Guided Tour #3 of GameBoomers.
After finding a bus driver, organized a lunch at the Diner and of course put the Champagne on ice, away we go for this third tour of the GameBoomers Community.
Let’s start with the “About us” page. What strikes me the most is the idea behind the creation of this great site: an adventure gaming website aimed primarily at the baby boomer generation, making on the spot a rewarding hobby to be spread to adventure gamers of 13-90+ years old.
And to keep this site updated in order to reflect the very latest news concerning all facets of the gaming industry and to give it the distinct GameBoomers flavor, please meet the GameBoomers Group and give them a tip of the hat for their dedication and constant presence.
By the way, where do they work? Well, the “Forum Home” page will give you a good idea as to one of the places where you will see the staff. This page is the link to all forums and possibly the most used page of the site.
The description of each forum gives you a fairly good amount of information of what to expect at a specific place.
And why not, if you have time, go down the page and read “Our Archives”. To learn the history of the site is fascinating.
To get to Home page, just click on Forum Home, found on top of this page and all forums.
Are you looking for a Walkthrough, a Review or an Interview, you have come to the right place.
If you are searching for a little help in a game - no problem. Visit the Walkthrough (WT) section and see that there are 500 and plus WTs in there for your game help. How do you come about to write a WT: with a lot of patience because you may have to play the game in question a million times to be sure you do not forget an action or an inventory object.
You have played many games and now you need a new one. Again, no problem. As they say: read all about it. The best way to know about the content of a game is to read a good review. You will find in this section about 300 of them for past and present games. Take time to read some: you will discover that they are well written, well documented and very nicely presented. A writer of a review must also play the game a few times in order to render the magic of a specific game.
The Interview section of GameBoomers is also a nice place to sit down on a bench under the shade of a tree and read what Creators, Producers, Developers or Designers have to say about their creation. I have no specific interview for you to look at, they all have their qualities.
And let’s finish this tour with a more technical section: the”Search” section. You are playing a game and would like to know if it was talk about: visit “Search”.
Please find it on top of the page on the right of the big gold GameBoomers.
Wow, this was a huge visit. Thank you for your patience.
See you all again and for the last time on August the 9th.