Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 01:33 AM
04/20/03 01:33 AM
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Hi Conga Time !!!! [As though I'd forget !!!!] <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="confused.gif" /> [Actually, I have a feeling my earlier "lapse" and subsequent unclear memory has led to some unscrupulous people (mainly called Cheryl ) taking advantage of my good nature One last HAPPY DEE DAY to you DEE and then I'm gone 
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 01:41 AM
04/20/03 01:41 AM
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Happy Deedle Day!! Sending lots of love and positive energy to you, dear one. Hugs, Judy 
Happy Trails! HorseDancer
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 01:42 AM
04/20/03 01:42 AM
My goodness Mad, you are mad! You have played all through the night! Do you usually not go to bed until after the sun rises in your part of the world? Wasn't it a lovely day.  jjk  Hi Judy, did you ride the trails all day or shovel..... Hugs, Joyce
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 02:24 AM
04/20/03 02:24 AM
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~Dee.... Hope you enjoyed the Easter Card I sent. I pray for you always and feel your pain and dispair. We could have our own Mutual Unadmiration for Ourselves club" LOL Just Kidding. PRAYING FOR YOU ALWAYS and thinking ONLY GOOD thoughts........Hank and Blanchedog (send her doggie kisses) PS....sorry I was so late in getting in here and so many of you great friends told me of this .."thank you" , but I was "under the weather" 
Overheard Titanic "What's the worst that can happen?" Rockafeller.Done Still Life, Myst 4/5 PLAYING NIBIRU, Next "And Then There Were None", RHEM 2.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 03:26 AM
04/20/03 03:26 AM
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Oh, my goodness, am I late? I'm usually not late for anything.......May I join the party anyway? It looks like the band is still playing and I brought my dancing shoes! Dee, I remembered this poem from the book "Friends Through Thick and Thin" and thought of you. I know you will be coming out into the sun and flying from flower to flower soon:
Metamorphosis by Gloria Gaither
The spring is metamorphosing into summer And I can feel the dry and leathery skin That encased me through the winter Getting much too tight and troublesome For comfort. I want out! Out into the fragrant breeze That soon will dry the natal moisture From my wings. Out into the sun From which I'll draw The energy to fly.
And fly I will! And as I soar, I'll saturate my mind With sounds of love and peace, Everything that moves or breathes. I'll smell the fragrance of the earth And kiss the wind And taste the brand of honey Every blossom has to offer; Yet I'll be sure to hear The silence that the warm and welcome Evening brings, And in it I will race with shadows Just to see which one of us Can tiptoe in more softly 'Cross the grass. (I'll walk so gently, Even you won't Hear me pass.)
And knowing as I do The days can't last, That winter will return too soon, I'll do and hear and think And taste it all! I'll store up multicolor memories To take me through The long, gray days Of winter.
Dee, your Winter days are going to be over very soon, and you will be flying before you know it! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Beth
What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 05:00 AM
04/20/03 05:00 AM
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Well certainly looks quieter round here now... Picked up my superbroom and dustpan.. off to clear up  Ohh martinis and daiquiris still here.. wonder if they go well with bacon and eggs?? I'll find out when I have tidied up Tig 
A bounce a day keeps the doctor away!! Playing Sims2, Sherlock, Phantom of Venice Reading Storm Breaking
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 09:41 AM
04/20/03 09:41 AM
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Wow! I am just overwhelmed by the poems, songs and warm thoughts. I can't believe so many of you took the time to come to the party. I slipped out a little early but you guys were all having such a good time you didn't even notice. <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" /> I came back this morning and was so happy to see that breakfast is being served. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your families. Thank you so much for the cards and warm thoughts. You have no idea what they meant to me. You have given me a new lease on life. I hope you are all around in 4 years and 10 months and will come to my I am a breast cancer survivor Party!Love to you all!!! <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" /> ~Dee 
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 10:00 AM
04/20/03 10:00 AM
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You have absolutely got yourself a date, Dee!!  And we did notice you'd slipped out last night, but we all wanted you to get your rest. We figured you'd sleep better with the sound of your friends' merriment in the background. Inferno, Mugsy and Mad (we won't even discuss Cheryl) got a little rowdy there for a bit, but nothing too raucous.  Glad we didn't wake you up. So yes, it's the day after, but like any company that overstays their welcome, I think everybody is still here!!  That's a LOT of bacon!! And from one occasion to the next, happy Easter everyone... who stole my chocolate eggs? Jack
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 10:22 AM
04/20/03 10:22 AM
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Dee; Sorry I wasn't on yesterday to add to your special day. I wanted to give out a big shout and "howdy" to you though so, please accept this better late than never greeting. I can't recall all the times your helpfullness and cheeriness (is that a word?) has assisted me in pursuit of the pleasure of acquiring or finishing a game. You add more to this community than any of us could ever repay. All we can do is express in humble terms how much you mean to each and every "Boomie" that lives or visits here. I sincerely hope your day was special and I Pray that you have many, many more special days here with us at GB. If there's ever anyway I can be of service to you just holler. With gratitude, Sky!!!
I think I see the clue, but is it one, or is it two? I'll just move this one here, dang the answer isn't clear! Oh geeez now what do I do?
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 10:23 AM
04/20/03 10:23 AM
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Grande Olde Dame
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Wow, what a PARTY!!!! Tig, I think it'll take more than a broom and dustpan to clean this up--like maybe a backhoe! Careful, everyone, when you're cleaning up, don't disturb that somewhat bedraggled lampshade out by the pool...
"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 01:40 PM
04/20/03 01:40 PM
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Hi Dee I am a breast cancer survivor Party [i] ???????? You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be there - Try an' keep me away hah - You'll Just need to lead me to it, Babe  [/i] [And I'll fetch a spare lampshade....Just in case Love, love, love. Mad <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />
Time : The Most Precious Commodity
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 01:40 PM
04/20/03 01:40 PM
Joined: Mar 2000
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I checked in this morning, to see how the all-night party went.  Read most of the posts. It brought tears to my eyes to read all the affection folks in this community have for one another. We have our own "village" here, made up of so many different kinds of wonderfulness. I've seen it before, in bits and pieces over the years, but a concentrated dose of it surely is enough to inspire anyone to do anything. If I were those nasty little buggers who are hurting our Dee right now, I would be on the run! It is my hope and prayer that all will be well with you, Dee. Hope everyone's hangover isn't too bad this morning. WE LOVE YOU, DEEDLE DEAR!
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 01:54 PM
04/20/03 01:54 PM
Joined: Nov 2000
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The Middle of the Sonoran Dese...
Good Morning Boomers! Best party I have been too in a long time. Hope everyone else had a great time too. But oh my aching head!  Did anyone else notice that very tall Easter Bunny wearing the lampshade this morning? I offer my apologies to all of you and especially you Dee for my somewhat 'rowdy' behavior that was pointed out by a couple of dear friends. If I promise to behave can I still come to the next party? I'll even do all the breakfast dishes..........just as soon as I find the Alka Seltzer. <img border="0" alt="  " title="" src="graemlins/woozy.gif" /> Hugs, Cheryl
Life is not measured by the breaths you take, it is measured by the moments that take your breath away.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 04:51 PM
04/20/03 04:51 PM
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
Hi Deedle love Just got in about an hour ago - sorry I missed the party - sounds like it was a wingdinger I can't add a thing to what's already been said - the best I can do is add my love along with everyone elses. And no, I didn't win squat in Reno 
Dark Side : Risen Light Side: I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 04:55 PM
04/20/03 04:55 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 26 Port Orchard, WA
Shy Boomer
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Hi Dee: I searched and searched the Net for something appropriate for you, and came up with the following:
My Very Best Wishes!!
I had a grunch but that eggplant over there.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 05:00 PM
04/20/03 05:00 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 26 Port Orchard, WA
Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
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Dee: For some reason the URL in my previous post is not working correctly> PLEASE PLEASE forgive me. I will continue to work on it for you!!!
I had a grunch but that eggplant over there.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 05:06 PM
04/20/03 05:06 PM
Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 26 Port Orchard, WA
Shy Boomer
Shy Boomer
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Port Orchard, WA
Dee: Please try the following:
If this doesn't work I will eat a bug...maybe TWO!!!
I had a grunch but that eggplant over there.
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 06:01 PM
04/20/03 06:01 PM
Joined: Jun 1999
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Battle Creek, Michigan
Just don't eat a butterfly Jack..... <img border="0" alt="[winky]" title="" src="graemlins/winky.gif" /> ~Dee  SYD!!!!! Welcome back! <img border="0" alt="[kiss]" title="" src="graemlins/kiss.gif" />
Re: Deedle's Day!!!
04/20/03 06:28 PM
04/20/03 06:28 PM
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Dear Dee. Indeed, I'm late, I know. I was with my grandchildren. They are so cute and lovely. They gave me al lot of hugs and kisses and I took it all home to keep it for you. Here you are, lots of hugs and kisses from the nicest grandchildren in the world, and I know it's the best vitamin you can get. So enjoy it and recover quickly. I love you josefien