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'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93176
12/15/01 04:38 PM
12/15/01 04:38 PM
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
syd Offline OP
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syd  Offline OP
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
Dear Bob and Karen -

Well another year has come and gone. Can you believe it? Who'd a thunk three Christmas's ago I'd still be here and still writing Christmas poems no less laugh

Thank you so much for this board and for just being you. I love you both and wish you only the best in 2002.

Deedle, Janers, Jenny and Laura what can I say - you guys are part of my family (Bob and Karen you know you are also) and I love you all.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and wonderful New Year.


And boomers I sure hope you don't fall asleep before you reach the end of this. It's a looong one. happydance

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas – Boomer Style

‘Twas the night before Chirstmas, in the Boomers white house.
Here’s a virtual tour, use your keyboard or mouse.
Our BAAG lists are hung by the chimney with care.
And Catlee sure hopes the mailman soon will be there.

Carmen is nestled all snug in her bed,
Counting e-mail notifications from her Exile burning thread.
Sparky called it a night seems Bob’s coloring again,
So the boardroom keeps changing each time we go in.

Then over in Puzzle, Marcie gave a great shout,
Denis posted a wackie – Jen gave him a clout.
Sherlock, esube & blueEyes all ran to his aid
Stitchman saw what he posted, sent Pj and rick for his cane.

An elevator puzzle caused that whole room to groan,
‘Specially Pandora, acornia, burpee, granny and Joan.
So they crept in a corner and plotted together,
And Larlar was scheduled to be tarred and feathered.

Over in RPG Hagatha heard such a clatter,
Soozie and Pokey stopped taffing to see what was the matter.
Away to the window Zanthia flew like the dickens
And saw Mad, Marian and Oz killing flame throwing chickens.

Ashley’s still playing sims, Kateet and Tamia have Hot Date,
Tigger finally got hers, even though it was late.
The world’s rid of aliens, now Don’s work is done.
Clovis started Arcanum, Ray thinks Thief II is more fun.

And over in Glitches the light’s always on,
So Jenny100 and Foofoo can help get games to run.
Qtpa2t’s rom drive has developed a conflict,
Sequoia, mignonne and Sami just want Atlantis 3 fixed.

JoanieS needed Oprah when the gaming woes got to her.
Jasper got Byzanitne to swap, thanks to AHuber
Claudette says Jack Orlando can sit for a bit,
Billybob’s secretly wondering if computers are worth it.

Happy Gamer’s not happy and feels Zoly’s pain
About having new games that you can’t get to play.
Between patches and scratches and things that don’t work
It’s a wonder we gamers aren’t completely berserk.

Beth put the whole room of Mixed Bag on a diet,
Healthy eating and exercise, even z said he’d try it.
KarenNJ and Glenna, Rayy, Bea and Christina,
All hoped to lose inches this holiday season.

Betty Lou’s cousin Carol, Josie and Bristol’s quick wit,
Will keep Singer smiling since smoking he’s quit.
We know that he’ll do it – but it takes incredible will,
Just ask Cindi, Puzzlewoman, Tom Sr. and Jill.

Then Dee told the crowd – “there’s a party in here”
Jenny’s just won the title “SA of the year”.
RivenfireMarble’s no cook so she’ll bring the booze,
Midge said she’d bring pie, MWW’s bringing food.

Snowmoon then tossed her cookies, Muffinbutt came to play,
Rosemary and Gordon stopped by just to brighten the day.
Then came axeman and oldman and Solman and Sassy,
And Emma and housewife arrived bringing Tami.

Reenie’s gotten the sniffles that stopped up her head,
She put Arthur2 on her list, and went back to bed.
“Cats” mom2, Pa and the Hat cried “let’s be of good cheer,
Uncle Norman and Peter are finally here."

By the fire a discussion of how names came to be,
Mac_attack’s came from school, o1alien’s from ET.
DocPaul has a doctorate, Hedgie actually has hedgehogs,
Sqirrely’s nephew named her, Rowan’s named for her dogs.

Holly loves rainbows, Holycow likes baseball,
Aspen’s named for a kitty, Daysleeper9’s name says it all.
Doris used her real name and pernilla did too,
Pittypat’s from a patient, Gamer’s came out of the blue.

Busy writing reviews of the games on their shelves,
Across the hall in a room are some tireless elves,
Lundar, Gameman, nolalou, Rick36 and Becky,
Toger, flotsam, bpeg, kat165 and ron.etti.

Witchen popped in her head from Adventure to say
DoreenS just found out – Versaille II’s on the way.
Tally Ho, Norma and MaG are missing out on the fun,
They’re stuck in their rooms till their walkthroughs are done.

Debra’s finished Loch Ness, Gatorlaw’s roaming in Hitchcock.
Ratcatcher’s looking for hamsters, Gremlinuk saw one in Faust.
Lasanidine says that she’s just plain not having much fun,
And keeps muttering bad things about a game called Kofun.

Andy’s just started Torin, Beerhead says he’s addicted.
Gog just finished Schizm and glad that he did it.
Advgamer gets solutions while she’s taking a shower.
Cheryl quit Nine when the organ puzzle got to her.

Presto finished A3, margaret’s got Versaille 2,
Skully thinks ROTS was just one great big snooze.
Peter Smith thinks that games with a story are best,
So who needs fancy graphics and fighting DirectX?

There’s a major discussion on who you’d like to be,
Cynch says ‘ole Gage Blackwood, Elven King - Tex Murphy.
Liz wants to be Adrienna, Moe Perry a Brog
APL says Catherine, Waghornet – Max the dog.

Crispeto stated that Riven was one of the best,
Lexxy and frogtogo say GK1’s their best guess.
Magician-Atlantis The Lost Tales, Arwen says that it’s Drac,
Vic, taf4 and Angela think Grim Fandango's where it's at.

Ladyyve, Mary and Andee all think that it’s Myst,
Susie Q and ricomon put Pandora Directive on the list.
MooeyG and Maritje say Timelapse, if you’re not in a hurry.
SQF, Tristy and colpet all say The Longest Journey.

Joyce is stuck in a game that’s called Sanitarium,
Bert Jamin’s been helping with A3 and with Schizm.
Bishop2 and Lorryrose said that’s a very good reason,
That over in Hints, it’s a real busy season.

It’s now way after midnight, we boomers are sleepy,
So we trudge up the stairs, dream of games that are creepy.
But I wanted to say as I turned out the lights,
Merry Christmas Dear Boomers, and to all a good night.


Dark Side : Risen
Light Side:

I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93177
12/15/01 05:01 PM
12/15/01 05:01 PM
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Clovis Offline
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Syd, that was great, even better than the previous ones if that is possible smile I hope that you are here writing Christmas poems for many more years to come, and merry Christmas to everyone

PS Many thanks to Bob and Karen for the best forum in the web!

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93178
12/15/01 05:06 PM
12/15/01 05:06 PM
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FANTABULOUS, SYDERELLY! Loved every word of it. A remarkable, fun accomplishment! Such talent! wink

happydance happydance happydance happydance happydance

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93179
12/15/01 05:38 PM
12/15/01 05:38 PM
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Gog Offline
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A very merry Christmas to you, Syd!

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93180
12/15/01 05:41 PM
12/15/01 05:41 PM
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KarenNJ Offline
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How clever and wonderful, what a talent and some major time was devoted to this great piece of Gameboomer history. Thanks to Bob and Karen and all the great people who make Gameboomers the best place to visit friends each and every day.
Merry Christmas to all.


Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93181
12/15/01 05:45 PM
12/15/01 05:45 PM
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syd, I guess it is now established that your Christmas poem will be an annual tradition in our little (big) family here at GameBoomers. I get lots of chuckles reading it. Thanks for the present! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! laugh


Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93182
12/15/01 06:27 PM
12/15/01 06:27 PM
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Cynch Offline
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Oh, Syd...that was great! I got a warm feeling reading it and feeling a part of this wonderful GBoomer family! You are so dear to include each of us in such a personal way.
Merry Christmas to each and every one of us!!!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths
we take but by the moments that take our breath away."
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93183
12/15/01 06:46 PM
12/15/01 06:46 PM
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What is a wackie and how do you post one?

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93184
12/15/01 06:50 PM
12/15/01 06:50 PM
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gatorlaw Offline
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WOW happydance happydance happydance

Now I know why you have been so quiet lately. Seriously- this is astounding. I know how much time this must have taken. As always - I am so touched by your wit, charm and pure affection for all those around you.

Cheers and Merry Christmas to the best BAAGer around - our Syd.

PS....Tildie says she is also mooooved and as for me - well, I wouldn't monkey box with anyone else. smile smile

Love Laura

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93185
12/15/01 07:16 PM
12/15/01 07:16 PM
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rainbowlady Offline
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what a wonderful poem..thank you. merry christmas to you too. smile

i'm not perfect, but i'm perfectly human. Grant me serenity to accept what can't change, courage to change what can & wisdom to know the difference
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93186
12/15/01 07:19 PM
12/15/01 07:19 PM
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Marian Offline
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Syd, you are THE BEST!

Happy holidays to all involved with this board!

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93187
12/15/01 07:39 PM
12/15/01 07:39 PM
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I am always amazed by your poems. You have outdone yourself this year. To remember all those people and to personalize it with a tidbit or two! What time it must have taken you!
Merry Christmas to you and all our GameBoomers! And thanks to Karen and Bob for creating such a wonderful community! smile

The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93188
12/15/01 08:11 PM
12/15/01 08:11 PM
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the desert foothills
That is SO cool, are so creative and talented!!!!! How cute!!!!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!

Love, Liz


Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93189
12/15/01 08:16 PM
12/15/01 08:16 PM
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Bob Offline
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syd, you are a treasure!

Once again you've brought so much joy to our community. We're truly blessed to have you as a dear friend and an integral part of GameBoomers.

Your holiday poetry has become a tradition and the best part of the season are traditions.

Thank you, once again, for being you.


Bob & Karen

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93190
12/15/01 08:38 PM
12/15/01 08:38 PM
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Syd, that was wonderful. How clever of you to include so many people by name. It made me feel like I am truly a part of a wonderful, loving family. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you and everyone! happydance

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93191
12/15/01 08:54 PM
12/15/01 08:54 PM
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Stitchman Offline
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WOW, another fantastic poem Syd. Are these poems like Christmas shopping - as soon as you finish one, it's time to get started on next years? laugh <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> laugh

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93192
12/15/01 10:47 PM
12/15/01 10:47 PM
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Oh syd, what a fabulous poem! You make everyone feel so special! You are one remarkable lady. laugh

Beautiful young people are acts of nature but beautiful old people are works of art
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93193
12/15/01 10:54 PM
12/15/01 10:54 PM
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granny Offline
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Syd, another classic!!
I am so glad you can find your way thru the threads, just like you navigete the roads (NOT!)
So happy you decided that old dark closet wasn't worth it.

Granny Goodwitch

A woman NEVER shot a man while he was doing dishes!
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93194
12/15/01 11:02 PM
12/15/01 11:02 PM
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Mad Offline
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Hi Syd.

Truly entertaining - you're a little cracker laugh

Best wishes to you - and to all Gameboomers everywhere !! laugh laugh

Cheers. [Wan' some rye ?? Hehehe.]


Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93195
12/15/01 11:03 PM
12/15/01 11:03 PM
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DoreenS Offline
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What a great poem syd! You truly are talented. Thanks for such a nice present for Christmas.

smile smile smile

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93196
12/15/01 11:04 PM
12/15/01 11:04 PM
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Great job as usual, Syd!

Syd the Official Boomers poet,
and boy, does she know it!
As she sends us her Xmas wishes,
Neglecting family, The Ward, and a pile of dishes! wink


Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93197
12/15/01 11:04 PM
12/15/01 11:04 PM
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Absolutely incredible Syd.....

You have a doubt about it. happydance I have to agree, you outdid yourself this year. happydance

You all ready know how I feel, so I won't embarrass you on the BB. <img src="graemlins/winky.gif" border="0" alt="[winky]" /> <img src="graemlins/winky.gif" border="0" alt="[winky]" /> <img src="graemlins/winky.gif" border="0" alt="[winky]" />


Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93198
12/15/01 11:42 PM
12/15/01 11:42 PM
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MaG Offline
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Wow!!! happydance Syd, that's marvelous - again! Thank you for doing it again to bring pleasure to us boomers. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Love MaG

Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93199
12/16/01 12:14 AM
12/16/01 12:14 AM
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You are the best. This is a holiday treat I have and will continue to look forward to each and every year. Thanks for the joy your writing talent brings to us all. That must have taken you so long and just know that your efforts bring joy to so many. Merry Christmas to you and yours! <img src="graemlins/talky.gif" border="0" alt="[talky]" /> happydance <img src="graemlins/talky.gif" border="0" alt="[talky]" />


"Why didn't Noah swat those two
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Re: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas - Boomer Style 2001 #93200
12/16/01 12:20 AM
12/16/01 12:20 AM
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Angela Offline
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Wow, Syd, am I impressed! A wonderful holiday to you and to everyone here. I love this place!

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