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Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors #864937
01/29/13 12:14 PM
01/29/13 12:14 PM
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A psychological horror adventure inspired by H. P. Lovecraft set in a massive, decaying mental institute. By the designer of Scratches.

You can access the Kickstarter here.

There are links to the demo and trailers on the Kickstarter website.

FAQ:, some quick replies to the most common questions:
• Asylum will be 100% DRM-free, even through Steam (yes, it’s possible).
• The $15 limited pledge already comes with a Steam key.
• All physical tiers include shipping costs to anywhere in the world. It's simpler that way.
• We are working on subtitles for the pitch video. We had some problems with the audio and our accents can be hard to understand, yes.
• We will support Paypal donations eventually.

BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - January 30, 2013. The highly anticipated horror adventure game has joined the ranks of Kickstarter projects with a campaign as wacky as it is creepy. After four years of production, the Senscape team aims to fund the final lap of development with the help of the community. Inspired by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft and building upon the success of cult hit Scratches, Asylum has recently enjoyed a new burst of popularity following a successful campaign on Steam Greenlight, after which it became the first game from Argentina to be Greenlit by Valve. Similarly, it happens to be the first game ever on Kickstarter from the country.

Featuring some of the most unusual Kickstarter rewards yet, backers have the chance to become permanent denizens of the Hanwell Mental Institute, the massive virtual asylum where the game takes place, by, among others, appearing as dead inmates in the morgue or being themselves residents of their very own cell. “The number one request from fans has been that they want to become part of this engrossing setting we have created,” said project leader and designer Agustín Cordes. “And we have listened.”

At the time of this writing Asylum is currently 13% funded in its first day.

Added good news:
It seems that we have many fans of among us. And why not? They've been bringing us awesome games, old and new alike, seem like a nice bunch of people and their site is the ultimate example of gorgeous web design. So it would be rather cool if Asylum was published there, don’t you think?
Well, it will. Today we’re officially announcing that Asylum is coming to GOG and we couldn’t be happier! Scratches was a popular title there and we’re sure that Asylum will be yet another strong entry in their catalog. As is usual with GOG, we will closely work with them to produce lovely extras for the game, such as wallpapers, avatars, game guide, and more.
But that’s not all: by popular demand we’re also adding Desura to the bag, so now there’s something for everybody’s taste. We love Desura and their wonderful support on Linux, and we love Linux too, but most importantly we love you. And that’s why we’re making things really simple for this Kickstarter: one pledge, three keys. That’s right: with the $15 pledge (and onwards) you get three keys, one per each seller. And we remind you that with your purchase you get access to all versions of Asylum: Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Happy Gaming!

Ana wave

Last edited by BrownEyedTigre; 02/14/13 04:51 PM. Reason: Added GoG news

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864941
01/29/13 12:37 PM
01/29/13 12:37 PM
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Thanks, Ana. Good stuff! scared thumbsup I hope the goal is met, because I would like to play this game. wave

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864942
01/29/13 12:37 PM
01/29/13 12:37 PM
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luck Agustin!

thanks Ana.


oops Kickstarter doesn't like me and would not let me in. lol

You have to bang the door. Try 5 times and then kickstarter will let you in. lol Done!

Last edited by MaG; 01/29/13 12:54 PM.
Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864943
01/29/13 12:45 PM
01/29/13 12:45 PM
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Thanks for the update, Ana!

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: Rushes] #864949
01/29/13 01:13 PM
01/29/13 01:13 PM
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"Don’t be fooled by our excitement or apparent silliness; we’re very serious about making Asylum a disturbing and horrifying game that you won’t easily forget."

Phew !! Thanks BrownEyedTigre !! scared


Well I did keep bangin' on the door MaG but I can't get in frown

Last edited by Mad; 01/29/13 01:15 PM.

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864953
01/29/13 01:33 PM
01/29/13 01:33 PM
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I wonder why? I was signed in already so I had no issues. I have that problem with Steam alot.

Fortunately, you have 29 more days to go Mad!

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864967
01/29/13 02:24 PM
01/29/13 02:24 PM
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I backed it for 50.00 USD, I hope they're gonna make it!

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864968
01/29/13 02:34 PM
01/29/13 02:34 PM
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I just tried again - and this time the site let me in and let me pledge bravo bravo bravo

Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864969
01/29/13 02:57 PM
01/29/13 02:57 PM
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I love the amount of the Kickstarter, 100,"666".00 lol

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864971
01/29/13 03:43 PM
01/29/13 03:43 PM
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Hey boomers! Thank you!! So glad to see the news posted here.

Yes, this is the "final frontier" for us. If we make it, we will be able to finish the game in a timely manner as we envisioned it.

We have tons of cool updates in store for you, so stay tuned! And we really appreciate the support smile

Senscape // Founder // Designer
Twitter: @AgustinCordes
Working on: Asylum
Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #864975
01/29/13 04:02 PM
01/29/13 04:02 PM
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Agustin, I wish you much success. I am anxiously awaiting the game.

Ana wave

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #865007
01/29/13 09:43 PM
01/29/13 09:43 PM
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WOW scared Agustín

That trailer is amazing....

I just can't wait for the game....I am totally creeped out just by watching some of the screenshots... eek

Luv Dar

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #865251
01/30/13 08:30 PM
01/30/13 08:30 PM
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I updated the first post to add some FAQ's:

, some quick replies to the most common questions:
• Asylum will be 100% DRM-free, even through Steam (yes, it’s possible).
• The $15 limited pledge already comes with a Steam key.
• All physical tiers include shipping costs to anywhere in the world. It's simpler that way.
• We are working on subtitles for the pitch video. We had some problems with the audio and our accents can be hard to understand, yes.
• We will support Paypal donations eventually.

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #865949
02/03/13 01:45 AM
02/03/13 01:45 AM
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I sure am looking forward to THIS game, fellow Boomers

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #867083
02/08/13 09:23 PM
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I'm backing both Dreamfall and Asylum. I haven't been this excited about Kickstarter campaigns since Jane Jensen's Pinkerton Road debuted. smile

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #868226
02/14/13 04:51 PM
02/14/13 04:51 PM
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Added GoG and Desura update to the first post.

It seems that we have many fans of among us. And why not? They've been bringing us awesome games, old and new alike, seem like a nice bunch of people and their site is the ultimate example of gorgeous web design. So it would be rather cool if Asylum was published there, don’t you think?
Well, it will. Today we’re officially announcing that Asylum is coming to GOG and we couldn’t be happier! Scratches was a popular title there and we’re sure that Asylum will be yet another strong entry in their catalog. As is usual with GOG, we will closely work with them to produce lovely extras for the game, such as wallpapers, avatars, game guide, and more.
But that’s not all: by popular demand we’re also adding Desura to the bag, so now there’s something for everybody’s taste. We love Desura and their wonderful support on Linux, and we love Linux too, but most importantly we love you. And that’s why we’re making things really simple for this Kickstarter: one pledge, three keys. That’s right: with the $15 pledge (and onwards) you get three keys, one per each seller. And we remind you that with your purchase you get access to all versions of Asylum: Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #868705
02/16/13 07:06 PM
02/16/13 07:06 PM
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pledged on this one too .....almost there laugh

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #868857
02/17/13 03:42 PM
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I've seen this kicking around the internet for years now, so it's good to see it finally get some traction. I'm a massive Lovecraft fan so very excited laugh

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #869213
02/19/13 02:53 PM
02/19/13 02:53 PM
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Just a reminder that Asylum's Kickstarter is in the final days of the campaign. There are still $15 pledges to be had, which is about half of what I expect the retail cost to be for the game.

I really want Agustin to be successful and get this baby funded. There's also a wonderful new Matt Chat interview.

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #869260
02/19/13 07:24 PM
02/19/13 07:24 PM
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This is the comment of IGN about the game.

If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #869716
02/21/13 05:16 PM
02/21/13 05:16 PM
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The last 6 days! It's so exciting to see it near the end. I hope it gets to the goal sooner that Agustin can relax.

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #869910
02/22/13 04:17 PM
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They have just surpassed their initial goal!!! Yippee!

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #869915
02/22/13 04:45 PM
02/22/13 04:45 PM
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Great for Agustin! bravo

Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #869917
02/22/13 04:48 PM
02/22/13 04:48 PM
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Congratulations Agustin!

Does anyone know if there will now be a PayPal campaign now that the Kickstarter has been successful with all the same rewards and tiers?

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Re: Asylum Unviels it's Kickstarter of Horrors [Re: BrownEyedTigre] #870002
02/23/13 12:12 AM
02/23/13 12:12 AM
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They made it! $101,839 - over the goal of $100,000! Way to go, Agustin and company! I haven't been this excited about a game in a long time.

Now, THAT'S a good idea, GreyFuss!

Gardens put to bed. Time for more reading and gaming.
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