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Deedle's Day!!! #93702
04/19/03 12:33 AM
04/19/03 12:33 AM
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I think what we need in these times full of doubt
Is something that we can get jiggy about
So how 'bout a day that will commemorate
Someone completely, incredibly great?

But who should we honour; who should we pick?
That rates with St. Patrick and jolly ol' Nick
It must be a person we all do admire
For kindness, compassion, and qualities higher

Hey, I know of someone! Soon I'll give her name
Who gives of herself for no glory or fame
You probably know her; she's here at GB
She moderates not one or two boards but THREE! eek

All long-standing members will know she's the best
But some that are newer still may not have guessed
So just for the few folks that still need a clue
I'll give you some hints 'til you figure out who

She started her game playing days on a Mac
But switched to PC once and never looked back
Now Riven and Shivers top her list of faves
But all the first person games earn her top raves

She doesn't like reading, but views every post
Which proves without doubt that she gives us her most
She's always so pleasant but won't stand no guff
Her word is the law when enough is enough <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="cool.gif" />

But what we don't see of this courageous lass
Is her on her tractor when mowing the grass
Or calmly admiring the gardens sometimes
The soft yellow roses and gentle wind chimes

And when all is right in the world, then she goes
To bed for a treat of a few Oreos
And if on that day she's especially nice
She'll leave out a cookie for visiting mice!! laugh

Yet most of us know her because we've each had
Our lives enriched by her in good times or bad
With that there can no more be any surprise
I speak of the one with the sweet butterflies

So now that you know, let there be no delay
It's time that we fully commence Deedle's Day!!
Please come join the party and share in the cheer
And celebrate someone we all hold so dear

Alas, Dee, we know that you're not feeling well
But if it would help we would all walk through hell
Just to spare you the pain for a short little while
To say that we care and to bring you a smile

And though we have chosen this April 19
Our fond words for you, we ALWAYS do mean
So sit back and bask in this warm, loving glow
Cuz after today it's again status quo wink

At least until next year when on this same date
We'll pop the champagne and toast you feeling GREAT!! happydance happydance
And now at long last, let me give up the floor
So others can tell you how much you're adored

It's Deedle's Day, gang, so get up and get dressed
And come spend some time with our most-cherished guest
Just say a few words at the least, don't be shy
We'll laugh and we'll play and if need be, we'll cry

It's good to have family at times just like these
And no one has one quite as big as ~MacDee's!
Yes, family and loved ones and closest dear friends
Are here now so this is where my poem ends.

Enjoy your day, Dee!!! We love you!


P.S. Full credit to your great pals Namma and infernoj13usa for making this happen, Dee. As always, I'm just the front man. Ha!! I hear they're applying for a national holiday, but last I heard, approval was still pending. Governments, y'know...

Co-founder, editor-in-chief of the Adventure Game Hotspot
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93703
04/19/03 12:48 AM
04/19/03 12:48 AM
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Susie Offline
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What should I bring to the party? How about a beautiful Hawaiian beach?

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93704
04/19/03 12:52 AM
04/19/03 12:52 AM
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Dearest Dee,

Can't believe I'm one of the first arrivals at the Party - I guess there may be some advantages to being Down Under after all. But I promise not to scoff all the goodies (in fact I may even bring some of my own later on) before the others arrive.

And here's a little something from three of us who will be here from time to time during "Deedle's Day".

a card for Dee on her day

Much love ... Peter, Shona & Ursula

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93705
04/19/03 01:19 AM
04/19/03 01:19 AM
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Well, here comes the second Ozzie to the party - Peter and I obviously like to be early.I'm clutching a bottle of really nice Australian Shiraz wine - I know you can't taste it. but I will use it to drink a toast to one of the nicest and kindest people on the forum. Take care of yourself - enjoy this special day and know that we are all thinking of you and encouraging you. Small steps Dee and soon this will all be behind you.
A cards on the way - CYE

Id non feci, me facere vidit nemo, nec aliquid probare potes
I didn't do it, no one saw me do it, you can't prove anything
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93706
04/19/03 01:20 AM
04/19/03 01:20 AM
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Yapette Offline
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Oooo, Oooo, Oooo,
There are advantages to being an insomniac!

Dearest Dee, although you haven't a clue who I am, I have thought about you every single day (no lie) since I surmised who had a nasty aliment.

If the power of thoughts (& love) give you strength, I'm betting the posts following mine throughout Saturday will make you Wonder Woman!

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93707
04/19/03 01:39 AM
04/19/03 01:39 AM
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Happy Deedle's Day to a very special and wonderful lady!!! What a great way to honor our beloved Boomer!! I couldn't come up with a poem nearly as good as Jack's, so here's one I found, just for you!

If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
and share with you its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.

If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone

If I could take your troubles
I would toss them! in the sea
But all these things I'm finding
are impossible for me.

I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be what I know best-
A friend who's always there.

Dee, you are always here for all of us with encouraging words, help and advice. We are ever so grateful, and we hope that you realize that you are very loved and appreciated, and that we're all here for you too. smile


Dawn <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93708
04/19/03 01:52 AM
04/19/03 01:52 AM
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Dearest Dee, there's nothing I can add to Jack's poem - he said it all and said it very well.

But I do want you to know how great it is to once again see your posts with their beautiful butterflies. I hope this means you are at least feeling some better.

Take the outpouring of love and support from your Boomer friends and acquaintances and wrap it around you like a warm blanket and let it nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

Love and lots of big hugs,


Wouldn't that jar your mustard!
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93709
04/19/03 04:14 AM
04/19/03 04:14 AM
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FT. Worth ....Where the West b...
To the most Courageous Woman I know.
My Dearest Deedles:

The Story of A Butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its way out of that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared that it had gone as far as it could and could go no further.

So, the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bits of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and a pair of small shrivled wings. The man expected that at any moment the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body,which would contract in time. Neither happen...

The butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shrivled wings. It was never able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand,was that the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening was God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it woudl be ready for flight once it achieved its freedon from the coccoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been....

.....We could never fly.

We ask for Strength ...and God gives us Difficulties to make us strong.

We ask for Wisdom......and God gives us Problems to solve.

We ask for Prosperity......and God gives us Brain and Brawn to work.

We ask for Courage.....and God gives us Danger to overcome.

We ask for Love .....and God gives us Troubled people to help.

We ask for Favors..... and God gives us Opportunities.

We recieve nothing we want...we recieve everything we need. unknown

Inferno smile

Watching: Dark Shadows
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Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93710
04/19/03 05:13 AM
04/19/03 05:13 AM
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tigger Offline
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What a wonderful poem Jack, I think you managed to sum up just how we all feel!!

Dee, hope you really enjoy Your special day, we will be thinking extra special positive thoughts your way today. smile

Oh and as for the party, well I have arrived equipped with... a massive box of tissues as there are certain to be many tears of joy shed today, 30 banana loaves, warm from the oven, (I'm sure they will all get eaten), a few bottles of Theakstons Old Peculier (a Yorkshire ale) and of course... a heart full of love for all my Boomer friends, but Especially for Dee!! wave

A bounce a day keeps the doctor away!!
Playing Sims2, Sherlock, Phantom of Venice
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Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93711
04/19/03 05:31 AM
04/19/03 05:31 AM
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asazen Offline
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Personally, I'd suggest an Australian Cab Sav to celebrate the occasion. Wonderful Dee (and you are!!!)

been where you are and survived,

don't give up hope(but who says its easy) frown frown

affectionately yours, Susan

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93712
04/19/03 05:49 AM
04/19/03 05:49 AM
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I don't think you really know who I am but you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you have a great time at this wonderful surprise party!!!!


(Anti) Social Development
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93713
04/19/03 06:02 AM
04/19/03 06:02 AM
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Happy Deedle Day,my dear sweet friend.Lot's of Love and wishes for a speedy recovery.I'm wearing butterflies in my hair today in your honor.

big warm hugs and sloppy kisses from both my Mother and I.


The Boomer community is the best!

Starbucks Mocha Banana Frappachino's with 2 shots of espresso are the best!
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93714
04/19/03 06:44 AM
04/19/03 06:44 AM
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Hi Dee, Hi laugh

It might look like we're up bright and early but, no, this is another message from Downunder.

Our Deedle's Day has been underway for 20 hours, what kept you all? laugh

But now that you're here, better tuck in before all the food goes. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Dee, and hugs from your dear friends at Quandary. We're thinking of you and you can always write to us at any time laugh


Rosemary and Gordon

Rosemary & Gordon
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93715
04/19/03 06:52 AM
04/19/03 06:52 AM
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Dee, Wishing you a wonderful day and a speedy recovery. Jack has expressed so well how we all feel. As for the menu, I'll bring some nice Alberta steaks for the grill.... wave

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93716
04/19/03 06:56 AM
04/19/03 06:56 AM
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Hi everyone wave . I've brought some ice wine to share.
Happy Deedle's Day! A toast to the lady of the moment:

"May you find the strength and comfort you need for the present and for the road ahead".

Enjoy your special day.
<img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93717
04/19/03 06:57 AM
04/19/03 06:57 AM
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Sweet Dee, enjoy your Day!


I look for the dancers I came to see,
but no one stands out, it's not like I thought it would be.
No kohl darkened eyes or flowing gypsy hair
nor gold coins adorning swirling skirts that flair.

Instead, I see several women seated at a table so quietly.
Conversing softly - they look so ordinary to me.
Bedecked not in jewels but in caftans, plain and dull.
All just kind of average, no special presence or hypnotic pull.

But as I turn to leave something catches my attention
just a sliver of sparkle - not really much to mention.
Then bare toes peeking beneath the hem of their covers,
reds, pinks, and purples like petals on flowers.

In the blink of an eye, a desert wind seems to stir across the room.
The music begins, zills raise, covers drop, and a rainbow of colors bloom,
as a flash flood of coins and bangles shimmer across the floor.
Now, this is more in keeping with Middle Eastern lore.

Before my very eyes, these ordinary women, why they could be you or me,
emerge like butterflies from drab cocoons, beautiful and sensual for all to see.
The magic takes hold as the rhythmic drums pulse through my heart,
and my head swirls dizzily with each beaded skirt.

All that was hidden is now revealed, not just flesh or the glitter of their wear,
but that secret self, the essence of being a woman, self-confident and self-aware.
I want -- no, I need -- to be one of them, to feel that inspiration,
to be secure in the knowledge that each of us is a unique and exotically beautiful creation.

Rose M. Salinas

PS. Jack, what a wonderful poem! <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93718
04/19/03 07:06 AM
04/19/03 07:06 AM
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Happy Deedles Day!

I think Inferno expressed lifes struggles very tastefully.

We all thinking of and luv u Dee - keep battling.

I am the perfect weight, just should be seven foot tall....
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93719
04/19/03 07:08 AM
04/19/03 07:08 AM
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Hi Dee:

Hope these messages at least bring a smile today for you. For this party to really get off to a good start this morning I brought a dozen packages of oreos and milk. And for those of you who need your caffeine in the morning, a coffee chaser. I know every Boomer wishes you a speedy recovery.

Debbie <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> laugh

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93720
04/19/03 07:25 AM
04/19/03 07:25 AM
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Dearest Darling Dee!

Thoughts are sent out in your benefit, this time from Sweden. Soon, if not already, we have a closed network around this entire planet of love, affection and best wishes for you. It is an unbreakable circle of love, the strongest possible from where you can take whatever you need to go on. I wish you strength, I wish you plenty of anger in order to make you carry on the fight, and finally, most importantly, I wish you an abundance of love, as abundant as you are giving to each of us. Keep fightning, Dee. And we will fight with you, right beside you, for as long as you need us to.

I love you Dee!

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93721
04/19/03 07:37 AM
04/19/03 07:37 AM
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Hi Dearest Dee,

Please take care and get well soon! We all miss you. Happy Deedles Day!!

Love, Norma

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93722
04/19/03 08:26 AM
04/19/03 08:26 AM
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Oh my goodness! Is it Deedles Day already? Happy Dee Day, Dee! I wish I could send you a card, but I am a puter dork and do not know how to "send" it to you up here in GB. You will just have to accept a huuuuuuuuuge hug and a huuuuuuuuuge get well kiss. ((()))))) ((((smack)))))

My mind wandered and hasn't come back yet.
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93723
04/19/03 08:28 AM
04/19/03 08:28 AM
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Jack's poem says it all so wonderfully!!!!

Banana phone!
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93724
04/19/03 08:30 AM
04/19/03 08:30 AM
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Sorry I'm late - I just got up!

Happy, Happy Deedles Day! wave


Even monkeys fall from trees sometimes.
Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93725
04/19/03 08:37 AM
04/19/03 08:37 AM
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Hi Dee,

Hope this brings a smile: Just for you

Enjoy your day!!

Re: Deedle's Day!!! #93726
04/19/03 08:39 AM
04/19/03 08:39 AM
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Hi Dee,

I hope "Deedles Day" finds you feeling a bit better today. If the LOVE we all feel for you could give you strength you would be Superwoman and the pain and discomfort you are going thru would be gone. Today is a celebration of the wonderful, kind, caring, generous person you are you have touched all of us Gameboomers in so many different ways which is why we have gathered here for "Deedles Day" to show you how much we love you and appreciate all the many things you have done for all of us.
Jack's thoughts are beautiful and a great way to start the party.
I will be bringing Philadelphia CheeseSteaks for everyone with fried onions and hot peppers on the side, also there will be Tastycakes (famous in the Philly area)with a box of peanut butter Tandytakes for all.

"Happy Deedles Day" to all especially you ~Dee

Thanks for being you........ <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />

(Picture a beautiful butterfly here ............
.......cuz I don't know how to put one here.

Karen <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />

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