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'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94025
12/18/04 02:51 PM
12/18/04 02:51 PM
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
syd Offline OP
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syd  Offline OP
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Body in California/Heart in Ha...
‘Twas the night before Christmas and what do you know,
At the boomers white house it’s beginning to snow.
Hanksdog hung our game lists by the chimney with care,
He heard that the postman soon would be there.

We boomers encircled our big Christmas tree,
With cups of Tea Master Derman’s most proper brit tea.
Esube, Sherlock and Redz sang Christmas songs in their glory,
And we all settled down for this year’s boomer stories.

Before we got started a knock on the door,
Got Puzzlewoman and housewife back up off the floor.
Scarlett asked if we’d take special care of her mum,
Tyke’s shy and is looking for folks that are fun.

Another knock at the door, Marian yelled out “who is it?”
“Tis kwbridge, Singer and fov, can we come for a visit?”
Skippidy, Valerie R and connie asked “may we come in too”?
Friedmonky told them “you bet, if you don’t mind a zoo”.

Then out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Trail Mystic flew from his home planet to see what was the matter.
Carmen looked out the door, saw what’s making the din,
TLC said “looks like new boomers about to move in”.

Betty Lou welcomed them in, Melia looked ‘round and said “gee”.
Doris asked where they came from, Vertex said “TAC.”
danyboy, bkrytr, Milee10 and mjartisian, no more need you roam,
Blsbet, Maggie, Mbari and Katsmom, glad you found a new home.

Tigger stood up and said “good grief we’ve been busy”,
Granny and Bristol told jokes, funlcake laughed herself silly.
Linds’ daughter played basketball, Rayy’s is making her crazy,
Mac_attack started working, no more time to be lazy.

Oh Solver, metzomagic, rice burner and Mugsy,
Come drizzt, trudysgarden, Billybob, texaslady.
I was farenapped at the airport, Inferno did shout,
Homer6 and bj want her with them next time they go out.

"Which goddess are you?" bluebonnet piped up
Looney4labs took the test, turns out she’s a mutt.
Rae said she’s everyone, must have multiple personalities
Snowmoon and msvz said they both were Persephone.

LadyKestrel and colpet said they were Athena,
Salar of Mystwas Hestia and Josie was Hera.
Blondie_bc and AngieB turned out to both be Artemis,
Audrey was Aphrodite, walt’s feminine side was Hermes.

I’ve just become settled karvic said to the crowd
Teddo yells out “congrats”, said you ought to be proud.
Re didn’t mind being “shy” but said “lost” is too sad,
Wait ‘till you’re addicted said oldman’s hat wearing Mad.

Jen in Chgo then told us a harrowing tale,
Of games, and a mom, shelf and concrete stairwell.
Glynn wondered if Outcast, cast out other games,
BrownEyedTigre said Forever World of course was to blame.

Ingie asked if it was homicide or simply game slaughter,
Mary felt bad for mom knitting CD cozies for daughter.
Lucca offered condolences hopes the perpetrator will fry,
Threads the prosecuting attorney, said she’d certainly try.

Looney thinks that an exorcism of FW is needed,
Lex said a book handling terrorists should always be heeded.
A call went out for a jury, burpee said I’ll do that,
Flutist volunteered Amber, even though she hates cats.

Nolalou announced that in March he’s Hawaii bound,
Hawkavonpuka and Susie vowed to show him around.
Rainbowlady got married, Alaska moved to guess where,
Jill’s back from Australia where she hadn’t a care.

Desertlilac’s a teacher, Gran and Ang are both moms,
AHuber’s an engineer bent on world domination.
Emeraldawn, Andy and Bevlee are retired as if,
Ssgamer does archery, PapaTerry a Sheriff.

Johnboy asked who has all of the five worst adventure games,
Hammer has Zombieville and might not be the same.
Manxman, mignone have only The Scroll,
"Can you loose BAAG points for this?" they wanted to know.

Ladyve she has three, lagavulin owns none of these
Gamehound’s too choosy, Glenna – Orion Conspiracy.
Jenny100 and flotsam were in the first Scroll-A-Thon
No one else seemed to want to join in with the fun.

“How many games at one time have you bought?” Bonnie asked
“Twenty eight”, replied catsmom2, as the rest of us gasped.
When kazzmo sees games, the eyes start to spin,
Becky said “I’m the same, do you think we are twins”?

Daysleeper said seven is all I can say,
Fishook has a system, KarenNJ ‘s on ebay each day.
Bigmamma1 topped off at seventeen games,
Nickie nixed the Lear jet and is driving these days.

Gremlin, Leeana, Susie07 all played Nancy Drew,
Gsd played an old one – Dark Side of the Moon.
Moment of Silence for lkgregorio and same,
Mordock and Vrmpls2 hope that Sentinel came.

Sassafras and Nanjoan have finished Atlantis Revolution,
Aspen - Remedy, LenG wrote the solution.
Bryansmom’s finished Return to Mysterious Island,
But wysewoman's sad because she just can’t find it.

Chiefette’s playing Zork games, fongo’s finished Xiama,
Pantheon’s in Baulder’s Gate while waiting for Oblivion.
Gimme played Lighthouse, dmtomchick Law & Order 3
DaveH’s trying to load Spell Force on good old XP.

Tami played Gothic, Dark Fall 2 creeped Annie out.
With all Uru’s jumping ces and Lspace wanted to shout.
To the busy game makers – Michael and Chris,
Lifestream and The Arrangement just did the trick.

Llewton’s Name the Game thread gave rise to three kins,
Bernard was laughing, Liz guessed Curse of Monkey Island.
Carolin Romancing the Stone, genf Myst Revelation,
Fitter- Case of the Crabs, ray guessed Runaway.

What’s the most anticipated game that you can’t wait to get?
Ladybug, Duck&Cover & Vizgoth hope Scratches gets here quick.
Sassy and Rain2 can’t wait for Myst IV,
UpTooLate, Demosthenes can’t wait for The Longest Journey 2 anymore.

SuMac and advgamer sure like Dark Fall 1,
JoanieS is a Thief fan, SpaceQuestFan Syberia.
Strangest game for ron.etti was one that’s called Nine,
Mrkwang thought ICO, MoePerry Eastern Mind.

Carlazacchia's stuck in Gooka in some kind of trap,
Clare hates taking notes, LorLor likes to draw maps.
Pib thinks Forever World is pretty darn ugly,
Ingrid wondered if she was being serious or funny.

A charity auction MWW did begin,
Nipomo bid on Atlantis and sure hopes to win.
Goldnorchid bid on five games, Skylark bid on some too,
Magicscroll on Tex Murphy and also Code Blue.

Cilla bid on all games not yet spoken for,
Lexxy put in a bid for a game called Bad Mojo.
Cathy1 – Road to India, Angelgirl – Discworld 2
TuesdayNext Blade Runner and Tex – that’s pretty darn cool.

Schwab and Zanthia then asked – “what’s the Darkside been doing”?
Soozie said it’s Half-Life that I’ll be pursuing.
Anachronox was finished by JMK & Susie-Q,
Feardust and Hagatha in Divine Divinity have a question or two.

Ramothus’s playing Baldur’s Gate, Taylor’s mom - Morrowind is slick,
PeggyH, VHLMagic and Barb are playing M&M6.
Rowan’s having a problem, her fairies won’t fight,
Sig Segorn and Peter Smith are both playing Neverwinter Nights.

Pandora and Stitchman worked out in their garden,
Curly helped with his fractures, kept in line by Koala.
The Wally test was posted, fildil played along,
Bergman won’t be in church, Twizgy put the cows in the barn.

Some squiggles were posted, so what’s your best guess?
Rcksea opted out of this one – he just ate breakfast.
JimboBell’s vague on his name, Beasong can’t find a mirror tonight,
CanukDenis says his fairy god mother was certainly right.

Shortcake’s pooper scooper’s just not big enough,
DBK said it’s the gin, rick likes his BMW tires up.
DocPaul thought of chickens, JohnnyK wanted a key.
Androthi said Debbie Duck went from and A to a D.

We all went to Europe, Arewn went to Milan,
Analogman the River Elbe, Urban Worrier to Amsterdam.
Arrantzale went onto Lisbon, Malestrom to Italy,
Jema flew to Spain, then met Hawkeye in Turkey.

Gelert flew into Bhutan and then into China,
Acornia looked for a pin to give DoreenS up in Canada.
Keymaster flew Delta, dale3mike won a squiggle,
Piemji saw a European Swallow which caused him to giggle.

Alkmouse, bigkataddy, DanF and Bea,
Lasandine, kaki’s sister, josefien and Christina.
KayC, Snowshoe, smitty and bepeg,
Ccross, challis3, Bruce Felder and Beerhead.

Asazen, lorryrose, Pokey, waves and Vicky,
Smiley456, kjos, lise Polo and Tristy.
Myalleycat, randwill, lonewolf, DaveL, PeggyG,
Gamenut, larlar, Gordon, LindaH, TeresaD.

MikeN, jasper, Angela, sccurie, midnightrain,
Midge, Joanie39, Bert, philby, o1alien.
Rosemary, Gordon, martin1 and dadguy,
Margaret, koshika, dallymisty, MyGreenEyes.

Pbspears, Ramona, namma and Tallyho,
Frazap, lally, vik, grandpa68 and gameho.
Conmol, Nannykins, dogpenny, Maritje, Teresa,
Dagokid, Darlene, dithlihi, bikerchic, sequoia.

Howardthedoc, magician, crispeto, horsedancer,
Sami5901, MaryC64, and HappyGamer.
Floridagal, rcrew1, Mr. Bill and Tamia
I hope that you all have a great Christmas season.

You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends,
And I’ve found a few here that I’ll love ‘till the end.
Bob, Marita and Jenny, Jan, Laura and Dee,
I’m glad that we’re friends, you mean so much to me.

I got quite nostalgic looking back through the years,
Remembering all the great people who’ve visited here.
So a toast to all boomers both present and past,
Here’s to love, to this board and to friendships that last.

Well, another year’s come and another year’s gone,
And another long Christmas poem‘s finally done.
I’ve got one more rhyme then I'll turn out the lights,
Merry Christmas GameBoomers, Peace on Earth, and good night.

Dark Side : Risen
Light Side:

I can only please one person a day. Today isn't your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94026
12/18/04 03:11 PM
12/18/04 03:11 PM
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BrownEyedTigre Offline
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In the Naughty Corner
happydance WooHoo....Excellent Syd! happydance

Don't feed the Trolls
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94027
12/18/04 03:19 PM
12/18/04 03:19 PM
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MaG Offline
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bravo bravo bravo Syd!

You make me cry. I love you, sweetheart!


Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94028
12/18/04 03:32 PM
12/18/04 03:32 PM
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FANTASTIC happydance <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />

Angels are friends who lift you off your feet when your wings have forgotten how to fly.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94029
12/18/04 03:36 PM
12/18/04 03:36 PM
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Leeana Offline
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Thank You syd for thinking of me I got all choked up when I saw my name (started to tear) I have never had anyone include me in anything (unless it tells me to write a poem or etc.) Thank-you smile Thank you smile Thank you smile

'Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up.'
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94030
12/18/04 04:11 PM
12/18/04 04:11 PM
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winter springs fl.
connie Offline
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Thanks Syd that was Terrific and a lot of work on your part.Gameboomers are the best people.You are all very special to me.Merry Christmas to all. bravo thanks <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" />

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94031
12/18/04 04:27 PM
12/18/04 04:27 PM
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Ang Offline
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Bravo Syd!! WOW..That was fabulous. How special for all of us. Bless you and Merry Christmas to you. bravo

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94032
12/18/04 04:57 PM
12/18/04 04:57 PM
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Jenny Offline
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I swear I don't know how you do it every year, Syd!!! Thanks for another wonderful trip down memory lane, luv... bravo

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is easy." Anonymous
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94033
12/18/04 05:02 PM
12/18/04 05:02 PM
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tigger Offline
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Syd you are a star!! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your Christmas poem. Now it really feels like Christmas is just around the corner!!!

:kiss: <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[santa]" title="" src="graemlins/santa.gif" />


A bounce a day keeps the doctor away!!
Playing Sims2, Sherlock, Phantom of Venice
Reading Storm Breaking
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94034
12/18/04 05:20 PM
12/18/04 05:20 PM
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Mammamu Offline
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YOU are Fantastic, Fabulous and ....just
GREAT,Syd laugh happydance

Summer is winter.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94035
12/18/04 05:39 PM
12/18/04 05:39 PM
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
JohnBoy Offline
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Kentwood, Left my heart in New...
Syd, That is spectacular! happydance

I Baag, Therefore I Am. Update: I Don't Baag Anymore, Therefore I Ain't! Update: I'm baaging again but just a little.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94036
12/18/04 05:54 PM
12/18/04 05:54 PM


That was the best poem yet smile Thanks Syd :kiss:

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94037
12/18/04 05:57 PM
12/18/04 05:57 PM
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Mac_attack started working, no more time to be lazy.
Hey! I'm lazy and proud of it! laugh laugh lol

Also, I believe Syd has finally earned her free trip to Hawaii now. laugh laugh MaG and BrownEyedTigre will be paying. <img border="0" alt="[biggrinch]" title="" src="graemlins/grinch1.gif" />

Lvl 55 Hunter in WOW
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94038
12/18/04 06:23 PM
12/18/04 06:23 PM
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texaslady Offline
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Well done Syd. I can't believe that you can do this year after year.


Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream.
Kahlil Gibran
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94039
12/18/04 06:29 PM
12/18/04 06:29 PM
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DoreenS Offline
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bravo bravo bravo

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94040
12/18/04 06:42 PM
12/18/04 06:42 PM
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Mugsy Offline
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Thank you Syd, another wonderful job done this year!! I don't know how you do it!! happydance

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94041
12/18/04 07:21 PM
12/18/04 07:21 PM
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dale3mike Offline
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I feel like Steve Martin in "The Jerk":

The Christmas poem's here! The Christmas poem's here. I'm somebody, now! happydance

Love it, syd


Playing: SecondLife and Mystonline
Reading: The Mote in God's Eye
Listening to: Something (Peter Greenstone)
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94042
12/18/04 07:34 PM
12/18/04 07:34 PM
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Natick,Ma. USA
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Natick,Ma. USA
That is absolutely fantastic.
I can not get over how well you did this poem.
It is such an awesome thing to do. You are very talented and gifted.
And all the verses, so many of them.
I write poems, but this is just indiscribable.
I appreciate it and may you be blessed this holiday season.


Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94043
12/18/04 08:11 PM
12/18/04 08:11 PM
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Tyke Offline
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What a brilliant poem, Syd happydance happydance happydance

If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94044
12/18/04 08:53 PM
12/18/04 08:53 PM
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Another awe-inspiring work of art Syd, we all feel honored

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94045
12/18/04 09:06 PM
12/18/04 09:06 PM
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Maelstrom Offline
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Wonderful poem. This is why Gameboomers is the best site on the web. bravo

desolation yes, hesitation no
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94046
12/18/04 09:36 PM
12/18/04 09:36 PM
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I feel honored to be included in this wonderful annual ode to the best net group of them all.

"I could help you if I had my salmon"
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94047
12/18/04 09:39 PM
12/18/04 09:39 PM
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Oh Syd, it is just wonderful and bless you. I am all leeky eyed also, but in a very good way. Thank you so much for including us in such a special way. happydance It just feels more like Christmas now and Thank you. <img border="0" alt="[holidays]" title="" src="graemlins/holidays.gif" /> to all. Regi

Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94048
12/18/04 09:41 PM
12/18/04 09:41 PM
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Rae Offline
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Once again, Syd you outdid yourself!

Merry merry Christmas to you and yours! Thank you!


Lemme ', is too much. Lemme sum up.
Re: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - 2004 #94049
12/18/04 10:21 PM
12/18/04 10:21 PM
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funlcake Offline
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You must have put so many hours and much thought into the poem. Thanks for your beautiful effort and Happy Holidays to you. thanks


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