While I was excited and exuberant about playing Nibiru at first.
My overall thoughts after finishing Nibiru are.
While the graphic renderings in Nibiru were sometimes visually stunning and picturesque. I did not care for all of the black transition screens between scenes, and I felt the load times were entirely too long and slowed the game down immensely. I found myself impatiently waiting for the game play to continue.
The game play is standard adventure game fare. Point, click and then go.
The overall sound quality was excellent. But, the voice acting was stereotypical and in my opinion just slightly above average.

The box boasts of a captivating musical score, but for the life of me I can't remember any of it. So much for captivating eh?
The plot was intriguing. I was supposed to be going on this exhilarating and mysterious adventure and I was going to unlock and learn the secrets of the ancient Myans.
(at least that's what it say's on the box) The story line however was ho hum, and what I got out of it was this slow tedious journey that traversed back and forth from scene to scene in order to trigger dialog points to move the story line along. There are also a number of side quests that must also be accomplished in order to keep the plot moving forward.
In the mean time I spent a great deal of time pixel hunting for hot spots and gathering inventory items I needed to use during game play. Many of the inventory items have to be combined to keep the game play moving along or to unlock a puzzle. I offer these words of advice.
Right Click! When you get stuck right click on everything.
The puzzles were straight forward, logical and sometimes challenging enough to make you scratch your head once or twice. But, for the most part they weren't overly difficult.
It also seemed to me that the game ended without finishing the story! and in my mind left many unanswered questions.
Ok, Shussssssh now! and I'll let you in on the Myan's Dirty Little Secret.
They had little grey alien technology!

Yep! That's it!
I give it a 3 out of 5.