I had great expectations when I started this game. I'm a fan of Benoit Sokal's games. I loved the two Syberia games, and enjoyed Amerzone very much.
I did not enjoy playing Paradise. I was terribly disappointed, and sometimes incredibly bored while playing this game.

I don't think the graphics are beautiful, because they're all drab and nearly colorless. The story is confusing and makes no sense, made worse by the bizarre ending.
Maybe I'm war-weary, but this game and its politics and war talk made me depressed. I play adventure games to escape from ordinary life and have fun. The only thing I found interesting was what Benoit Sokal does so well... the unique and creative, fantasy creatures (animals) that inhabit the African location. I also think it was nice to see an African-American girl as the main character in a game.
In the UbiSoft forum for this game, there's a thread to post the glitches and bugs you find while playing it.

That's because the game is loaded with glitches and bugs. I can't remember playing a game with so many obvious technical flaws. If I were Benoit Sokal, I'd be embarrassed to be associated with it.