'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, 'cept Mike and his mouse.
We gamers were gaming though Don's not real happy.
He just doesn't think Gabriel III looks that snappy.
Ray is there nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of movies dance round in his head.
With Sparks in her jammies and Bob working late
They answer the e-mail that just couldn't wait.
Then out in the front there came such a clatter,
We all left our games to see what was the matter.
Away to the driveway we flew like a flash,
At first we thought Rumpy was stepping on Crash.
The lights coming up shined so bright in the snow,
It gave the great thinkers a migraine, you know.
When we saw what was coming was there ever a din,
A great big white truck was about to pull in!
And in it a driver so tired and vexed,
We knew in a minute it must be Fed-Ex.
As slow as molasses, with dolly he came,
And he hollored and shouted and called us all names:
Now Darcy and Marci(s) you buy like the dickens,
I even have 42 games for you, Witchen!
What, Linda and Mary you two have a bet-
On who will have purchased more games on the net?
And yes Ms. MacDee, there are games for you too,
But they say "Do Not Open - Till After Gabe II."
And Ozma I know that you help all these folks-
So tell APL, enough with those notes!
To Mooey, the Jennys, to Harriet and Z
And all of you lurkers there under the tree,
I ask that you all grant me just this one wish,
Would you people please purchase a satellite dish?
After having said that, he then wished us good luck,
And granny spoke up as he left in his truck.
"With so many games, and with so little time,
I think I'll go back in the house and play mine."
To all of the others whose names that I missed,
There's always next year and I'm making a list.
With all of the games that are out there to play,
I know that we'll all have a bright Christmas Day.
(My apologies to Clement Clarke Moore and you can blame Linda and Dee - they said do another one)