The letters of the answer to the first part of the clue can be transposed to form the answer of the second half of the clue. If you find the first part of the clue is elusive then move on to the second part and work your way backwards

Example: transpose a garment into a tiresome person -> robe - bore
All solutions are 4 letter words.

- 1 Transpose a book leaf into a stupid stare
- 2 Transpose a stocking into a boot
- 3 Transpose a heavenly body into rodents
- 4 Transpose a cart into a measure of length
- 5 Transpose a box into certain playing cards
- 6 Transpose a small object into a single piece
- 7 Transpose to acquire by labor into adjacent
- 8 Transpose part of a window into part of a neck
- 9 Transpose a nomenclature into small-minded
- 10 Transpose pine fruit into a single time
- 11 Transpose anger into equipment
- 12 Transpose to roam into above
- 13 Transpose unsolicited email into charts