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'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93595
12/08/02 05:34 PM
12/08/02 05:34 PM
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
syd Offline OP
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syd  Offline OP
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
‘Twas the night before Christmas and Bob and Karen’s white house,
Had Boomers arriving from east, west, north and south.
Rayy and Bea counted noses and started to grin,
Over 4,000 boomers, and more coming in.

Lasandaine hung our game lists and used sticky tape,
Laura’s outside and pacing (the mailman is late).
Inferno, Marian and Liz are out pacing too,
Rosemary and Gordon are writing reviews.

Nickie is nestled all snug in her bed,
While Zanzarah fairies dance round in her head.
MaG and Norma in jammies are busy indeed,
They’re walkthrough a-writing for Snowmoon’s in need.

We gamers were gaming each on our computers,
Adventures, role playing and first person shooters.
When out the front door came a loud va-va-varoom,
‘Tis Witchen and Dee zooming in on a broom.

Jenny ran out to see with her hurt back and all,
Which caused Jonathan to yell, “it’s Dark out, don’t Fall.”
They all trooped back in, Canuckdenis in tow,
Who for some reason hid warelf in the snow.

Koala and Snowshoe thought trouble was brewing,
acornia, burpee and Redz were GameBoomer Fueding.
Tom Sr. and funlcake joined in with the game,
Pandora and Stitchman then shouted out names:

Hey Marso, demosthenes, Larlar and esube,
Come Milo, manxman, carabantes and androthi.
DocPaul finally speaks, Thunderchild’s all a-quiver,
The room holds it’s breath, PJ wins his first squiggle!

Bristol, tigger and Josie tell jokes by the door,
That have Doris and carmen rolling round on the floor.
Doreen happened to mention a cute color test.
It was just picking colors, let’s see who’s the best.

Colpet - eighty-eight, Midge got seventy-five,
Clare and RFM one hundred, after several tries.
Poor Shaz kept on trying, but never figured it out,
So she sat in a corner and decided to pout.

Over by the tv, the Survivor clan talk,
About who the next member in the party will walk.
Gremlynn loved NYC even though he was lame,
Jeff Strand’s so addicted he purchased the game.

Puzzlewoman and Helen felt sorry for Brian,
Marcie just wished that the whole group stopped crying.
Lorryrose then took note that Clay had a nose issue,
But he handled it such that he needed no tissue.

Bredon and Scout discuss Buffy in voices quite low,
Tristy feels kind of silly for watching the show.
SueMac thinks Spike is a blithering idiot,
Asazen’s sad in Australia because they can’t see it.

Rainbow freely admitted that he was Snood challenged,
Justine explained the time waster and swore he would love it.
Hedgie had Penguin Puzzle, now Snood rules her world.
Mszv said one day, but for now is Bejeweled.

Mac wondered how people came up with their names,
Bastet’s Queen of Cats, Thatldu means “Stop the train”
Lonewolf just liked his, and looney’s describes her,
Horsedancer loves horses, APL plays adventures.

Waghornet got his from his mom’s maiden name,
Taylor’s mom well she is one, Bryan’s mom is the same.
Sqrllover raised squirrels, dallymisty for her dogs,
Gimme for a minute, luv2travl ‘cause she does.

Singer, Jen and Namma, their contests did plot,
Granny’s elbow was hurting, she mouse clicked a lot.
Emma won for best slogan, made Christina proud.
Flotsam, Billybob, Dawn B with their limericks wowed.

Halloween was discussed and Dudemako did wonder
Whether Gabriel or Manny was best, and did ponder.
Schawb35 said Max, mcb(mike) thought Tex Murphy.
Mugsy - Gage Blackwood and Cynch mentioned Granny

fov felt with work, Rinoa would suit her,
KarenNJ said Nancy, Angie B. thought Kate Walker.
Andy thought about Rincewind, Mr2U-George Stobbart,
goforfun likes the Clayman housewife, Lara Croft.

In Bree’s library fake books conceal the game faces,
Jenny100 stores hers in various bookcases.
Peter’s thinking of crates he can stack on the floor,
Mary’s are under the bed, JMK’s are in drawers.

Pam stores hers in the closet as does Betty Lou,
Mad and Glenna made gamerooms, ratracer did too.
Red stores games in chests, Dagokid’s are on shelves,
Lakerz’s walk-in closet just speaks for itself.

Hanksdog wanted help on what game he should play,
Dawn told him Post Mortem would sure make his day.
PAR bid on Obsidian and actually won,
taf4 got one too now they’re both in for fun.

Happy Gamer was questioning the game Last Express,
It’s one of Jim’s favorites, he thinks it’s the best.
Linds said she can’t get Sanitarium to work,
After girlgeek’s exploded, she’s afraid now to look.

Qt has the hots for one A. Parker Cameron,
ramona agrees that the bald guy’s a cute one.
Gabriel Knight makes daysleeper9 and sccurie swoon,
Dadguy wondered out loud if men should leave the room

The over forty-five crowd are there by the fire
And some are so old, I’m surprised they aren’t tired
In the seventies club we find Bevlee and Patsy,
The sixies have Sami, Squirrely, Claudette and Cherie

The fifties have Sunny, kukaa, ron.etti
Kriskips, Bruce, and Calypso are forty already
Marybeth’s forty-eight, Bruce says he’s forty nine,
Kevin says forty six, I’m not telling you mine.

Alaska inquired about DarkFall2
Friedmonky showed her the link, rick stated “who knew?”
Sequoia finished Syberia, felt she lost her best friend,
SQF and gamenut didn’t want it to end.

In FMISF, Ladyyve was a witch,
Nolalou spoke too, but his voice he did switch.
Lexxy and Oz beta tested so bugs wouldn’t be
Like the one desertliac found in MOTD.

Rowan’s playing RHEM and boy is she lost,
Glynn’s cursing the Pharaoah – Skylark’s playing Faust.
Axeman done Broke the World, Gelert’s got Discworld One
Jill finished DarkFall, Chel – realmyst and Shadoan.

Joanie39 is asking for help and for aid
For Gideon’s Gallery – she’s been there for days.
o'1alien is stuck in Dark Side of the Moon
kwbridge at the West Garrison and wants to leave soon.

“What games do you want?” Kim wondered out loud.
“I’m falling behind”, Fongo said to the crowd.
Mordock and CyFurr both want Sherlock Holmes,
Ghostlady wants Gast (she likes ghosts that roam).

And speaking of Ghosts, the group heard of a sale,
Audrey522 ordered one, advgamer as well.
Tom M, Solman and waves all ordered one too,
MrLipid had questions, (wonder if he got through).

Worst mazes came up, Gremlinuk said it was Myst,
Gameman swore Overseer just had to be it.
LadyLinda did the Kyrandia cave in a daze,
Satch said the whole game of RHEM was one great big maze.

Zanthia’s crowd is discussing the games to be had,
Divine Divinity eats hard drives and hagatha is mad.
Rainbowlady still thinks that the games sounds like fun,
Polo says MMIX just might be the one.

Reenie and Chuck having fits playing in Alice,
They can’t seem to tackle mushroom bouncing with prowlice.
Pokey’s trying to help – even mentioned some ropes,
They both finally got it and felt like such dopes.

TooManyHours is taffing a-doing,
CraigR, jasper and Sassy say have fun a-looting.
Martian Gothic’s got same knowing not what to do,
DougMmillsap is there with a pointer or two.

oldman started Tribunal, feardust Realms of the Haunting,
philby is saying it’s console games he’s wanting.
Susie-Q Land of Lore, MWW Shenmu 2,
Ray’s got so many games, he’s not sure what to do.

VHLMagic and Debra are Morrowwind a-playing,
DanF and Bredon Impossible Creatures are weighing.
Catsmom just got Planescape and wondered a bit,
After hearing the raves, Drizzt thought he might try it.

kat, Chounette, Dr.Andrew, Magician, frazap,
Presto, Betje, Indiana, to Gog and genf.
Catlee, Aberfoyle, lspace, Z and Tamia,
Agent P., Cindi, and margaret have a great Christmas season.

But along with the joy there of course has been sorrow,
And two wonderful boomers won’t share our tomorrows.
Uncle Norm and Moonlioness you’ll both always stay,
In our hearts and our minds for the rest of our days.

And so my dear boomers another year’s gone,
And I’ve since rediscovered what I’ve known all along.
That GameBoomer members are caring and kind,
In a world full of hate, that’s a wonderful find.

So the poem is now done and as I turn out the lights,
Merry Christmas GameBoomers, and to all, a good night.

Love to you all and a very Merry Christmas,


Dark Side : Risen
Light Side:

I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93596
12/08/02 05:42 PM
12/08/02 05:42 PM
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Marian Offline
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Syd, may I have the pleasure and privilege of being the first to say that you have truly outdone yourself.

This is just wonderful!!! happydance

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93597
12/08/02 05:48 PM
12/08/02 05:48 PM
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emma Offline
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awww Syd... As usual you impressed me, brought several smiles and a couple of laughs to me! And the last two paragraphs brought tears to my eyes. Merry Christmas everybody, and thanks Syd! <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93598
12/08/02 06:02 PM
12/08/02 06:02 PM
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Haverhill, Suffolk, England.. ...
ccross Offline
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Hi Syd

Let me just say that I agree with Emma some laughs and some tears but it is so good of you to remember us all. bravo bravo

Have a wounderful Christmas everyone.

Cheryl Cross

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93599
12/08/02 06:33 PM
12/08/02 06:33 PM
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Gelert Offline
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Syd, happydance happydance happydance happydance

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93600
12/08/02 06:35 PM
12/08/02 06:35 PM
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colpet Offline
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Well done, Syd bravo Truly a Boomer epic thumbsup

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93601
12/08/02 06:45 PM
12/08/02 06:45 PM
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burpee Offline
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Thank you Syd, bravo.

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93602
12/08/02 07:04 PM
12/08/02 07:04 PM
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rainbowlady Offline
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how do you do that syd? so many names to remember and interests and games we all play.
truly you do better ever year, espcially with more members who have joined up this year.
bravo whistle
many thanks and happy holidays,

i'm not perfect, but i'm perfectly human. Grant me serenity to accept what can't change, courage to change what can & wisdom to know the difference
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93603
12/08/02 07:15 PM
12/08/02 07:15 PM
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SnowMoon Offline
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SnowMoon  Offline
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Wow........... I am speechless! That was so beautifully done! I wonder if next year they'll be another one? bravo bravo bravo

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93604
12/08/02 07:17 PM
12/08/02 07:17 PM
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Kim Offline
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You are a wonder! I can only imagine the amount of work you put into that. Truly amazing. Congrats on a job well done! bravo

_ _ _ ________ _ _ _
"Honey, what the heck are 'gameboomers' anyway?" her husband asked.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93605
12/08/02 07:19 PM
12/08/02 07:19 PM
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Rowan Offline
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A grand poem. bravo Every year it grows with more friends. <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93606
12/08/02 07:25 PM
12/08/02 07:25 PM
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93607
12/08/02 07:33 PM
12/08/02 07:33 PM
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mszv Offline
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bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo

mszv, amarez in Myst Online (KI 89257)and my online worlds.

blog -, Twitter -
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93608
12/08/02 07:36 PM
12/08/02 07:36 PM
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ladyyve Offline
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BRAVO, SYD!!! bravo bravo bravo

This has GOT to be the best one yet!
I doubt that there is anyone you did forget!
I felt so sad when I read it, I did shed a tear.
Uncle Norm and Moonlioness no longer are here.
And now please do rest, lest you tire,
You are one that we love and admire.

Merry, Merry Christmas, Syd! wave

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93609
12/08/02 07:38 PM
12/08/02 07:38 PM
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Outstanding Syd!!!!!!!! bravo bravo bravo

I don't know how you do it but I am sure glad you do it.


Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93610
12/08/02 07:40 PM
12/08/02 07:40 PM
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93611
12/08/02 07:43 PM
12/08/02 07:43 PM
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Jenny Offline
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I don't know how you do it, luv, but they just get better every year!!! happydance

And how sweet to remember Uncle Norm and our dear Moon... <img border="0" alt="cry" title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93612
12/08/02 07:49 PM
12/08/02 07:49 PM
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Bastet Offline
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You really got me crying...

Thank you... <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> and a most Happy Merry Christmas for you and your family! <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93613
12/08/02 08:04 PM
12/08/02 08:04 PM
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JMK Offline
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happydance thumbsup Bravo!!! How do you remember it all?


Playing "World of Warcraft", "Oblivion",and "Silent Hill 2"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93614
12/08/02 08:11 PM
12/08/02 08:11 PM
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hedgehog10 Offline
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Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93615
12/08/02 08:13 PM
12/08/02 08:13 PM
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HEDGIE happydance whistle <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[talky]" title="" src="graemlins/talky.gif" />

How long DID this take you to do?
Just curious! <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" />

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93616
12/08/02 08:18 PM
12/08/02 08:18 PM
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the desert foothills
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the desert foothills are truly an artiste congratulations to you for an amazing masterpiece!! (You sure have us all pegged - I don't know how you do it!!)

Merry Christmas everyone.........and Happy holidays!! <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93617
12/08/02 08:18 PM
12/08/02 08:18 PM
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DoreenS Offline
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A WONDERFUL POEM SYD thank you so much. Just what I needed. bravo bravo

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93618
12/08/02 08:20 PM
12/08/02 08:20 PM
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Another year, another masterpiece! We all appreciate all the time you must spend remembering us in your annual Christmas poem.
Hope all your holidays are wonderful! bravo <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />

The answer is....chocolate! Who cares what the question is.....
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2002 #93619
12/08/02 08:20 PM
12/08/02 08:20 PM
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sqrllover Offline
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bravo thumbsup FANTASTIC

Thank you for taking the time to do that. We all appreciate it. Happy Holidays to you. <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />

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