no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
01/30/14 01:13 PM
01/30/14 01:13 PM
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Shy Boomer
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I am kind of fed up with zombies games. A little bit is ok like "Amnesia machine for pigs" or "dark descent", but too much is too much. Waiting impatiently for Jonathan Boarkes games. When will he release his "Last crown? Did all the "dark fall" and "Lost crown. I am a big fan of his stories. Since I am french be tolerant for my english lol. Love you site its the best.
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
01/30/14 03:33 PM
01/30/14 03:33 PM
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Hi cyanne,  to GameBoomers. Zombies seem to be more prevalent in the Action or Casual genre. I can't think of too many recent adventure games where they have been dominant. I would rather say that we are currently lacking in any decent horror/mystery games with realistic graphics, a solid plot and decent puzzles. But that's just my own bugbear.  Hopefully those that are currently in development will be released sooner rather than later.
"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
01/30/14 07:40 PM
01/30/14 07:40 PM
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 to Gameboomers, cyanne! Interesting, I never thought there were very many zombies in adventure games. There's The Walking Dead, but that seemed a very unique thing to me, though I know they are very prevalent in other genres. Personally, I'm not usually into zombies, but I loved The Walking Dead and am also really enjoying season 2 so far. I'm definitely with you on waiting for Jonathan Boakes games, though. I believe Blackenrock - a game that takes place in between The Lost Crown and The Last Crown - should be out fairly soon. Also Moebius, a game by Jane Jensen, should be coming out fairly soon, probably within the next couple of months, I would guess. It doesn't involve ghosts, but it deals with the supernatural - and no zombies.  I would definitely recommend those games when they come out. Unfortunately, as Rushes said, I can't think of any more recent games that fit your criteria. Though, have you tried 2012's The Testament of Sherlock Holmes? It doesn't deal with ghosts, but it is a mystery game and has a lot of great plot twists. I'm playing it myself right now and really enjoying it. 
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Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
01/31/14 06:15 PM
01/31/14 06:15 PM
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I actually found The Lost Crown very scary the first time I played it and had to stop for a while before I worked up my courage to get back to it.  I'm easily affected, I suppose.  Now, since I know everything that's coming and have played it many more times, I've mellowed on it considerably, so any sequels are probably going to throw me for a loop, seeing as how I've been lulled into a "false" calm.  Actually, when done right, I far prefer vampires over zombies. The TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer handled them very well, at least as far as characterizations were concerned. A writer can do a lot with vampires, as they have very long histories, which can lend itself to a lot of character complexity, as opposed to zombies, who just walk around, make zombie sounds and eat people. Not a lot going on there.  The Walking Dead games are an exception to the rule for me, and it's because of what's going on around the zombies that it works so well for me. I haven't really seen a game get vampires right yet, though. Even one of my favorite games, Gabriel Knight 3 didn't work as well as it did because of the vampires, which were not very well developed at all, but because of its great in depth plot as well as its focus on Gabriel and Grace's relationship. Also, there was the fantastic Le Serpent Rouge puzzle.  I am in agreement with you on how interesting ghosts can be though, BubbaJake, and I think The Lost Crown did a fantastic job with its ghosts. Each one has an interesting story behind it; they aren't there just to scare Nigel, who's really pretty stoic anyway. I couldn't believe all the things he remained unaffected by. 
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Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: Salar of Myst]
01/31/14 09:10 PM
01/31/14 09:10 PM
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I think this Zombie thing has gotten started with all the programs on TV...Like Walking Dead Etc, Etc..... I personally dislike any game play with killing Zombies.....Like WTH ...How many Zombies can you kill.....Its so boring... My Opinion.... 
Luv Dar
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Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: Darleen03]
02/01/14 10:06 AM
02/01/14 10:06 AM
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I must have missed out somewhere because I don't recall ever having played an Adventure game that featured zombies 
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Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/01/14 11:37 AM
02/01/14 11:37 AM
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Mad, the only adventure game series I can think of right now is The Walking Dead, as venus mentioned above. They seem to pop up everywhere in shooters, though!
"Bleat, Watson -- unmitigated bleat!" ~ Sherlock Holmes
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: Rushes]
02/01/14 11:49 AM
02/01/14 11:49 AM
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Hi Rushes  Not ever having been much of a fan of zombies, I've never even looked at The Walking Dead - and I never play Shooters So I guess I've escaped 'em all Cheers. Mad 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: Mad]
02/01/14 12:35 PM
02/01/14 12:35 PM
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I must have missed out somewhere because I don't recall ever having played an Adventure game that featured zombies Well there is ***Zombieville***. Zombieville was one of the entries in the "Dungeon of Shame" over at JA. And I'm not sure if ***Silverload*** had zombies because I've never played it, but apparently it had vampires, werewolves, and ghouls so it might have had zombies in there somewhere. Silverload was also an entry in the "Duntion of Shame." Other entries in the "Dungeon of Shame" include The Scroll, The Orion Conspiracy, and Spud, but they don't seem to have zombies (though The Scroll may have mummies, which is sort of close). ***Nocturne*** had zombies, though it's more of an action/adventure that some people claimed adventure gamers would like, like ***Blair Witch***, which also had zombies. Since these were action/adventures, they were excluded from the Dungeon of Shame. The situation of ***real-life zombies***, where they've been poisoned so part of their brain is destroyed, is very sad.
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: Jenny100]
02/01/14 01:50 PM
02/01/14 01:50 PM
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I have attempted some of the games you list, Jenny100, but gave up on them for various reasons : Silverload .. A "game stopping bug" put paid to that one. Nocturne .. Yes. I remember zombies in that. But the game controls were absolutely awful and drove me mad. I had to eventually give up on it. However, I would never have classed it as Adventure. Definitely Action/Adventure as far as I'm concerned. Blair Witch .. More dismal controls and so boring and none scary. I tried all three in the series and thought they were all as bad as each other. [I also saw the film and thought that was pathetic too !!] The Scroll .. This one I did actually complete but it was next to the worst game I've ever played. [The worst being The Sacred Mirror of Kofun  ]
Last edited by Mad; 02/01/14 01:53 PM.
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/01/14 02:17 PM
02/01/14 02:17 PM
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Shy Boomer
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Thanks all for the welcome! Ok guys! What I meant by Disliking with Zombie I also included Walking death witch I find kind of boring.I have seen the movie the Walking dead (movie)and did not really enjoy it even if it is considered artistic.
Here are the games I like. Love all the Sherlock Holmes (except hidden objects one). Have played them all and looking forward to the new one Crime and Punishment, but it will come out only in summer sniff. I just loved the 3 Black mirror, Scratches, . I played barrow hill, Dracula, Dark descent Amnesia machine for pigs where there where some monster and they where more scary because being scarces. The tempo is the art of terror. Also loved Syberia serie (One of my first game). I am waiting also for Asylum but I am afraid they added a little too much or many monsters in it. Anyway we will see. I am Baag freak for those mystery game.
I made intensive reshearch on the net to find what is coming in 2014. There is not much fps and point and click mystery or ghost game coming in the first or even 2nd quarterly.
One movie I would like to see in a game is "The haunting" (the old 1965 one not the new one) I can imagine the sound and the suggested malefic presence.
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/01/14 04:31 PM
02/01/14 04:31 PM
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Cyanne, do you mean The Walking Dead TV show? If so, I actually far prefer the game(s) and find the writing much better. (Though, admittedly, the game did get me to start watching the show.  ) At first, I dismissed the game as well because I didn't think I would have any interest in it, but later saw one of my favorite Let's Players playing it on YouTube and knew I had to get it for myself. In this case, I was glad to have been proven wrong, and it's one of my favorite games now. Of course, it may still not work for you, and that's fine too. Just putting it out there as someone who generally has the same take on zombies that you do.  Since you like Sherlock Holmes, have you tried the game Cognition? It's a crime/mystery game about an FBI agent, Erica Reed who has the power to see the past. I thought it was really well done, and it was probably my favorite game of 2013. Phoneix Online are the developers, and Jane Jensen was their story consultant. Raleigh Holmes, Jane Jensen's stepdaughter did a fantastic job as the voice of Erica Reed. Also, a little on the lighter side, do you have any interest in Broken Sword? The first part of the fifth game in the series is out, and the second part should be out sometime in March, I think. It deals with murder mystery as well as historical mystery.
Last edited by venus; 02/03/14 11:41 PM. Reason: belated typo realization :D
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Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/02/14 08:37 AM
02/02/14 08:37 AM
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Settled Boomer
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Zombies are popular everywhere right now. The survival horror game "The last of Us" which got the "PS3 Game of the Year" award was a Zombie game.
"The Walking Dead" which got every award you could wish for was a Zombie adventure game.
If you like Ghost stories I recommend "Haunted", and the "Black Mirror" series.
I love playing adventure games like Gemini Rue on my ipad mini and Gray Matter on my PC Netbook.
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/02/14 11:02 AM
02/02/14 11:02 AM
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Settled Boomer
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Well I for one am with cyanne! I encounter enough zombies and walking dead in day to day life to want to play a game about them!
Last edited by LeBelleRachael; 02/02/14 11:03 AM.
"Nobody murdered me. Or put me in a potato. Or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life."
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/02/14 03:44 PM
02/02/14 03:44 PM
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Settled Boomer
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I got "Scratches" for 99 cents at a clearance sale was so happy that it turned out to be an excellent game.
I would also recommend "Barrow Hill" for an excellent horror adventure game that has No Zombies in it!
I love playing adventure games like Gemini Rue on my ipad mini and Gray Matter on my PC Netbook.
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/03/14 07:24 PM
02/03/14 07:24 PM
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Settled Boomer
Settled Boomer
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Of course Dark Fall 1 and 2 should also be played - those are great ghost stories.
I got Barrow Hill, Dark Fall 1 and Dark Fall 2 in a collector's edition with a spooky audio CD for a vey low price - this made my day when I got it!
I love playing adventure games like Gemini Rue on my ipad mini and Gray Matter on my PC Netbook.
Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: cyanne]
02/03/14 11:51 PM
02/03/14 11:51 PM
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If you like Ghost stories I recommend "Haunted", and the "Black Mirror" series. Good recommendations, ipad_Lover. Haunted is a lighter, comedy game. The Black Mirror series is darker, and in my opinion, even better.  Well I for one am with cyanne! I encounter enough zombies and walking dead in day to day life to want to play a game about them!  As I said, I had the same opinion but quickly changed it once I actually played the game. Also, one ghost related game I can't believe I forgot to mention is Gray Matter. It is similar in tone to the Black Mirror games and like Moebius is written by Jane Jensen. Personally, I find her one of the best game writers out there. 
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Re: no more zombies please - ghost stories welcome
[Re: BubbaJake]
02/04/14 01:21 PM
02/04/14 01:21 PM
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Is 'Gray Matter' actually 'scary'? You compared it to 'Black Mirror' which I played twice and found it well made, but NOT find it scary in the least. Less scary but more atmospheric, perhaps? There was a certain quality of "stillness" about Gray Matter that I thought quite effective.
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