/11 11:02 AM
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Thanks, Mikael. Just playing Blue Madonna which I won here pn GB. An excellent game. All the Carol Reed games are my favorites, can't pick between them.

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Bristol] #701045
02/22/11 11:52 AM
02/22/11 11:52 AM
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The game is absolutely playable without sound. I did so myself the first time.

I forgot to mention that a walkthrough is in the game folder.

Last edited by Mikael; 02/22/11 12:16 PM.
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Mikael] #701065
02/22/11 01:51 PM
02/22/11 01:51 PM
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Downloading this one and gotta go buy Blue Madonna on BFG. Thanks Mikael! rah


So many games, so little time....
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Koalanut] #701069
02/22/11 02:19 PM
02/22/11 02:19 PM
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Mikael-Thanks for the links and thanks a lot for the Carol Reed games! thanks

You know you've hit the 'Big Time' when someone does a parody of your game.

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Ewil02] #701074
02/22/11 02:50 PM
02/22/11 02:50 PM
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I'd have never found that 4th stamp without the walkthrough.

I'd like to have seen his newspaper ad. Just how does one advertise that he's
Click to reveal..
an assassin for hire?

Good to still have XP. smile

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Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: GuybrushThreepwood] #701080
02/22/11 03:44 PM
02/22/11 03:44 PM
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lazydaisy Offline
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I can't get the download to install.

WinXP------Any ideas what is happening?

Edit: Got it all figured out -- Firewall/Defense settings caused my issues. All's good now.

Last edited by lazydaisy; 02/22/11 03:53 PM.
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: lazydaisy] #701083
02/22/11 03:59 PM
02/22/11 03:59 PM
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Thanks for that link, Mikael, I will be downloading shortly thumbsup

Played and enjoyed ALL your games and am sure I'll be entertained by the "parody" as well lol

However, I do hope you are busy working on the next "real" Carol Reed game wink

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Mad] #701100
02/22/11 05:04 PM
02/22/11 05:04 PM
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As they say, "Imitation is the greatest form of flattery"... (tho' IMO, it's just one of many). I just DL'd "Darryl Creed" & can't wait to see what kind of parody has be made of our Carol ! grin

Update: Just began playing. No rough stuff yet... and I've had several laughs from the get-go... the humor is 'dark-ish', subtle, & funny (..noisy kids that used to play outside no longer being a problem..) and it's definitely from a man's POV (very unlike Carol). Nice 'heads up' mention from Darryl to Carol, as well. I'm really enjoying this trip through another part of Sweden; through another's eyes... though I'm still waiting for this lovely 'Calm' to come to an end... as our 'hero' gets to 'work'.

Last edited by Carrie; 02/23/11 04:22 PM. Reason: (update about gameplay)

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Mikael] #701118
02/22/11 05:53 PM
02/22/11 05:53 PM
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thanks Mikael

It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Space Quest Fan] #701181
02/22/11 08:29 PM
02/22/11 08:29 PM
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Darryl Creed is funny. The opening letter made me laugh out loud; it's hilariously politically incorrect. The play is identical to Carol Reed without the talented photography and photoshop skill that turn snapshots into digital Monets.

So far I've gotten to a church. I didn't get anything out of a barrel earlier so I guess I've missed something.

Last edited by 8dognight; 02/22/11 08:30 PM.
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: 8dognight] #701196
02/22/11 09:49 PM
02/22/11 09:49 PM
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lazydaisy Offline
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I could not find the walk through in my download. There is a webpage that says file is no longer available.

I also could not figure out how to get the "thing" out of the barrel.

This has been hilarious so far. The comments are very creative. Great fun! And I found that 4th stamp after the earlier hint about how hard it was -- set me to thinking in a different way.

Last edited by lazydaisy; 02/22/11 09:51 PM.
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: lazydaisy] #701236
02/23/11 01:16 AM
02/23/11 01:16 AM
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What a little gem of a game !! Laughed myself right through it lol

Thank you so much for letting us know of it, Mikael thumbsup
And I would like to thank the developers too, if that's possible bravo

[Can they be contacted ??]

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Mad] #701266
02/23/11 07:27 AM
02/23/11 07:27 AM
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lazydaisy, the walkthrough is a text file inside the main program file, which for XP is at C:\Program Files\Darryl Creed. If you can't locate it I'll gladly e-mail you my own copy. Otherwise if you're stuck, post at Hints. happydance

Mad, the developer's e-mail addy is in the game's Read Me file.

I finished the game last night. It made me cackle.

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Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Rushes] #701302
02/23/11 10:37 AM
02/23/11 10:37 AM
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The game is very "Carol Reedish". It makes me want another Carol Reed game soon! This game is not as polished as Mikael's games but it plays almost identically to his. I am enjoying it so far!Thanks Mikael!

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Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Penny Lane] #701356
02/23/11 02:44 PM
02/23/11 02:44 PM
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Thanks, Rushes, for making me explore further hunting for the walkthrough. I finally found the "right" folder. I thought I installed it in my special "games" folder, and it appeared to be there,but was only the exe for the game. Thought I was playing from that location, but I was wrong. It installed on the C: drive in it's own folder. The walkthough etc. are there.

Don't know exactly how that all happened, but glad I found it. Thanks for encouraging me to persevere in the search.

Maybe something to do with earlier install errors because of firewall settings. IDK

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: lazydaisy] #701391
02/23/11 04:49 PM
02/23/11 04:49 PM
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"Mad, the developer's e-mail addy is in the game's Read Me file."

Thanks, Rushes thumbsup

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Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: Mad] #701807
02/25/11 09:46 AM
02/25/11 09:46 AM
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I'm also a great fan of Carol Reed and loved this. It had me laughing right the way through

Has any one seen any little gray cells around as I think I've lost some? Reward for finder.
Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: old lady] #701955
02/25/11 06:06 PM
02/25/11 06:06 PM
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If there is a sequel, I await a shady but perky girlfriend employed by an embassy or consulate and Creed's roommate's door exploding. Maybe Creed will have to move because of the silenced children or splintered door.

No, the door can't explode. Too fancy.

Darryl Creed was great fun. I never used the walkthrough even once because I saw the file only once, then couldn't relocate it. That's good. Too many casual, meaning too easy and the with walkthroughs, too, games make for a sloppy mind.

I wish some clever souls would do some GK parodies.

Re: Carol Reed parody [Re: 8dognight] #702087
02/26/11 08:46 AM
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Love your screen name 8dognight! One of my favorite bands (behind The Beatles) is 3 Dog Night. puppy puppy puppy

Vulgarity is no substitute for wit..------ Lady Violet Crawley (Downton Abbey)

Marlene aka Penny Lane (Paul McCartney fan)
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