Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
12/19/12 01:14 PM
12/19/12 01:14 PM
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Hi, Boomers
I really enjoyed BS1 and BS2, but BS3 leaves me scratching my head and thinking "What were Revolution thinking designing this game?!". The controls are awful, the transition to 3D is abysmal (especially the camera controls) and the sections were you are being chased or forced to sneak around makes me tear my hair out of frustration (due to aforementioned controls). And who thought it would ever be a good idea to make cutscenes and dialogue unskippable, when you die and have to watch it over and over again?
Not to mention the tedious boring "move block" puzzles.
Short question: is it worth finishing just for the storyline or should I just watch it on Youtube? Thoughts?
Last edited by Drizzt; 12/19/12 01:20 PM.
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 01:20 PM
12/19/12 01:20 PM
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Hi Drizzt, it was a long time ago now that I played this game but I do recall that I did not finish it, and in fact uninstalled it because of the reasons you mention i.e. game controls etc. As it is so long ago now I may well be mistaken but was this the game where we had to move numerous crates to climb up to a window or something? Hope this small snippet helps! Bernie 
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 01:25 PM
12/19/12 01:25 PM
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Yeah, it's almost 10 years old now, but I got it for free when donating money to the Kickstarter they have for the newest game; Serpent's Curse (which is to be all old-school 2D). Yes, half the game seems to be about moving crates!
Thanks, glad to see I'm not alone. :)
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 02:17 PM
12/19/12 02:17 PM
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Drizzt, it gets better after those boxes and is actually very good. You will get used to the controls. Would definitely finish. 
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 02:26 PM
12/19/12 02:26 PM
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I agree with Anne. I remember having difficulties in the controls as well, but I thought the game was well worth the struggle. Ana 
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 02:30 PM
12/19/12 02:30 PM
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Is this the game where you have to sneak past a guard (and his dog?) in a church of some kind, or am I thinking of another game? It was a long time ago that I played this.
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 02:36 PM
12/19/12 02:36 PM
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Marian, the sneaking around in the game I'm thinking of is INSIDE; if I remember correctly, Sherlock Holmes was outside when we had to sneak by, no?
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Mary]
12/19/12 02:38 PM
12/19/12 02:38 PM
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I, personally, didn't like game 3 OR game 4 much at all, Drizzt. But I'm certainly looking forward to the new one - and have pledged towards it. Supposedly this one is to be more reminiscent of games 1 and 2 - which I thought were fantastic !! 
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/19/12 03:03 PM
12/19/12 03:03 PM
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Thanks for your comments. I think I will finish this after all. It's just that as soon as I get to an area where I realize "oh it's another move-the-blocks puzzle" I just want to turn it off. Oh well, thanks for your input. 
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/20/12 10:42 AM
12/20/12 10:42 AM
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Those stealth sequences were very frustrating. I played through the game because I'm stubborn about completing any series I begin.  Also, I was really enjoying the story, but as others here have said, you can watch a YouTube playthrough. There's one here if you don't mind each video being so long -
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/20/12 02:52 PM
12/20/12 02:52 PM
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I just checked to make sure I'm remembering the game correctly: yes, there is an extended stealth portion where every time you get killed you have to watch the same scene over and over and over again. I was really sorry to quit the game, because I was really enjoying it, but I just couldn't make it past that stealth scene. If there is more of that in the new game, I won't be buying it.
There is a YouTube video to see this; just google "Broken Sword 3 and stealth" and you can see what I gave up on.
The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/20/12 07:13 PM
12/20/12 07:13 PM
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Was #3 The sleeping Dragon? If so, it drove me absolutely crazy but I persisted and was glad I did. Have played it several times since, and it's easier. You get used to the controls over time...although I'll be VERY glad for the new one that doesn't have the tedious keyboard controls.
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/21/12 07:45 PM
12/21/12 07:45 PM
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Thanks, Venus. I got past the really annoying sneaking section after all. If I get into one of these annoying timed sections again though, I might just watch it instead. :)
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/22/12 02:50 PM
12/22/12 02:50 PM
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Alright, darn this. The straw that broke the camels back was the infuriating church-part and then ANOTHER similar thing right on top of it. I will just watch it on youtube instead and hope that BS4 is better.
Are they dead? Yes. Unlike you they have but one life...and they wasted it for your sake!
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/22/12 04:16 PM
12/22/12 04:16 PM
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And it seems the fourth game is even worse...maybe I should gave just waited for the new one instead.
Ah well, thanks for all your input :)
Last edited by Drizzt; 12/22/12 04:24 PM.
Are they dead? Yes. Unlike you they have but one life...and they wasted it for your sake!
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: oldmariner]
12/22/12 10:24 PM
12/22/12 10:24 PM
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" There are a couple tricky moments but it really isn't that bad." Well I found there to be WAY too many - and dumped it 
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Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/22/12 11:16 PM
12/22/12 11:16 PM
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That's too bad that the developers made the controls so unwieldy. The ending was kinda cool....except for the stupid fighting the dragon part.
The four food groups: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and HOT chocolate.
Re: Broken Sword 3 - Is it worth finishing?
[Re: Drizzt]
12/23/12 11:55 AM
12/23/12 11:55 AM
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And it seems the fourth game is even worse...maybe I should gave just waited for the new one instead. I wouldn't say BS4 was worse. The control system was still frustrating, though in a different way. They tried to give the choice between keyboard and mouse, but neither one worked well in all places, so I had to switch back and forth depending on the situation. At least the timed sequences weren't nearly as bad -- you didn't have to re-listen to reams of dialogue before you tried again. And no superabundance of crates for those that disliked them.