Two thumbs up from me! If your a Myst fan ?

Then you don't want to miss this game !
Yes! Yes! I know First person..vs..Third person...Mouse..vs..KeyboardI know I had my own doubts about this game when I first heard about it.
The game play using mouse and/or Keyboard is not very difficult to master and after a little while you won't be paying any attention to it. It will have become second nature to you.
I even found that I like the option of switching back and forth. I like be able to get up close and personal or to see my avatar in perspective in it's virtual surroundings.
I found the game far more interesting than normal by using the option when ever I chose.
I found myself completely engrossed in this game and before I realized it a couple of hours had passed.
The 3D graphics alone make this game worth owning. I am a fan of Cyan. They can create some of the most beautiful and visually stunning worlds I have ever seen.
The music and sound effects are fantastic.Everything about this game is top of the line.
Some die hard Myst and Riven fans who love solving puzzles may find this game very easy. I would recommend this game for anyone playing an adventure game for the first time.
I own this game. I've played it, finished it, then signed up for the Live version. (My first experience with online gaming)I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this game. Unfortunately the online version of the game has been cancelled, but Uru will live on thru expansion packs for now until they can resolve the online issues. With the expansion pack set to come out nex't week I can't wait to continue my journey thru the D'ni world.
To anyone out there who is unsure about wether they want to own this game.
You can take it from the Ole Doc here. If you pass on it,you will have missed a good game!!!
Update: as of 2/26/04 Release of the Uru expansion pack has been reschedued for mid - March.