Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/22/01 08:31 AM
04/22/01 08:31 AM
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Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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Excellent topic Nancy.
I thought about this myself for quite a while. I do believe that Mephisto was in his role as a sort of penance/ purgatory. A curse in a way. To leave he needs a replacement. The replacement in turn has the chance to redeem themselves for some past life choice. Mephisto struck me through out this game as a weary spirit. One who had this "role" assigned to him as the arbitor of who has led a life worthy of redemption and who had not. The temptations offered up my him were trials of that comitment to lead a worthy life.
I definitely believe that Giselle had such a pure spirit that after all the tortured and greedy spirits he had encountered - he was enraptured. This "love" also pained him and made him so weary of his assigned path in the scheme of good and evil.
I did wonder at Fausts choices that led him here (there were some vague hints as I recall) However - I decided that the what and where was probably unimportant. It was about who he really was instead.
Any other insight on the Faustian choice at the end and Mephisto/ Giselle ? I really enjoyed this ending.
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/22/01 04:04 PM
04/22/01 04:04 PM
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Adept Boomer
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Jenny - I ordered Legend 1 and 2 on the 15th also. They also charged it on my CC. I got the same mail about the delay due to unexpected heavy demand.
I did receive a more recent mail on April 4th that said my games had shipped on 3/26. I am really starting to doubt this as no games have arrived. I ordered Comer from Hong Kong and it was here in 2 or 3 weeks tops.
I really love their products - but am chalking this one up to total inexperience with shipping and orders of product. I had been thinking about this all week. I am sending another e-mail tomorrow re: the no delivery (4 weeks now) since the supposed ship date and to get a status report for all here as to what the @#!% is going on. Whew - feel better.
I'll post as soon as I hear anything.
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/22/01 04:34 PM
04/22/01 04:34 PM
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Thanks Jenny and Laura. I think I will wait to order until I hear how your orders come out. I sure wish someone in the states was selling the DVD version.
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It's nice to be important but it is much more important to be nice.
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/24/01 10:39 AM
04/24/01 10:39 AM
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Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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Stephen your attention to all of us Boomers is wonderful and appreciated. I really thank you for the update on the Arxel shop and late orders. I have to admit I was getting a wee bit nervous myself. I also understand this is not your responsibility or area at Arxel - so it was great of you to take the time to track this info down. I guess this is the kind of problem (swamped with orders) that sounds great but can actually be a big headache til production is sped up to meet the unexpected demand. Looking forward to more of your delightful posts  Laura [This message has been edited by gatorlaw (edited 04-24-2001).]
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/24/01 10:52 AM
04/24/01 10:52 AM
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Settled Boomer
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About the Giselle/Mephisto relationship. I was absoluty stunned that he'd taken such a shine to her, but somehow it also felt like he used her somewhat, to be able to step aside from his "profession".
I'm thinking about that he lured Faust to stray away from the mission, making him look the other way when Mephisto let Giselle die and re-unite with her parents in heaven. (And THAT story, about the painting, her legacy so to speak... was only talked about, but really gave me the creeps, brrrr!)
[This message has been edited by emma (edited 04-24-2001).]
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/24/01 10:55 AM
04/24/01 10:55 AM
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Adept Boomer
Adept Boomer
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You brought up some very interesting points that I hadn't thought about. There was some elements of self-serving actions on Mephisto's part. Hmmmmm
Really neat slant on the end motives.
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/25/01 04:00 AM
04/25/01 04:00 AM
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Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
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Paris France
Extract from "Faust" prologue :
Since thou, O Lord, approachest us once more, And how it fares with us, to ask art fain, Since thou hast kindly welcom'd me of yore, Thou see'st me also now among thy train. Excuse me, fine harangues I cannot make, Though all the circle look on me with scorn; My pathos soon thy laughter would awake, Hadst thou the laughing mood not long forsworn. Of suns and worlds I nothing have to say, I see alone mankind's self - torturing pains. The little world - god still the self - same stamp retains, And is as wondrous now as on the primal day. Better he might have fared, poor wight, Hadst thou not given him a gleam of heavenly light; Reason, he names it, and doth so Use it, than brutes more brutish still to grow. With deference to your grace, he seems to me Like any long - legged grasshopper to be, Which ever flies, and flying springs, And in the grass its ancient ditty sings. Would he but always in the grass repose! In every heap of dung he thrusts his nose.
The Lord
Hast thou naught else to say/ Is blame In coming here, as ever, thy sole aim? Does nothing on the earth to thee seem right?
No, Lord! I find things there, as ever, in sad plight. Men, in their evil days, move my compassion; Such sorry things to plague is nothing worth.
Re: FAUST, chat with Arxel
04/26/01 11:03 PM
04/26/01 11:03 PM
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No you're not, JENNY100. I detected some wry humor in him and even a bit of sentimentality. As I am sure ARXEL_STEPHEN knows, whatever a poet produces, once it is published, its interpretation is no longer in his hands. I am sure many a poet has wondered, "How did they get that idea out of my poem!"
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. -- Aristotle